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Everything posted by ACor58

  1. I watched on PBS. No frills.
  2. Mung
  3. Affirmative Action Hiring Quotas Forcing companies to ny goods from minority owned business... right?
  4. If either McCain or Obama wins, I pity the person that comes across a Libertarian. Hell hath no fury like a Bob Barr supporter scorned.
  5. Mahoney says that they've got a great salad bar.
  6. Sorry guys, but it is definitely the dick in a box beard. Let's just pretend that Trent is not the QB of the Bills and you saw him at the bar hanging with his boys. You would probably say - "Check out the douchebag with the dick in a box beard. No way he scores any trim tonight." Not scoring trim is the equivalent of 1 fumble, 2 interceptions, and coming up empty in the red zone. As soon as Trent loses the dick in a box beard we will start winning again.
  7. Dick in a box beard. Did anyone else get a look at that over manicured beard that he was sporting yesterday? Trent beard (bad angle) Dick in a box
  8. HOLY SCHNIKES Offensive coordinator — Kevin Gilbride, Giants: Gotta love the balance,and ability for No. 3 offense to average 27 points in many ways.
  9. He doesn't make any plays. The media is biased.
  10. ZING. He'll be here all night.....try the veal.
  11. Or the crappy band that is responsible for that song. Nice.
  12. Shouldn't you have a Toyota in your avatar?
  13. Saved by Zero Saved by Zero Saved by Zero Saved by Zero Saved by Zero Saved by Zero Saved by Zero Saved by Zero Saved by Zero
  14. It is the color the back of Bulldog's neck turns after Schoop Donkey Punches him during commerical breaks. BTW, has anyone seen Bulldog's wikipedia page? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chris_%22Bulldog%22_Parker ha ha
  15. It sounds weird, but I pictured Clooney when I was reading the books. I also pictured Gabrielle Byrne (from The Usual Suspects) as the Camerlengo. I am sure that Ewen MacGregor will be great though.
  16. 11:38 [Comment From acor58] Who is a bigger flaming douche bag, you or Schoop? 11:39 Sully: Me, for now. But I do think that Schoop deserves a spot in the douche bag hall of fame.
  17. Great book - better than Davinci Code IMO. Tom Hanks was a terrible choice to play Langdon.
  18. He picked us last week to. We typically win when he picks against us.
  19. I am recently married, so all that really means is that he gets more blow jobs now than I do.
  20. I am still better than you. I lost of more than 1,000 posts AND I have a full time job, yet I was still able to overcome the seemingly difficult odds.
  21. When you have three people (Senate Majority Leader, Speaker of the Assembly, and Governor) making all of the decisions in this sham of a democracy that we have here in New York State, this is what happens.
  22. I agree with you. Also, since I will not be in attendence, I would appreciate it if someone could punch "Fireman Ed" in the mouth and then set him on fire. Feel free to piss on him if you would like to put him out. If you would rather he burn, so be it.
  23. CA's deficit is a drop in the bucket compared to what we are facing here in New York State. It has been a joke for years, and will continue to be as long as the trial lawyers run the assembly and the senate and the gerrymandering is allowed to continue. http://www.prisonersofthecensus.org/nygerrymander.html
  24. Here are a few thoughts and solutions to the problem: - Term limits for pieces of crap like Sheldon Silver and the other idiot politicians that got us into this mess. - Stop spending our damn money. If there is a deficit, you need to spend less, not ask for government handouts. Start by laying some people off for once. They have been doing it in the private sector for years. Actually - just start there. That should be enough to right the ship. http://www.nypost.com/seven/10292008/news/...r_ny_135870.htm
  25. Saved by Zero Saved by Zero Saved by Zero We are in the market for a new SUV. I refuse to buy a Toyota because of that damn commercial.
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