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Everything posted by CentralVaBills

  1. Now this is the kinda swagger we used to have......HAVE SOME BALLS. Pittsburgh would be coming to our house in January.....yet everyone is so afraid of the big bad Steelers. I wanted them......with everything on the line......at full strength. Most here didn't. Either way though.......they are going to get pounded. PLEASE THOUGH.....beat Frisco, or we'll all be sick!
  2. Can't understand why.......it's simple, but everyone else has to give it different meanings. IF, which is a big if....... But IF we are going to get in....... You either A.) wanted to beated the Steelers with them having Homefield on the line at FULL Strength at home, or B.) Be afraid of them at full strength and play them while resting their starters. Most people here don't seem to have the confidence that we could have beat Pittsburgh at home under scenario A. However, most of the Pittsburgh fans were scared about this game already and are now ecstatic that it may not come down to a "must win" in Buffalo to clinch homefield!
  3. Thanks Kelse! I'll let you know how many of "my" football players get to D-1 schools. I wanted Steelers full strength with meaning for both teams. I'll mark your vote down for chickenshit also! We all want the Bills in, just in different ways! Big Deal!
  4. No one has to agree. Everyone wants to avoid the Steelers......I don't. It's as simple as that. Chickenshits!
  5. Didn't we do that under Marv???
  6. Honestly, I do every week. lol. Sick I know, but you are the link, for me, to all those polls! Thanks!
  7. I'm exhausted of arguing Mile High.....but can I tell you that I love your posts.....because I check for your posts starting every Tuesday so I get the easy links to all of the power ratings. Can I tell you thanks for listing all four Polls in your posts? Keep em updated, I think we'll be up a couple of more spots in all of em again this week!
  8. Oh yeah, and one more thing.......Could you even begin to imagine how crushing a defeat to SF would be to all of us? Oh god, don't even mention that. I think we'd all want to shoot ourselves! lol, I hear ya on not looking past SF.
  9. I haven't come back down to Earth......it still makes me sick that all of the Bills fans want to duck the Steelers at full strength. That's not gonna change one bit. But......we need some validation. In all honesty, we have a great shot at NOT making the playoffs. The Pittsburgh game, if they were at full strength, would "validate" our season in that scenario. In the other scenario......ok, we beat the Steelers backups......then get crushed in the playoffs. OK, we had the nice winning streak. Great. Then you look back......and go over it.....and you see......SF, Cincy, CLeve, Miami, etc....etc.....etc......and we're gonna hear the same crap over and over and over........"You guys didn't beat anyone". I always want to play the best.....and beat the best......at their best.......no matter what. We need a validation to this streak. The Pittsburgh game would have been it, IF we DO NOT get in the playoffs. That's mostly it for me.......the feeling will be kind of empty I guess if we win 7 in a row, against mostly garbage, and a watered down Steelers team, and then don't get the chance to get in the playoffs and beat someone down.
  10. Again, not quite sure what this has to do with us in VA. And I've only been coaching for two years. But, OK, you're man was a legend.....great. I'm not, but I know that our program is now known around the state of VA. Next year, we have a great shot of winning the state title. And we aren't the smallest school in our class. So, we didn't have a longshot "Hoosiers" type of run. We are, I think, the 6th largest team in Single A, and in years past, played like a bunch of.......well.......chickenshits.......lol........it was time to grow up, get some swagger, and play like our school should play. And we did, and will continue to do so, until we move up a class probably in a year or two......then we'll have to up our play even more! Look, you questioned me about being a coach, lol, I just responded. Tell your coach congrats and keep up the good work. We're on way to being the type of program that he has created up there. I have confidence in that 100%.
  11. Others disagree.......but, you're also right, however, they are mostly on the other side of the field. I'll take that anyday! Come see us play next year, I'll spring for the $5 to get you in! Or PM me your address, and I'll send you a couple of our playoff champion T's!
  12. Hell no.....there havent been too many at all. And I'll be enjoying it immensly also. BUT, all I said, is it's not going to be as sweet. Not by a long shot. Hell, we may win it and NOT get in the playoffs. We may win it and get PASTED by Indy or NE in the playoffs. Then what did we achieve? We didna't beat the best Steelers team, and then we got pasted in the playoffs! Best case, IMO, would have been......win it......when both Pitt and Buff really needed the game........then go into the playoffs and either A.) win a playoff game or B.) playing a good game against another good team on the road win or lose.
  13. Call em as I see em. And I'm no better a fan than anyone else. Hell, there are more season ticket holders right here in Richmond. Pretty unreal if you ask me. And if, in college, I could have afforded a hotel, I most gladly would have taken one......lol. And I think it's chickenshit, they way people want to avoid Pittsburgh. I'm calling anyone a chickenshit in the sense that you aren't a man. It's just sickening that no one wants to beat the best, at their best, in our house. You've gotta want to play the best all the time to be the best. As good as this streak is.......we really haven't pasted anyone that's worth a damn, except maybe the Jets. Maybe. I wanted a validation game........then I wanted the playoffs. Hell, I still want the playoffs, but I wanted the validation first. Nothing more! We could have been the only team to say.....we beat your ass.....no one else did, but we did! Ummmm, yeah, I wanted that.......bad!
  14. LOL, I'm a coach now in High School. We're 17-3 in the last two years, and made it to the final 8 in the VA state playoffs this year. Lost to the eventual Single A champ by a bunch, but we only graduate one starter, a senior captain. Hmmmmmmmmmm, not bad for a school that only made the playoffs once in it's previous 24 years of football existance huh? Send a resume, we need a new offensive co-ordinator next year, as ours retired, let's see what credentials you have.........I'll let you know how you stack up when we get it! Oh, you'll have to move to the Richmond area also!
  15. Another idiot. Again, you're counted as a chickenshit vote. It's OK though, if thats how you'd like to get in, go with it. And actually "AHOLE", I've had season tickets for five years now. I've made it to 6 games this season, only missing the Cleveland game. And I decided to get those season tickets FIVE years ago......after years of driving to Buffalo, buying tickets, and sleeping in my car, next to the campers when the lots weren't locked the night before the games. Got pretty cold some years. If you'd like to compare the rest of our credentials, both on being a fan and in real life, why......I'll take that bet too. See you at the game jackass!
  16. LOL, so I'll mark you down as another who would rather chickenshit their way into the playoffs. Thanks for voting!
  17. MOST LIKELY, THEY WOULD HAVE PUT THE KILL SHOT ON THEM BOTH ANYWAY. NE choked tonight. No one saw it coming. But I have a hard time thinking they'd lose to the Jets with homefield still on the line. For the 215th time, I understand that this may help us a tiny bit. Maybe. But chances are, the Pats and Pitt would have won next week anyway! NE was upset tonight. They blew it. Pure and simple. But the irony of all the Bills fans of wanting to duck Pittsburgh's starters to get in at home......and somehow think we'll eventually whip their ass at Heinz Field. Again, pathetic!
  18. No, not really. I wanted Pittsburgh at full strength. With both teams needing to win for something very important. There is no more reading into than that. Because I felt that we would have gotten to 10-6 anyway. Seems everyone else would like to avoid Pittsburgh's best to get in. To each his own.....both ways will give us a shot to get in, I just didn't want to chickenshit my way in!
  19. Boy, by all the posts around here though, it sure doesn't sound like anyone wants the Steelers at full strength. I must have missed the courage around here! And no doubt, we'll all be jacked up still. But the luster is off of the game big time now. It won't be quite the same. This game had goose-bump potential at the national anthem. Now, it's gonna be fun.....but not with quite the same bite to it!
  20. Yeah, pretty much, everyone was wrong, Miami won. OK, still doesn't change the fact that most of you want to duck the full-strength Steelers at home to get into the playoffs.....but yet, somehow, we are gonna whip their ass in the playoffs at Heinz Field! Pathetic!
  21. It doesn't? Lemme see if I can spell it out for you clearly. When the Steelers lost to Balt, Big Ben wasn't the starting QB. Tommy Maddox played, started, and was horrible before getting hurt in the 3rd quarter. This wasn't the Big Ben lead Steelers team it is today. SO, this time around, I think Pittsburgh would have had plenty to play for if they Pats would have won tonight. And even if the Pats would have won tonight, Pittsburgh would still have crushed Baltimore this Sunday! Steeler fans have been waiting for this one all year. They were also fearing the Bills about as much as you guys are fearing them. They have it made now!
  22. I do. We saw a lot of Frank Reich and Kenny Davis when we clinched. Pittsburgh will do the same. It definately got a lot easier for us that last game. I'm not stupid, I realize that. I just didn't want it.
  23. Like I said.....I'll book your bets. Please call me if we get in. And, there are no pretenders in the AFC. The AFC playoffs are going to match up some of best teams in AFC history. So, all of the teams that get aren't chumps, and aren't pretenders. When you reach the playoffs, it's time to wake up and smell the coffee......that's where we would be instantly underdogs. Would I like to see it? Hell yeah. Do I think we have a good shot at winning? Ummmmm, not really! Not on the road. Not yet anyway!
  24. It's not in P-town DAWG, it's in BUFFALO. Jump on the bandwagon late?
  25. Adds alot. Also has nothing to do with all of the chickenshits not wanting to play the Steelers at full throttle! NE would have beaten the Jets anyway!
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