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Everything posted by gmac17

  1. what annoys me about both of them is that they put their blinker on to make a left turn, and then pull about 3 feet to the right before they make the turn.
  2. yeah, but the average guy doesn't go out there and bust his ass and build up a thriving business. The average guy sits on an internet message board and bitches about how the rich keep getting richer. A family business worth $3.5 million is nothing out of the ordinary- they are all over the place. Add in the people who work their ass off and invest wisely and by the time they are 90 years old the wonder of compound interest has made them worth $10 million.
  3. If someone has the money to buy a football team, they can pick up the phone and within 5 minutes have the right person on the line.
  4. ditto. I really enjoy respectful posts from other boards / getting insight etc. stick around this season.
  5. Avenger, How much work are bees? If someone wanted to get started in it as a hobby, with one small hive for example - how much time / money / energy would it take?
  6. it is fascinating over there - they have a much higher proportion of idiots than any other teams board I've been to. You can't have a legitimate conversation. You think our fans are thin skinned here, they have us by a mile.
  7. buftex, that is great info - where do you hear these rumors?
  8. people get autographs of paintballers? Boy am i out of touch.
  9. i liked red dawn because of the realism, yet people still argued that 9 kids on horseback couldn't defeat an entire army.
  10. great take on this. I agree. It will certainly not save the city, but neither will bass pro. neither will a stadium. Nothing will alone. But give me 4 or 5 other "things to do" in Buffalo - especially within walking distance of each other and suddenly the idea of meeting friends in Buffalo for a weekend becomes a lot more palatable.
  11. was exiled driving?
  12. I really think it depends on the school and on the kid. Some private schools aren't much better than some of the public schools. Others are. I went to a private school and was much better prepared for some parts of college than a lot of people. Had a lot more homework, had classes with 12 people, great teachers (who made about 50% as much as their public school peers) and so on. If I had gone to public school I wouldn't have gotten into the best college I got into, but I would have probably gotten into the college I ended up going to. Like anything, it is what you make of it - I'm not sure what I'll do with my kids some day as far as schools.
  13. most of the reviews i read said this was a pretty bad movie...was it good in the bad movie sort of way?
  14. fair enough - at least we have one person admitting that this happened because a guy was mad and wanted to kill a burglar, and not because he was scared or because he was in any danger.
  15. a few comments: 1) If the law had never been changed, I do not think he would have shot the guys. He clearly was pissed off, knew that he had a new law on his side and went shooting. 2) Posting his side of the story and saying "see, this is what happened" is silliness. 3) He didn't shoot them because he was scared. He shot them because he was pissed off. Big difference. 4) Stop calling this a robbery. It was a burglary. Big difference. 5) For those of you that are cheering joe on, would it have been ok to shoot two drunk college kids stealing a bike or something from the garage?
  16. LA - what if it was two college kids stealing beer from a neighbors garage, would you have a problem with it then? Does trespassing mean you can come out guns blazing, or is it the stealing something and trespassing? I'm not shedding any tears over these guys, but this guy seemed pretty excited that the laws had changed and he was allowed to run outside and shoot somebody.
  17. or even a college kid stealing a stereo...
  18. i'm a conservative guy and i'm not sure where i stand on this one. When i heard the story i said "good for him" but when I listened to the 911 tapes I wasn't so sure. the guy seemed to just want to go out and shoot somebody, regardless of if anyone was in any danger from them. I think it is very different from a burglar being in your house. of course, as a friend of mine says "most people who get shot deserve it".
  19. I almost posted this last week - it is incredible. The music and editing is really impressive. go buy the book "the 4 hour work week" today. You'll love it. That goes for all of you.
  20. picnic table "tester"
  21. Yeah, banging a picnic table is a bit strange - but have you ever surfed the internet dude? there is a lot stranger stuff than that out there. If he was on his front porch yelling and asking for people to watch I'd be all for throwing him in jail, but it sounds like he was not trying to make a public display out of it in which case he's just a whack job.
  22. nope, he was eating hard boiled eggs and playing video games while dishing dirt to bucky gleason.
  23. please do - i'm fascinated by the horse industry even though i don't know anything about it.
  24. the guy clearly hit the paparrazi before he started swinging. i hear you, but you can't mob up on somebody because you don't like them taking pictures.
  25. lol. except for when it is a question about geography in which case pete has been to that city and will tell you about the local customs and which tourist traps to avoid. the right answer to this question, as someone else posted is "whatever you can afford", though why we are responding to crayonz is beyond me.
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