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Everything posted by gmac17

  1. i love that they have multiple bikini coffeehouses in one town.
  2. we should dig up one of the 40 other threads on the topic instead of starting this one over. Will be interested to see how the show votes.
  3. i like this, and have been saying for years that politicians and celebs who open their mouths about issues should have to take a public test like this to show people how stupid they really are.
  4. awesome story, well done. I just found out tonight that we got VIP tickets through a friend of a friend - same place it sounds like you watched from. That is great news, but the snowstorm coming towards NYC for my saturday flight and the fact that 70% of launches don't go on schedule (and i have a 24 hour window) means it is unlikely to happen - i'll keep my fingers crossed though.
  5. i just think it is amazing that they pulled off one of the greatest conspiracies in the modern world, without a single person opening their mouth....
  6. so they crashed 27 seconds after the warning about a stall? and it sounds like at no point did they figure out what they were doing wrong and correct it. (though I guess they could have been out of control a few seconds into the warning). horrible.
  7. i didn't say anything about the man on the moon - i was referring to the "billions" comment about the challenger. And based on 600 million people seeing man walk on the moon, I'd be surprised if 20 million watched challenger live.
  8. amen. nothing pisses me off more than overhyped viewer numbers. In fact i think the miss universe pageant says that a billion people watch or something ridiculous. The World Cup probably gets some pretty impressive numbers, but even that is probably not what they say.
  9. thanks everyone - this is great. I am going down with reservations to go on a boat on the banana river which they claim is a decent view (and we don't have to stake out our spot hours ahead of time). They say it is about 7 miles away, the nasa causeway is 6 miles and titusville is about 10 - we'll see. I'm very nervous about a postponement - don't have much time down there so i'm taking a chance. It is a night launch, 4:38 am - last night launch scheduled.
  10. i can see why MJ liked it so much. the 30 minutes after waking up were wonderful.
  11. thanks everyone, i'm going to try to make it down to see.
  12. Only 5 launches left, I'd really like to catch one of them. Is a night launch or a day launch more interesting? Where do you watch from? (there are tours for about $100 that claim to get you to a great viewing area - the nasa causeway or something)
  13. yup. he is always interesting on the carolla podcast. as for the phil hartman thing, he was talking about how he's been around a bunch of different people who were going on benders just before they killed themselves (including heath ledger).
  14. a guy next to me did this about 5 years ago and gave me a good scare for a bit before I realized what was going on. He pulled out a box, wrapped a leather strap around his arm 10 times and started bobbing up and down praying.
  15. ah yes, the good old days of TBD in 1990. I remember getting on my commodore 64, firing up my 920 baud modem and chatting about the ronnie harmon drop. Skooby posted a lot of good rumors back then too - and he was driving a brand new Pontiac Fiero - so you knew they were true.
  16. I will be renewing my tickets.
  17. don't forget about Tom Brady 2001-2003. His numbers weren't very impressive, he didn't screw up and his Defense / Special Teams always came through for the team. I could see the Jets winning the Super Bowl - just like the 2001 Pats.
  18. he is the guy who was walking down the street and who saw it all and who Marvin Harrison shot in the back. who is now in an undisclosed prison, probably under a fake name because Marvin Harrison wants him dead.
  19. "heat of the moment" doesn't make putting a bullet into a bystander and shooting a car with a family inside it any better.
  20. exactly - some poor family was driving down the street when Marvin Harrison fires bullets into his car, and into the back of some guy walking down the street. Could you imagine having bullets go into your car where you have a 2 year old, and then not talking to police at all because you are afraid of getting killed?
  21. the guy who got killed was indeed a piece of crap. But that doesn't mean Marvin Harrison shouldn't be in jail for the rest of his life.
  22. I know it was on the news for a while, but it never took off like lesser stories do. http://www.gq.com/sports/profiles/201002/marvin-harrison
  23. i used to work with the guy who makes this stuff.... http://www.wooaudio.com/
  24. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I57EZLhJn7g
  25. would love to see some pictures. here is a decent link: http://www.empiresports.com/maiorana.shtml It couldn't have been a more glorious, yet poignant day for Wilson. Yes, his team was finally going to the Super Bowl as it pummeled his old rival from the renegade AFL days, Al Davis, with a devastating display of power and precision, the 48-point margin of victory the third-largest in playoff history. But Wilson's elation was tempered by the fact that the United States had just become embroiled in the Persian Gulf War, and it was not lost on Wilson that as the Bills and Raiders were playing a football game, fellow Americans were fighting a much more important battle in a desert halfway around the world. A World War II veteran who served his country proudly, Wilson had tears in his eyes as he surveyed the patriotic, flag-waving, record crowd of 80,324 during the emotional playing of the National Anthem by the West Point marching band. And as the throng chanted "U-S-A!, U-S-A!, U-S-A!" he felt genuine respect in his heart for those who had been called on to carry out Operation Desert Storm.
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