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Everything posted by gmac17

  2. unbelievable every time i watch. sports guy made a comment the other day that one of the laterals was clearly forward, but i didn't see it.
  3. Since we're on the topic, how much do people make in Buffalo / Rochester? We consider coming back (from NYC) and know we'll take a big hit salary wise, but I'm not sure how much. Here are a few jobs, would love to hear what ballpark the salaries are in: - Marketing - VP / Senior Manager Level - Banking / Finance - Executive Level - (i know there's not a lot around) - Laywer (what does a 4th or 5th year attorney make at a decent firm?) - Teacher - After 5 years in public schools, how much does someone make? - Engineer
  4. Why, because they have 100 or 200 tickets left that may have been returned to them by the vikings? Should they not call it a sell out if they have a single ticket remaining? What is the cut off?
  5. Cincy - give me some dirt...
  6. care to elaborate? I'm skeptical that Kraft has a loan that he didn't pay back...
  7. obviously he's going to win huge, but he scares me too. He seems really, really righteous. And once it came out that he was getting free plane rides from someone who needed his vote he lost all moral high ground.
  8. I'm pretty sure your # is way low. I think the # was $1,000,000 over 25 years. Update: $1.5 Million for 25 Years...
  9. they beat houston in them in the opener last year.
  10. Javelin
  11. And look how long it took them? Rutgers has been a joke for 20 years - UB has only been 1A for 7 years. It takes a lot of time. That said, I have to think this will really help the recruiting for UB - having your team highlights on ESPN and playing in front of 80,000 + can only help, especially when you play tough. Not to mention the $600,000 they got which they can now use to bribe players
  12. ugh, that detour is horrible - i hit it in august and it added about 30 minutes + to the trip as you have to go around attica.
  13. LOL. It's like someone said "if a 5th grader built a youtube video in 1995, what would it look like?" i love the images of bills merchandise for 5 seconds, as well as the word "encyclopedia" spelled wrong in the credits. All it needs is an animated gif of a construction guy saying "under construction". sorry if this was you EZC.... but I too hope the song is played many times on Sunday!
  14. talonz, you taking my avatar?
  15. - one win doesn't a great coaching staff make - i'm pretty sure the coaches weren't too bad during the super bowl years.
  16. there have been 5 flags picked up during the game today. what is horrible is having to listen to the announcers knob slobber over the pats again. the pats just tried to draw the jets offsides and they were like "you know, that's the kind of thing a team like the patriots tries to do". really? They try to draw someone offsides on 4th down? What brilliance.
  17. "Miami has 52 players, 51 without Cox"
  18. Guns n Roses Metallica 1992. After metallica, the house lights are on while everyone is waiting for GNR. Girls flashing on the big screen and the usual stuff. In one corner of the endzone, people on the field start throwing stuff at people in the first few rows (cups, trash etc.). Pretty harmless. It starts to spread, and within 10 minutes the ENTIRE stadium is a mass of people throwing anything they can get their hands on. HUGE toilet paper rolls flying off the upper deck, beer, trash, cups and anything you can think of being thrown. People were hiding in the hallways, and as you looked out the stadium was one big mess of sh*t being thrown everywhere. One of the most amazing things I've ever seen. There was a profile of the GNR tour in life magazine about a month later, and they talked for a bit about the "near riot in buffalo".
  19. Drop wing directors, corner reflector and folded UHF dipoles for extra UHF gain. wow!
  20. Map Updated Weekly
  21. i told myself to write some things down, but for some reason didn't do it for a few months. Still regret that. Here are a few pics i took an hour ago from Hoboken: 9/11 Lights 911 Lights 2
  22. and it wasn't an on field penalty - it was an illegal substitution. First game of the season and not a single offsides, false start or hold - amazing!
  23. would love to see that on youtube.
  24. I'm not sure, but the scoreboard at the stadium said 1 timeout.
  25. couldn't see that anyone brought this up yet... We ended the game with a timeout. Brady took a knee on 3rd down with 20 seconds left, so it is 4th down and the bills have a timeout. Why in the world wouldn't you take a timeout and make the patriots go for a field goal? Think of all the things that could happen if you make the pats go for a field goal, and then they kickoff with 10 seconds left. There is no excuse for that whatsoever.
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