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Everything posted by ACor58

  1. Unfortunately he is still on. "Hi there baawwwb..."
  2. If you really want to blow your brains out try listening to his terrible radio show when he has that traitor piece of crap has Fred Smerlas on for 2 hours of Patriots man love.
  3. Jackson was hurt in Miami on grass.
  4. I just wasted 48 minutes that I will never get back listening to that whiney piece of s**t.
  5. Hoping he tells Cowherd to go F himself and that he is a blow hard.
  6. I guarantee he ends up as a stupid Patriot.
  7. Some of these are really funny http://daveartlocker.blogspot.com/2012/02/manning-face.html
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1n2RlfK3nLQ&feature=player_embedded#!
  9. Right but remember that this is the Super Bowl - and the highest rated refs are officiating the game. If that was one of the crappy crews that probably wouldn't have been called.
  10. "Johnnie Walker is kind of a working man's drink," defensive end Dave Tollefson told the Post. "Johnnie Walker and some Coke. It just speaks to the attitude of our team and the type of guy he is." I think he confused Johnnie Walker with one of his inbread cousins - Jack Daniels or Jim Beam.
  11. How is Tom Brady not on that list?
  12. It looks good, but are they really running out of ideas so quickly. Now they are rebooting movies from 2002, with the third in the trilogy being from 2007?
  13. He must be thinking of those die-hard Pats fans that have been following them since the beginning in 2001.
  14. Only in Detroit can you buy a house in an "Upper Middle Class" neighborhood for around $20,000 http://www.trulia.com/MI/Detroit,3875,Rosedale_Park/#for_sale/3875_nh/price;a_sort
  15. That is the most logical explanation that I have heard in my 34 years on this planet.
  16. 1.) 2003 - Takeo Spikes, Cincinatti 2.) 2011 - Tyson Clabo, Atlanta
  17. I actually was a Giants fan when I was 9 years old, back when they beat Denver in 1986. Christmas of 1987, my dad got me what he thought was a Giants Jersey, but it was a red white and blue #12. (The Bills and Giants jerseys looked so similar those years and it didn't have a name on the back). Once I had the jersey I decided that the Bills were the team that I was going to root for. The following year the Bills are in the AFC title game against the Bengals and I have been a die-hard ever since. I guess what I am trying to say is that I could have been a Giants fan, but my dad totally screwed me over and it is totally his fault that I am a Bills fan, but I guess it was meant to be. Let your kids root for the Giants if they want to - don't make the same mistake that my dad did, it is a much better life.
  18. I think that twitter threw dignity and class out the window but I believe you about Peyton being done, and it is a shame. Can you also ask your source if the Colts tanked the season on purpose, like I think that they did, to get in a position to draft Luck.
  19. It worked - I had no idea who the hell she was until I heard that she flipped the bird at halftime.
  20. But they have won three times...
  21. Well the good news is that if he does in fact make it home alive his book will be waaaaaaay more interesting that stuff about surfing,especially now.
  22. It's too bad that they only killed 9 of them. Had they stayed for another 10 minutes they probably could have killed 90 more, which would have saved them a few trips in the coming months.
  23. I doubt that we will get him. Even IF he wanted to come here there will be at least 5 other teams that will be willing to overpay for him.
  24. "Maybe we should have robster craws"
  25. Pretty funny though... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0-kCQMDpSVE&feature=player_embedded#!
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