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Everything posted by gmac17

  1. wow - that's the best online link i've had all year - thanks man.
  2. this seems to be the stores fault as much as anyone's You can't expect any one of the people to be able to stop and help the guy up - they probably would have been trampled themselves. The people in the front of the line can't stop - they were being pushed from behind by 500 people. It is the store's fault for allowing 1500 people to crowd around an entrance.
  3. i want to know what he was doing away from niagara falls for the night....
  4. that is horrible. i just bought 6 lifehammers (5 to give away)....
  5. reselling your tix depends a lot on how the team is doing and when you sell. I sold my browns tix - $45 face value for $67 the week of the game. If I had sold a month earlier I could have gotten $100+. As long as people are optimistic in August and the bills don't really blow it down the stretch you shouldn't have too much trouble getting rid of them....
  6. i read another story about the same incident where the girl was with her husband (drunk) and went to the bathroom from the seats, and that is when it all happened. She claims she had no idea what happened.
  7. how about cubicle nookie?? http://gawker.com/5098697/the-infamous-ad-...ne=true&s=i
  8. good overview, thanks.
  9. he's an idiot and not a terribly good person, but I always find it interesting that a guy who fights dogs gets a worse rap than the guys who beat their wives.
  10. sure, but then you have to tell everyone your new blog addres and you lose any value you built up with the search engines....i'd start right from the beginning.
  11. wordpress is great, but don't do it on their site. Get your own domain for $8, and build on your own. A lot of places will help you set up a wordpress blog on their hosting (godaddy i believe does it). having your own name is much better than pete.wordpress.com you could also check out a super easy site like tumblr.com (which also lets you use your own domain)
  12. It's on - looks great
  13. what are the chances my property taxes go down?
  14. currently running on this thread (if you aren't logged in) - all sorts of ads relating to gay marriage. gotta love content targeting.
  15. thought this was pretty good: http://www.forbes.com/opinions/2008/11/04/...edreynolds.html
  16. I voted for McCain, but will admit that if he wins (which isn't looking likely) I won't be excited tonight. It is a very unique situation - and I've never felt like this before. anyone else out there feel the same way?
  17. he's always done well in Macedonia.
  18. safe to say i'm not so happy with my decision to switch to saturday night live with 6 minutes left...
  19. have you met any high school students lately? I'd rather he call some kid a little jerk than smile and blow smoke up his ass
  20. So Obama thought that if SH had WMD it was not worth going to war over, right?
  21. and how would he have voted in Ohio?
  22. somebody is taking himself a bit too seriously at age 20. btw - harvard? yes princeton? probably stanford? yes cornell? not so much
  23. if 5-7% of people are still undecided, and 4% of them go towards mccain - does he win? It is interesting - i talked to two recently undecided voters in the past week. My sister is going to mccain - obama is just too liberal in her mind, and my other friend said "i guess I'm voting for obama" and then went on to talk about all of the reasons he might not vote for him. It is exactly like dick morris has been saying for months - obama still hasn't sealed the deal with the suburban, middle class whites. One more "spread the wealth around" comment and everything could change. Without Palin McCain might have won this thing... now, I now this posts makes no sense since i have an n of 2, and they are split...but thought i'd toss it out there.
  24. I'm proud to be an American.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L6ikOxi9yYk...feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cm8z3XFWzTU...feature=related
  25. donte whitner has been endorsing obama on facebook for quite a while. or someone purporting to be donte whitner
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