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Everything posted by CentralVaBills

  1. Even now, a full two days later.......I'm not dying laughing, but just knowing that you just read and laughed at the post made me re-laugh at it also. I think the post should be pinned somewhere permanently. It has even spunoff into other off-shoot posts. It even took over FAT. Perhaps the most influential post of all time. Maybe not thread, but no single individual post may have done more damage than this one.
  2. HOLY CRAP......May I please see more of Mary? Wow!
  3. Pete, I agree. That had to be the greatest post in TBD history. I was doing the same thing at work today. Check in on TSW, and I kept re-reading AD's particular post and laughing my ass off. I know people were like.....WTF is he doing. A perfect blend of anger, humiliation, disbelief, cockiness, and sarcasm. I mean, you can't write up better stuff than that. An instant classic. "This Friggin Abortion" should live on forever. I almost choked when I first read that, and then followed the link.
  4. lol, you know what....I vaguely remember that!
  5. Really? This creates the same type of thing that pickled eggs make? The kind with I think vinegar and beets?
  6. Well, that right there, answers the question. But pondering.....outside of the abortion pickle recipe......is there a use for pickle juice once all the pickles are actually eaten? Is BF simply being resourceful?
  7. There was a good question raised by someone over on the baseball side of this thing.....is the pickle juice, Dill, Sweet, Bread and Butter or what? Good spot for FAT I think.
  8. And see..............this thread, although a somewhat regular classic (FAT) has sprouted from the family tree that is the baseball board and recipe board. Now, go ahead, all of you, get enough guts and think you are posting in peace on the recipe board!
  9. True, but being called a (*^*&%^$^#tends to do that to a waller.
  10. No No BF.......look at the hits on that baby.....compared to the rest of the baseball board. You are a star. Lots of people have noticed. For your sake, you better hope that people don't venture out of the pickle thread and pick apart all of your other Cardinals gems.
  11. No, again, I'm just the guy who likes to call BS when I see it. Thus, I look up all the stats that can silence BS. 11-16 worked enough for me! The other stuff was just funny as sh--. Although, I have to admit, when two girls fight.....I do yell "CATFIGHT, CATFIGHT, CATFIGHT"
  12. 11-16 - That was my point. How this thing turned into this is alllllll you buddy. 11-16, that should sting enough!
  13. Has pickle juice now taken over for more cowbell?
  14. Easily the most entertaining thread ever on the baseball board! I knew some of you would like it.
  15. Oh damn, too late. I'm sorry! LOL, I don't dislike BF. I don't even like personal insults dealing with weight, drinking etc......but I just like the place this thread was taken too, in respect to BF even being ridiculed on the Recipe Section! LOL, I still can't get over how AD knew to go and find this recipe and tie it in to this thread!
  16. I wish it would move to the other board. LOL Has anything ever moved from a side forum to the main event?
  17. Well said Clark! LMAO....or no, Eddie actually said that.
  18. OK, everyone that is still active here tonight......seriously.......go back and look at the turn this thread took from post 9 to 10. ROFLMAO!!!!!
  19. OH MY GOD..........I am friggin dying laughing........Hey, could this count as OT on the TSW? Seriously......can you imagine that a thread this funny on the baseball board would take off on the "real board"? WOW! Who needs the comedy channel?
  20. Oh, no problem on this one......................I was laughing so hard, and still am, that I have no problem with the hijack. And then, he calls it....."This Friggin Abortion". LMAO I didn't know what the hell the link was to. And then BOOM, there it is........ROFL........ Seriously................this is priceless, because the link took everyone to places where most would think it would be a safe zone on TBD. Great Stuff!
  21. LMAO......................Just when you think the thread couldn't turn in yet another BF famous moment, it does. WOW. Seriously, that's all I can say. WOW. AD, how in the hell you could find that......insert it in this thread, and make it relevant, I'll never know.....but you even have some new sharks swarming with that one.
  22. ROFLMAO......Jesus............how in the hell did you find that / know that was even there? Wow! The explanation of that, by you, is priceless, IMO!
  23. Bottom Line.......11-16.........Does no other team have injuries? How about, for example, the Braves? You think they have injuries? I mean, you just get dumber and friggin dumber. SL is the greatest team ever. And when someone points out that they aren't......you come up with excuse after excuse. Deeper, and deeper, and deeper. The more you talk, the more everyone else looks even better.
  24. LMAO......yeah.....that 11-16 record is "skewed". You play winning teams. You win or lose the game. The Cardinals have lost 16 of 27 for an 11-16 mark. Yeah, skewed. LMAO. Just when you think......lol.......ahhhh, forget it, you just keep hurting yourself.
  25. Ummmm, yeah. You can pretty much forget the first three games already!
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