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Everything posted by CentralVaBills

  1. Heavy D and the Boyz!
  2. Me thinks BF is starting to see what can of worms he's opened with all the prior SL Cards BS. Nasty stuff, nasty.
  3. How about a whopping 11-16. THAT'S ELEVEN AND SIXTEEN or 5 games under. However you break it down. Wonder what might happen in the playoffs? Of course, they are putting another beat down on AAA Cincy tonight. BF......any thoughts????? Alaska Darin, please feel free to comment.
  4. Hell yeah.....when in college at Ball State in the early 90's......I remember a game in the Hoosier Dome where the whole upper deck was almost all Bills fans. Some group from Rochester had a boombox, and security couldn't find it, and after every score the played the shout song. The whole uppper deck was singing Shout. And I think only a certain many people could hear the boom box start the song, but when it started going through the crowd, everybody was singing. It was great.
  5. Yeah, we need a new song about as much as we needed our new (2002, sh-- arena football version) of our current uni's. Ummm, we don't.
  6. Remember when?
  7. I'm trying. Today is the first day of camp. They both have mesh shorts on, sports bras, underneath of sleeveless T's. It's about 95 out already I think. Hair up in pony tails, with one sticking out the back of a BILLS HAT. WOOHOO, guess which one that is? lol Anyway, I'm working on pictures so they won't know. Both are probably in the size 5-7 range. One is maybe 5' 7", 125.....well I know she is for sure. The other is probably 5'5", 120. Both probably nice C cups, with tan lines. You gotta love this sh--. God bless teachers! One dark haired, one sandy blonde. They tell me they may have more tomorrow. Some parents may start to get alarmed though if I end with more instructors than actual kids! Lord help me! LOL
  8. Bad part about this is.........most of them have pretty good values. Too tough to pull off, lmao. I mean, they all are mostly the girlfriend / wife type, so I don't think it could be done. They're might be one that was the sorority slut at UVA. However, even at that, UVA does'nt pump out sluts to the degree that other schools do. This is the bible belt after all. lol I mean, even at the pool, you go there with your GF. Do you know how hard it is just to have to only look at your GF, with all of the other pie around? They go sometimes in like groups of 7 or 8. And it's hard not to take extended looks at the other teachers. If your GF is in the back row of say 3 rows of laying out hot teachers, and all you see is ass staring you in the face, it's almost impossible not to look and get in trouble. Of course the other dudes are in the same boat. I swear to god, it's like being in the middle of Boston Public....that show that was on FOX with all of the hot teachers.
  9. Any Hanover County Elementary School. They are all hired by the same HR department though. It's unreal. I went to this function with a bunch of them at this country club house type of thing......it was UNREAL. All of them. But anyway, I fired them to do a summer camp away from their school. Even the fattish one's.....which weren't all that fat, were hottish. Unreal I tell you.
  10. I'll see what I can do....I hired both of them to teach a summer camp next week. Maybe I can sneak a digital shot or two.
  11. I could care less about autographs, so I'll nominate the biggest Bills boob of all. Ronnie Harmon IT HIT YOU RIGHT IN BOTH HANDS RONNIE!
  12. Actually, they are both really, really cute. Both girls. I keep telling my GF that whoever is hiring all of the teachers in the HR dept at their school is a perv. I've never seen that many good looking 20 something school teachers in my life.
  13. Had to make it an intriguing headline. lol
  14. So, my girlfriend, soon to be fiance, has two new teacher friends. The couple, married, both have a bit of a problem though. Even though the chick is pretty hot, and overall the dude is cool, they both are Dolphin fans. So, they come over my house to cook out. He comes up to the Bills room I have and about pukes. Well, he then exclaims his love for the Dolphins, blah blah blah. I tell him I have season tickets and we go up for most of the home games. He's tells me he'd like to go and that he could talk his wife into going since Niagara Falls would be an attraction up there too. We could all go together. Asks me if I could get them tickets. Tells me he'll go wild wearing his BOB BAUMHOWER jersey, etc......LMAO. Not afraid of being around all Bills fans. I said OK, I'll see what I can do........ So, I do the only thing I know as a Bills fan......I get them tickets smack-dab in the Non-tunnel, scoreboard endzone, about 7 rows up, behind the net. LMAO. Let's hope they get the royal treatment there. A nice little, welcome to Buffalo if you will. That should shout him up by halftime. lol
  15. Ummmmm, the schedule was the weakest link, during those games. Then, when we actually played someone again, we got destroyed by backups.
  16. Me. I want to get one up of my girlfriend in her Bills gear, but hell, I don't even know how to change the cowbell, that I needed more of.... at the end of last season.
  17. Yeah, I always thought about going down to the one in Va Beach. They seem to have a good Bills Backers bar there also. Not sure how well attended it is though.
  18. Not going to that Mulligan's. That's downtown Richmond. Going to the one off of 295 which is about 10 miles less than going downtown and no downtown traffic. And if you aren't going a mile a minute on I-95, I don't know how the hell you aren't petrified. I don't know anyone who drives 65, which is the speed limit.....everytime I drive 65 on that road I think I'm gonna get run over. So, if the trip is 45-50 miles, and you go 45 miles an hour...you'd be in Richmond in an hour right? So, going 70.......I would think you could get here in 45 minutes TOPS. If you can't, I would suggest staying off of I-95 or you're gonna get killed, or cause a major wreck yourself. That interstate can be downright scary. But anyway, like I said, no biggie....however, Richmond is much bigger than "fredneck" as you call it...lol......and I think a BB Club would take off easily. Matter of fact, I think Kelly's brothers used to have one at the Southside location during the 90's. And the onwers of the Mully's is also from Buffalo.
  19. Takes 40 minutes each way. I-95 connects both. But, anyway, that has nothing to do with this. Anyway, hope you guys have luck up there in starting a new backer club. Nothing like watching the games with other Bills fans!!!
  20. 2 and 1/2 hours??? What Fredericksburg do you live in? lol Fredericksburg is like 45 miles from Richmond. We would not be doing anything in downtown Richmond, but mostl likely in a suburb. But anyway, I hear ya. I wish I could start a chapter here, but I'll miss too many Sundays because I make to alot of home games.
  21. You should try it in Richmond. You'd have much more success there. We met for the Bengals - Bills game last year, and had 23 Bills fans there, without much coordination. We've also met countless other Bills fans here, especially in the pre-season when we all go to Mulligan's who carry the Bills games. I'm thinking it would be very easy to get AT LEAST 20 Bills bretheren together weekly in Richmond. Especially for away games. Alot of us here actually have season tickets.
  22. You don't even have to read a book. The parents who complain about other parent umpires need to get their ass back there and do it themselves. I never saw a little league who wouldn't take volunteers. God, I hate people who blame VOLUNTEER Parent, or very underpaid parent umpires who do ump, when the a-holes who usually complain never have the balls to actually get back there and do it themselves. Oh by the way, take em to a minor league game as a group, they'll love it.
  23. Click on to the second picture......seems JP and the boys are warming up or something. Linkage
  24. LMAO.............NO SnR, don't do this. This is psycho. Just try to bang one or more of her friends. That's simple enough. I'm telling you, the ultimate score is her sister if she has one, but, like I said, that's a tough one to pull off. Bang a friend, or someone she hates, and you'll satisfy alot of needs for yourself.
  25. If you are bitter, do whatever you can to screw (sleep with) one of her friends. There is no better cure for your pain than that. Better yet, screw her sister, but that's usually really tough to pull off. I'm telling ya, nail one of her friends. You don't need Dr. Phil to tell you how good that would make you feel.
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