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Everything posted by CentralVaBills

  1. or fuggin not? Yes or No pansy. God, I hope we jack up him AND Kitna. Screw theses AFC North pansies. Just fuggin say if you're injured or not, and let's get it on already!
  2. Jin, By yourself, or with others?
  3. Yeah, I think there should be about 12. Maybe more, if all of those on here show or show late like some said they were going to! We'll see I guess!
  4. Well, now, that just sucks then!
  5. I mean, cold, wind and snow, especially the first two, should put a damper on the big play should it not? I mean, Kitna isn't all that accurate anyway. Juat the recipe to slow down their red hot offense. I know snow games could be offensive minded in nature, but the snow they are talking about isn't that kind of snow. THis sounds like the kind of weather that is flurries, to maybe a little bit of moderate snow at times. Very windy. Very cold with dropping temps. I hafta like our chances even more in conditions like that! 16-6 Bills!
  6. LMAO......wow, I went to college in Muncie IN. Ball State University!
  7. And like I said, if need be, I'll PM you my number and you can meet me at my house if you are running early.
  8. Im going to get there when it opens at 11:45. There is usually only one or two other people there at that time. Then, in the next 15 minutes or so, alot of other fans start to come. But this week could be different. Alot of teams play Saturday this Week. That will lessen the crowd!
  9. Cool sounds good. But beware......it's gonna be tough to save seats, however, I will do my best. When these other fans start coming they don't reserve seats! Glad you are coming!
  10. LOL, you guys beat me to it today!!! ANYONE ANYONE? I honestly can't wait until this game. So far, we have 9 Bills fans that I know are going for sure. There are also a couple of loners who sit at the bar by themselves too. That doesn't include any of you'ze guys yet!
  11. Because if you ask me......one of them is, and one of them isn't. Jenna is turning into a little piggy. Barbara looks pretty good. So, my vote would be yes/no. Where's that option in poll?
  12. Well, we are. I'm more scared of Cincy than I am playing Pittsburgh on a winning streak at home. This game is it. Win it, and we are 10-6, I don't give a damn who plays for the Steelers!
  13. He's ready. I love it. He's gonna make sure everyone is ready to play this week. I'm a little scared of Cincy, but for some strange reason, I'm feeling more and more confident this week. He's thinking playoffs, so, our coaches are pounding it in their head. I have a feeling, I just do!
  14. LMAO...............funny thing is, after posting to this thread, I went back and got my media guides I appeared in for baseball in college. Damn, I was in shape then, just nine years ago. What the hell happened to me, I don't think I could make it to first base now. lol Hell, I think I've gained 10 pounds in the face alone! Sheesh!
  15. COuld have a nice little group. Not huge but nice! Will be fun!
  16. I'll keep posting this. I'll try once more Thursday and Friday! Still think it would be fun!
  17. I played Division-I baseball in college. Played mostly 2B and some SS. Couldn't hit very well in college though. Was a very good high school baseball player, and decent enough at football (WR). Lucky enough to play in the PA state final four in baseball twice (lost both), and played in two state championship games in 3 Rivers Stadium in football. Although, the first one, we won, I was only a freshman and didn't play. Just to dress was awesome though. All freshman could dress if they wanted. The second I played (nothing thrown to me) so I'm kinda blessed I guess. Gave up baseball now, but still play some adult hockey here in VA once in a while! I'm now a high school football coach (D coordinator) and baseball coach!
  18. Anyone still considering? Anyone, anyone? Big Game!
  19. Hey, doesn't he deserve the preverbial..... "LOOK AT ME, LOOK AT ME"
  20. Come on Rich. We need Karma. We need it man!
  21. Anyone else thinking about meeting at Mully's???
  22. WOW. I can't believe the Bills are -3. While I hope it's true, I can't see the Bills being favored by 3. It actually means they are favored by 6 because the home team gets 2.5 to 3 for just being at home!
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