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Everything posted by gmac17

  1. for those of us without great memories, please provide specific examples of lindell blowing big kicks. Especially in the past 2 years.
  2. who cares if the guy was having a beer on the job - at midnight btw. It's the not helping part that would annoy me.
  3. the NFL made them change the surface, so I'm sure there was plenty of negotiation between the two of them as far as who would pay for it. As far as getting outside money, the patriots have probably received much less than most teams (as far as gov't money at least).
  4. i think it was sports guy who made a comment about "who decided commerical involving watergate, the vietname war, rosa parks, hurricane katrina and 9/11 would sell trucks?"
  5. the 2 level theatre on 68th street? That's where i saw it too. There were jews there??? just kidding. Pretty obvious when the whole theatre hissed at the mel gibson preview...
  6. Don't worry about investing Mike - look how easy it is to make $20k . Go spend this money, and next time you need some money just throw down a few hundy on a parlay!
  7. I didn't like that because it was 100% setup.
  8. must suck to play in front of 90,000 at auburn and 1,000 at home.
  9. they contact people and say they are doing a report on life in america, we'll pay you $xxx and would you be a part of it. at the bed and breakfast i'm sure the producers were saying "now we'd love it if you could bring some food to him". As for the college kids, this was the most set up of all of them in my opinion. They probably offered 3 frat guys $500 to get drunk in an rv with their reporter from khazkstan. 100% set up, but the kids themselves didn't seem to be in on the joke. Pam Anderson - 100% set up. I also thought the subway seen may have been set up - some of the reactions from people didn't seem right. (and how do they get 25 people to sign releases?). Still, an unbelievable movie. Don't forget about these scenes: - bilo in the cage and my sister says "you'll never get this" "but bilo escape once...and he get". - the money clutching camera angle at the bed and breakfast was tremendous. - When borat says "f u" to the uzbek embassy. - When he finds out his wife died and hi fives the guy. - In the church when he says "my neighbor xljal aslkjd....but nobody likes him". classic, classic stuff.
  10. the more i remember the more i laugh. so many little scenes that would be the big laugh in other movies was just the little laugh in this one.
  11. Borat has been my avatar for 2 years now. At first people thought it was me. Jagshemash!!!
  12. i haven't bothered to read all 4 pages of this thread but...I actually think Kerry was cutting on Bush, not saying soldiers are dumb. I just think he has horrible timing, and said the joke wrong. (and I don't like Kerry in the slightest).
  13. Meazza, Are you familiar with Lac Simon? I spend a few weeks there each summer.
  14. using that logic, I have a feeling a lot of people on this board have bad fathers.
  15. they make it look really easy.
  16. What I couldn't fathom is how the announcer could say that "I'm not sure if he would have come down in bounds". It was so obviously clear when watching the replay that he would have been in bounds that I have to think the NFL really puts the pressure on the announcers not to question the calls too much.
  17. 1) It is safe to say that a significant portion of the dixie chicks fan base leaned right politically. 2) 2 weeks before the US went to war with Iraq, and in a foreign country - The Dixie Chicks decide to take make a comment that they are embarrassed that their president is from texas. It boggles my mind that people wouldn't think saying something that would offend so many of their fans at such a politically sensitive time might get some people mad. They went to a foreign country and said they were embarrassed by someone probably 80% of their fans supported. If the Dixie Chicks had said "we don't like our president, or "we shouldn't invade iraq" - I don't think any of this would have happened. But they were in a foreign country and said they were embarrassed by the president - at a time when the country was about to go to war. Bad choice of location, timing and words. I don't go see Neil Young in concert because I don't want to sit through a political hate-fest. A lot of people don't like what the dixie chicks said, so they dropped them. Tom Cruise jumped on a couch and was a dick to matt lauer, and he got dropped by tons of fans. Using your logic, this shouldn't have happened because his acting didn't suddenly get worse, did it? Right, wrong or indifferent - people need to live with their actions and the dixie chicks made a collosal error in judgement from a marketing standpoint.
  18. i read this the other day when it was posted the other day and really liked it. I run a few baseball related websites, and I had just realized I had an email in my inbox from the author asking me some questions about baseball gloves (it got lost in all the spam). Somehow i missed his email 3 weeks ago when he sent it...
  19. i don't know the industry too well, but woulnd't a low share in LA make a lot more money than a high share in buffalo?
  20. Have a look at their ticket sales and album sales in the U.S. The backlash appears to be very "buying public" driven.
  21. I remember this board in '84 - people were calling for his head!
  22. JP is clearly better than either Joe Dufek or Bruce Mathison. ......................................Comp.....Att.....PCT.....YD...Y/A...TD..INT 1984 Joe Dufek.................74.......150.....49.3...829...5.5....4....8 1985 Bruce Mathison.........113........228....49.6...1635..7.2..4....14 2006 JP Losman................122..... 197.. 61.9.. 1312 ..6.7...6.....6
  23. TOOT TOOT!!
  24. guys, settle down - I was on the plane that day and can vouch for ed's story. This was a few years ago, and Delta was running a new program called "optional first class drink pricing". Basically, when the flight attendant got to your row, she called an audible on the price of the drinks. Drew got on the plane with a big ass bag of peanuts. He started chowing down and throwing the shells all around like it was the ground round. Some kid walks up and asked for his autograph and said "I think your the greatest, but my dad thinks you hold onto the ball too long, especially in the second half". Drew just about flipped his sh*t and grabbed the kid by the shirt collar and said "I bust my ass out there - you tell your old man to stand in the pocket with Mike Williams blocking for you for 30 minutes". Later in the flight, the pilots got sick from eating fish and we had to land using the inflatable autopilot.
  25. wait till they try to build this with non-union help. They are trying to build a building on Delaware right now, and the unions are picketing. They have gone to court and the IDIOT JUDGE made a ruling along the lines of "as long as the picketers move out of the way within 2 minutes, they aren't doing anything illegal. (i think the time is 2 minutes). Anyway, this means the guys block the driveway for 1:55 for every truck - and when you are trying to pour concrete and have trucks backing up it can really screw things up...
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