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Everything posted by ACor58

  1. Here are a few excerpts "No one had a better draft than the J-E-T-S Jets Jets Jets" "I could not be happier about Mark Sanchez" "The Jets are awesome" "I would like Mark to give me a Dirty Sanchez" "Blah Blah Blah - No one else picked a single player, The Jets are amazing"
  2. The guy is such a flaming Jets homer and a little B word to boot. We get it, you are a Jets fan. You are also on a national syndicated radio / tv show. Have a little diginity.
  3. Let's just hope that he doesn't breathe too hard and crack a rib or bruise a lung.
  4. Outside of Long Island and parts if NYC it is probably hard to find a Jets fan.
  5. Those two clowns are idiots. I cannot unbderstand why they are so popular, other than the fact that ESPN crams them down our throats.
  6. Hopefully Chris Collinsworth. Chris is the best color guy oout there - better than Jaws.
  7. I know. especially when he leads a double life as guidance counsler Mr. Mackey at South Park Elementary. http://www.comedycentral.com/press/images/...rk/MrMackey.jpg
  8. NYPA helps a lot of business here in New York State. They only have so much generating capacity, so in order to give it to Steel Development Company they might have to take from or not give to another company. The problem isn't NYPA, it is New York F**king State. Unless you are a union or another special interest group you have zero chance of getting any sort of concession from those f**king dirt bags in Albany. Every single one of them are worthless pieces of garbage.
  9. I forgot about him. She is on it too. I know that she is only 16 but a million years will not be enough to redeem her for the last four. Jonas Brothers are on there too. And Adam Lambert from American Idol.
  10. They are each Douchebags in their on way, but Olberman is the worst, by far. He is on the list of the people for my new reality show. The premise is simple. Several celebrities riding in a bus drive over a cliff. The all survive but are starnded with plenty of water but nothing to eat. They have to eat each other - last one not to starve is the winner. Here is the short list. Keith Olberman Paris Hilton Tila Tequila All of the Kardashians and Bruce Jenner Spencer from the Hills Fergie Tom Brady Feel free to add anyone you want.
  11. I cannot watch Fox News either - they have no shame or soul.
  12. MSNBC is quite fair and balanced as well. Keith Olberman - probably the biggest douchebag in the entire country - possibly the planet. Chris Matthews - actually overheard trying to get the "Meet the Press" job at Tim Russert's funeral. Rachel Maddow - not only is she ugly as hell - but she doesn't have any talent either. The only thing that is truly fair and balanced and worth watching on that piece of crap network is Morning Joe. (I watch every morning).
  13. So we are a "primary market" when it comes to blackouts but a secondary market when it comes to this. The only reason the NFL gest away with this crap is because no one has sued them yet.
  14. Erik Flowers went to ASU.
  15. Chad Campbell is -2 through 6. http://www.masters.com/en_US/index.html Keep it going!
  16. I see your pirate and raise you a
  17. What does the pirate face mean?
  18. A. Mike Greenberg is an overrated douchebag. The show is way better when Eric Kasilis (sp?) sits in for him. If I wanted to listen to a little B word whine for 4 hours I would kick my sister in the face. B. ESPN has made a living off covering T.O.s every move. They have a symbiotic relationship.
  19. It's a good thing that no GPS is needed, because $70 is less than half what the cheapest models are going for righ now.
  20. So do you think we should trade Peters?
  21. What a freaking dumb ass.
  22. Nike Xtra Long Distance balls are crap. They feel like concrete and can't hold the greens for sh--. Carbon Fiber was big a few years ago, but not so much now.
  23. dude - When the Sabres played the Caps here 4 years ago the game sold out in one day.
  24. I have to disagree with you. Tim is very good at what he does and doesn't seem to pass wild speculation. He has a lot of fans on this board and I am one of them.
  25. I also live in Rochester, actually Fairport but I work downtown. Positives: If you plan on raising a family - great schools - much better than the schools in NC Commute - I live 15 miles from downtown and it takes me less than 20 minutes to get to work Cost of living is fair Becasue property taxes are high, housing is very affordable. $150-$180 will get you a very nice home. $300K will get you an estate. Negatives Weather - this winter was pretty bad Taxes - problem all through New York State. It has to change or there will be no one left to tax How old are you? Are you single? East End and Park Ave is great. Very favorable single girl to guy ratio. I am biased like Matty T. To counter what Fez said, if you are an engineer, accountant, healthcare or in finance you would not have problem finding work. Good amount of high tech and young optical / biotech companies. Feel free to PM me with questions. I will even give you my phone number if you would rather talk live.
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