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Everything posted by gmac17

  1. is that what your son told you???
  2. i've never heard of brokers having software to override ticket limits, have any info on that?
  3. Cincy, Have you never heard of community outreach??
  4. i have to admit, those models of what the area will look like are pretty cool. Of course this won't save buffalo, but it will help. Every city needs a destination, and buffalo only has one 20 minutes away. Baltimore has the inner harbor, Boston has fanuel hall etc. You at least need one place where people can take people and say "wow, this is a nice area" - even if for only a few hours to go shopping and sit on a bench looking at the lake. throw in a convention center in that area and then you are really talking...
  5. how the hell do you manage that one?
  6. that's the thing - the restaurant didn't know they were fakes. When someone is willing to spend $8,000 on an old rothschild , someone is willing to spend the time faking some bottles / re-using bottles and recorking them. They make it into the wine auctions and the restaurants pick them up. I love the bumwine site. A few of those wines are made in the finger lakes....
  7. You've been dying for a chance to use that one haven't you...
  8. yeah, but a lot of old ladies like it - nothing wrong with that. I'm in that boat too, Some people have much more sensitive tastes. Though I would put the word "great" in quotes. I read a great story about fake wines. Some big shots in vegas were buying $8,000 bottles of really old wine. They had one bottle, ordered a second but it didn't taste right so they sent it back. They had the third bottle and loved it. After a bit of investigation by the restaurant it turned out that the 1st and the 3rd bottles were fakes.
  9. no, but if you turn your nose up at something because of the price before you taste it or if you make fun of someone who drinks white zin then you might be... all hell broke loose last year when the two buck chuck won at the california state fair. The wine snobs refused to believe that it could have possibly beat out more expensive wines and caused a pretty amusing ruckus in the online world.
  10. agree, although i have been surprised at some things that i thought were bunk before. What you are eating really can change how the wine tastes / how much you enjoy it, including what you have been eating or drinking ahead of time.
  11. your credit doesn't matter and either does your job. There are plenty of doctors out there with great credit and great jobs who went out and bit off more than they could chew and are now in big trouble.
  12. don't do anything stupid just because your mortgage broker tells you that you can get the money....
  13. I work for a wine company, enjoy wine but can't stand wine snobs. If you like a $5 bottle, drink it. If you don't like the $60 bottle, who cares. If anybody wants some discounts send me a pm and I'll send you the site and codes. Our wines range from $10-$30, and we have $0 shipping.
  14. yeah, with teams who have how many more points than the sabres? 5?
  15. you keep on saying this, but what do you want to do? turn a major artery into a 4 lane parkway? just about every city has a major highway running by it, it allows people to get to their **jobs**
  16. thats the joke. he is inferring that dane cook isn't a comedian.
  17. i forget who it was recently that called himself the "Dane Cook of Comedians"
  18. Tiger - he is awesome, but I don't like him. I think if Sergio Garcia or john daly had threatened to break a photographers f’ing neck, it would have been a lot bigger news (Daly needs to get his life under control, is Sergio about to break since he has never won a major?). Tiger gets a LOT of passes from the press, who don’t ever want to question him for fear they’ll be snubbed for life (something he has done before). If Tiger gets mad and decides to drag his club and tear up the green at Pinehurst, so be it. Tiger doesn’t play in phoenix because it is too rowdy, but he’ll fly over to dubai to cash a big fat check. He now has a Tiger brand of Gatorade? Are you kidding me…give him 3 weeks and he’ll be playing grab ass with Kevin bacon in his hanes. Pebble Beach – Probably the best $250 I have spent in my life. Didn’t take 7 hours.. I usually shoot in the 92-98 range and shot a 106 which I wasn’t all that upset with.
  19. I know we had a "what are some good sites" thread a bit ago, but here are two I'll post about. Feel free to post your own. Site #1) http://www.jackpotrewards.com . It is a hybrid deal site / sweepstakes site. You pay $3 per week to be a member (they have a free trial), and they give away $1,000,000 each week. That part I could care less about because I figure I'll never win that. What I do like is that they have one really good deal, every day. Last week I bought a brand new Dyson vaccuum cleaner for $199, and the cheapest I could find it anywhere else online is $389. Some days they have vacation packages, some days they have tools or drills. I'm usually not into that kind of site at all (especially where you have to pay) but I have been impressed with it so far. Site #2) this site has been making its way around the net already. (I find it in extremely poor taste) a typical post: http://stuffwhitepeoplelike.wordpress.com/...11-asian-girls/
  20. i drive through thurso quebec on the way to our cottage every summer. He was born there and they have a "Rue Guy Lafleur" and an ice arena named after him. my point? none.
  21. I sexed myself up a whole lotta ladies.
  22. I'm a member. you all best quiet down.
  23. just got back from my bear stearns mortgage office, and boy was I mad at them!!! that you don't know a thing.
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