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Everything posted by ACor58

  1. But each has been very different. While the White Stripes have a very retro, garage sound, the Raconteurs are a mix of rock, blues, and even country. While Broken Boy Soldiers was good, try listening to their second album, Consolers of the Lonely. I can honestly say that it is one of only a handful of albums that I can listen to from start to finish. Actually, probably my favorite album right now. It just doesn't get old.
  2. Did they have any timeouts left? Probably a million differnt things that they could have done, but trying to clear with your longsticks was not a good move at all. They would have been better off cheaping the ball down the field and riding. Either way it was a great day for the sport. Too bad someone had to lose that game.
  3. Monday 1PM on ESPN2. SU beat the Big Red 15-10 in the regular season but Cornell rolled past Princeton and Virginia in the tournament, the only two teams to beat SU this season. It will be a day for upstate lacrosse fans and the game itself.
  4. They should have an American Idol like contest to find a replacement for him. My guess is that if they grabbed 10 people off of the street, 6 would probably be a mojor improvement over him.
  5. If Ron Mexico licks his face he will probably get herpes.
  6. Jeremy White is a freaking prick!!!! I hope that he reads this. If he does, I invite him to start a new thread explaining why he isn't a douchebage prick who isn't any smarter than the callers he constantly berates. Don't get me wrong, WGR gets some really stupid callers, but take a lesson from Simon and handle it with class. P.S. If there was a way to send him an electrinic punch in the mouth I would do it.
  7. Do yourself a favor and start watching Chuck. You can go to NBC.com or hulu to check out old episodes. After watching a few you will be hooked. Best show on TV right now - BY FAR.
  8. I agree 100%. In fact, I can say that Jeremy White is a bigger sarcastic, miserable, know-it-all douchebag than Schoop - but not by much. They should give those two @ssholes their own show and see if that stab each other.
  9. AD - aside from the fact that a good portion of the people in NYS are morons, the State Civil Service Employees and the Teachers are the largest lobbying groups and own every single piece of sh-- Democrat in the entire state. On top of that, these bastards gerrymander and redraw the districts (even including the prison population in the census) to make sure that they keep their power base. The best thing to happen to New York State is if the capitol building was built by the same contractor that built the Cowboys practice facility and the day these idiots vote to give themselves raises (assuring full attendance) is the day a hurricane lands in Albany.
  10. Have you actually seen the resumes of the majority of politicians here in New York State, including our present and past govenors. NONE OF THEM HAVE EVER HAD A REAL F**KING JOB IN THEIR MISERABLE F**KING LIVES! Political experience is nothing more than a cover for the worthless individuals that have no real world experience.
  11. Tom Golisano's check book is always open for any and all charities here in Rochester. I for one amd glad to see that he is taking a stand. The truth is that Golisano can afford to live anywhere that he wants to, including New York State. He is not doing this for his own benefit. The taxes here are a drop in the bucket for him. he is taking a stand for all New Yorkers.
  12. Good for him. Mr. Golisano is not doing this for his own benefit - he understands that all of us middle class residents of New York State are royally screwed if we continue on this course. Golisano was never elected as govenor because both parties realized that he could not be bought, so they wouldn't nominate him. It would be such a shame if Sheldon Silver and his croanies were all hit by a bus.
  13. and 100% heterosexual
  14. Google Image search should settle the fact vs. rumor debate. http://images.google.com/images?hl=en&...mp;aq=f&oq=
  15. He will not sell a single freaking album. Adam Lambert is good at two things. Screaming and kissing guys.
  16. That "coach" looks like a convicted sex offender.
  17. Not freaking out. I just felt like he deserved it and glad that the Bills took care of him.
  18. About freaking time. He is my favorite Buffalo Bill.
  19. I try and avoid regional operators as much as I can. They are just not as well trained as the piolts on the majors.
  20. with a no huddle/ spread offense. Isn't the smart thing to try and suprise a team like New England on Monday night? You know, the same team that doesn't even have to watch film on you because you are so predictable. Some people at One Bills drive need to quiet down.
  21. Because he is a BMW / Mercedes friend. Aside from having small penises, those guys are typically "in the know".
  22. Wow! That is huge. I bet you Big Papi is on them too.
  23. Unpretentious? He named his first born son Kal-El, as in the Supermans first name.
  24. What about his southern accent in Con Air? "Whyyyyy cudntchayuu just put thaa bunny in thaa bowcks?"
  25. http://movies.yahoo.com/news/movies.reuter...-square-reuters
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