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Everything posted by CentralVaBills

  1. Jin, Posted, check my other post to USMC.
  2. OK, here ya go......I'm not sure what your taste is, or what kinds of places you like to stay in, however, here is the off-brand, but decent looking hotel on the lakefront.......this is about 1 mile from my house, and about 2 miles to the bar......... Brandermill Inn Here is the Holiday Inn Express that is probably about a mile and a half to the bar and a mile and a half to my house.......this only opened about 8 months or so ago......anyway, it's fairly new.... Holiday Inn Express - Brandermill OK, the areas of these hotels are pretty nice. You have all kinds of nice shopping centers, bars, restaurants, etc......so, it's not a total waste of time! Hell, if you have to Christmas shop, you can do it all there! If you want something nicer than these two hotels, well you can find whatever you want in the Richmond area. This place is a southern sub-urb of Richmond, but for what you are talking about, one of these two would suffice I think. And they shouldn't be all that expensive. Let me know if I can help more!
  3. Yeah.....actually, if you live in NC.....this is also on the southside of Richmond. AND there is a new highway that comes off of 95 that comes right to it. The highway opened about a month ago, so I'm now even sure it is indicated on a map. There is a brand new Holiday Inn Express right off of the exit out toward my house. I live on a huge lake, and there is an off-brand but nice little lakefront suite hotel that is cheap at this time of year.........let me find both addresses or links and I'll post them again. Gimmie a little time, and check back!
  4. Every booth at his Mulligans on Hull has their own TV. And honestly.....the part where I want us all to get together.....it's non-smoking. But with every bar, you do have some smoke, but it's not too bad. I, as well as my GF, are non-smokers. Hell, I'm hosting a Chrimmus party at my house Saturday evening.....but come on man, this one is too big to pass up. Especially if other games are swinging our way. This could potentially be a great Sunday for all of us to get together. Bring your kids......I know every week......there are a lot of Viking kids, and Indy kids. I think Indy plays Saturday this week though. But the place is fine for kids. Come on down! CVA
  5. I keep saying this and saying this.........I hope it happens this way. And WE WILL beat them at home, simply because we match up well to what they do. THey will not run on us. And Big Ben will meet his match against our weather. 17-13 Buffalo. There's no doubt in my mind. I'm more worried about Cincy. Much more worried!
  6. Yeah, come on down......I'll keep posting daily. We'll need to be fairly organized so that we'll all be there in plenty of time AND at the same time. The more and more I think about it, we may just meet at my house and try to go together. Like I said, I only live 3 miles away. It would be fun to assemble all Bills fans at my house!
  7. Actually the post game stuff might be great, because we'll bea able to root against Baltimore, and Jax, and everything. Could be a nice day!
  8. LOL, I hear ya! Hope we get some Bills fans there! It will be fun. Maybe if we all get together, we'll build some serious positive karma! Go Bills!
  9. It would be great. Hey, we could all even meet at MY HOUSE earlier in the morning. I only live about 3 miles from the place. That way we could all go at the same time. How fun would that be? I could leave my phone number at work, and you all could call me for directions. Then we could all head over and take the place over. I have a pretty decent place with plenty of parking. Would be really fun. Come on down!
  10. LOL, yeah, we had some confusion the last time. There are 3 Mulligan's in Richmond. All of which are pretty cool. But yeah, this one is right off of a main highway, easy to get to from any direction. Let me know if you think you can make it. I'll keep posting this time.....all week......We WILL have to get there early to make sure we can all sit together! Would love to see you there! CVA
  11. Hey Plenz, Yeah cool. We're there every week. I have season tickets, so I will be attending the Bills-Pitt game. But the rest of the little group will be there. As a matter of fact, there is another couple there that just used my tickets for the Cleveland game. However, we'll both be attending the Steeler game. I want a BIG group there this week. We'll be there for the Frisco game too. The Pittsburgh game.....well, some of us will be gone. Would love to see ya there anytime though! CVA
  12. Let me know if I can help you in any way. I'll do what I can to make your trip smooth.
  13. R. Rich...... You hafta come. When you arrive, it means the party is official. You should come down. Big Bills numbers is what I'm after. It would be fun! VERRRRRRRRRY FUN!
  14. Oh yeah......as a matter of fact......right across from me last week was a Viking fan (a dad) with a 12 yr old girl, and a 7 yr old girl. It's a good bar for football. Many many kids go every week. It's fun, you should come! BIG BILLS GROUP would be great.
  15. OK, we're back in it. Anyone who wants to meet up to watch the game in Richmond VA, I think it would be great. If we could get a nice big group I think it would be very very fun. There are a small corps of us Bills fans that go to THIS Mulligan's Sports Grille..... Mulligans Sports Grille 11146 Hull St Rd Midlothian, VA 23112-3205 Phone: (804) 744-8686 We have a group of about 12 that watch the game every Sunday. If you get there early, about 11:45 when it opens, we would be able to control the whole main floor. The guy who owns the bar is from Buffalo, and the cooks usually wear Bills hats. It's a pretty cool setup to watch the game. Each table/booth has it's own personal TV in it with Direct TV hooked up to it. In additon, there are the 4 Big screens on the restaurant side, and 4 more big screens over the bar. I would LOVE to see a bunch of Bills fans down there. Anyone have any interest? I'll be the first one to get there and hold things down. The only bad thing is that they wouldn't reserve the room for us. So, and this is no big deal.......everyone gets there at 11:30..........start eating, and wait until the game comes on. Would be very fun!!! Anyone interested. I can give you my number and we can set it up! CVA
  16. Just stating the truth. lol. And, like I said, I'm not sure about the trucks, so good luck with them. I'll just make sure I do my best, that anyone I ever know won't ever buy from these !@#$s again.
  17. Dodge speaks for itself. All you have to do is research their cars, and you'll find a zillion of unhappy people with them. Especially with their cheap ass, plastic transmissions and poor dealership service. I didn't do my research the first time and paid for it. Dodge is the biggest piece of sh-- on the road right now. Of course, like I said, I don't know about their trucks, but you can bet your ass, because of their cars, if I was buying a truck it would be a Toyota Tundra or something like it.
  18. Don't know much about their trucks, but Dodge cars are the biggest piece of sh-- on the road today. I think I'd buy a Kia before I bought a Dodge product. Especially the transmissions in them, including myself (Dodge Avenger about 5 yrs ago), I know about 8 people that had their tranny's go out in a Dodge. And mine went out at 36,214 miles. Think they honored the warranty? HELL NO. I'm now on the foreign car list myself. Have a Honda and Isuzu. Nothing has ever gone wrong in either. The Isuzu Rodeo has 125K on it already and not a problem. I, my future wife, my parents, future kids, family, and hopefully my friends (If I have anything to do with it), will NEVER under any circumstances own one of those pieces of sh-- Dodge products as long as I live. So, that pretty much means Daimler Chrysler cars are out. :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: Dodge!
  19. That's not a bad idea. Good thought. Although I'd maybe take SD's own pick in return. I bet SD would bite. They would get Dallas and Dallas' from Buffalo pick, and give back Brees and theirs! I bet it would seriously tempt them. However, I did hear Mort say a couple of weeks ago that if Brees kept playing good, it would be his job again next season with Rivers sitting!
  20. Smizzer, We really do think we can make it. Not necessarily because we are all superhomers, which alot of the people here are. But most importantly, the schedule for all of the contenders gives us a more than legit shot at it. And so far.....the last three weeks......everything that needed to break our has dne so and then some. The and then some part would be added help from Oakland winning at Denver and Cincy winning at Baltimore. Now, we are just asking......Will the choke also be on for the Jets also because of their schedule?
  21. Nooooooooooooooooooo, I'm just saying........could you imagine. I'd be devastated! LOL
  22. to the Ralph and kicked our ass? OMG, I think I'd kill someone!
  23. It's happening as we speak. And it's not only fun to watch the Bills, but also, fun to watch these other teams choke their way back to us!
  24. Seriously. Most of us think the Jets aren't that good. Why you ask? Two very simple points. Not drawn out points. Just two, direct, and simple little facts..... #1 They are 1-2 vs. teams with a winning record. (Adv Buffalo) #2 The combined records of their wins this year.........38-70. Can you believe that sh--? 38-70. (Adv Us) Do you think a collapse is possible vs. the Steelers, Hawks, Pats and Rams. Well, you bet your ass I do! And remember, as long as they go 10-6 but don't beat the Pats, we'd win the tie-break!
  25. Why NOT focus on the Jets??? For instance, most people don't think the Jets are that good. Period. The stats back it up. The Jets are 1-2 vs. teams with winning records. The Jets 9 wins have come against teams with a combined record of 38-70. That's 38-70. The next four games are no gimmie for them!
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