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Everything posted by ACor58

  1. So you don't think that he sucks? You are very loyal and stick to your guns, I give you credit.
  2. The only mistake is that your dad didn't pull out.
  3. So have you finally come over to the JP Sucks side?
  4. I asked my wife. She didn't laugh. Go Bills.
  5. He has about 2,669 posts to back it up.
  6. This is a classic case of dergulation run wild, and some speculators were partly to blame, but have not accounted for the majority of foreclosures. There was a significant demand for CDOs - The IBs couldn't package them up fast enough. The banks saw a great opportunity to lend and mitigate their risk - but you still need borrowers to take out the loans - and many who had no business having a credit card, let alone a mortgage, were lining up to get a mortgage. All parties are to blame. Hence the drug dealer / drug addict analogy.
  7. Congrats - that is great. I just got married in September (when the Bills were in first place). Now they...hmmm....wait a second.
  8. I agree with you that it is the banks fault - but it is also the borrowers fault as well. It is like arresting drung dealers and not arresiting drug addicts, or vice versa. The banks are the dealers and the individuals that could not afford the loans in the first place are the junkees. Both parties are to blame.
  9. The real problem is the out of control spending. But what would you know. You simply sit in line collecting a welfare check and go home to your subsidized government apartment without offering any real ideas , just disagreements for the sake of disagreeing.
  10. My guess is very little. The unions in NYS are too powerful and the political sytsem is broken. The most troublesome for me though is that not enough New Yorkers get off of their lazy asses and vote.
  11. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20081217/ap_on_.../new_york_taxes When will it end? We need to revolt. I am not sure how ANYONE is New York State politics is ever re-elected.
  12. He has a reputation as an overrated left tackle.
  13. OK - so I guess it will come down to name calling. Two things that you are not: informed or intelligent. One thing you are is a f**king jerkoff.
  14. She should cover up her face.
  15. http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20081215/us_nm/...0dJjh0AFAIDW7oF
  16. None - but don't bother sharing anything of substance with Molson Golden. If it were up to him we would all be living in communes.
  17. Again - what are you talking about? I swear that you simply come on this board to disagree with people. I have yet to see you make a valid point or more importantly, reference any facts.
  18. What is it with people like you and pBills and your unwillingness to answer a simple question. I have yet to resort to name calling, yet you call me a moron. Very nice.
  19. I haven't done anything wrong Cincy. I am perfect.
  20. Let's not forget that Turk is a first year OC. Let's at least give hima year to learn from his mistakes.
  21. You didn't answer the question. Do you live in Western NY?
  22. You are unbelievable. Do you live in Western New York? Have you seen what the suffocating tax environment has done to the area? What about the state mandated spending? The prevailing wage? (do you know that the flag wavers on highway road projects make $25 per hour) My guess is that you don't. It is simple but I will break it down for you. The state has a budget shortfall (That means they are spending more money then they are taking in). The state can A.) Reduce spending (like the reast of us do in a decline) B.) Borrow (not really an option based on current credit markets / state financial situation) c.) Increase taxation and spending to appease the special interest groups that are part of the problem in the first place. Don't let my background in finance or my MBA fool you - this is not hard.
  23. Who needs a brain when you can just Google it.
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