I was at the game as well, sitting about 5 rows in front of the press box.
The B2 was unbelievable, the halftime was really, really cool.
The field wasn't in great condition (a few soccer games recently evidently) and you could see willis slipping a lot.
I didn't see the moorman "incident", but after the one punt he was flipping out on the ref like I've never seen a punter do. When he got back to the bench the section near him was razzing him pretty good.
I was wearing my bills shirt and didn't hear a peep from a single person the entire game. Not walking by, not buying beers or anything. Very strange.
After our 1st touchdown the atmosphere was incredibly strange (as would be expected). As he fumbles, I'm screaming "go go go" and everyone for 4 sections could probably hear me. It wasn't just quiet either, it was like they couldn't believe what had just happened - a lot of people hadn't even had a seat yet...