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Everything posted by ACor58

  1. Maybe you guys are right. Perhaps we should be pissed off at Russ Brandon and DJ - either way I see this ending badly, especially for Trent. I guess I let the mess we have in our FO spill over onto Walker. Included in that is that they passed on Loadholdt to draft Jarius Byrd, who will probably not play too much this year.
  2. Sorry to start a new thread, but the more I think about this the madder that I get. I am glad to see that wood and Levitre are stepping up and holding there own, unlike that fat !@#$ing loser Langston "I'll play LT because it is what it is" Walker. You'd think that piece of crap would be honored to be playing the most important position on the line. You'd think he would have tried to lose some weight in order to handle the speed rushers that he will face on a weekly basis. Instead he mopes around like Eore the freaking donkey.
  3. Jarius Byrd better turn out to be one hell of a player because we could have drafted Phil Loadholdt, who is projected to start at RT in Minnesota, in the second round.
  4. No - the Lions have changed in 2003, 2005, and 2009
  5. Thank you for saving me the keystrokes.
  6. My brother said she should have went home with him
  7. That should knock a few d-bag Red Sox fans down a copule of pegs. Their only World Series Titles came during the steroid era.
  8. A couple of coaches away too
  9. You have a health savings account that allows you to contribute pre-tax dollars to go towards your deductible. The problem some see is that if they actually have to pay for their basic primary care (through the hsa) they will be unable to buy the latest iphone with a data plan, new car, flat screen television, etc. You can contribute the same amount to an HSA and cover a high deductable plan that only covers major medical needs (which is how insurance should work). It is a lot more affordable than you think.
  10. Shifitng to a high dedecutible / lower premium insurance plan will go a long way towards fixing the healthcare problem. Unfortunately for Obama, Pelosi, and Reid, that doesn't allow them to control and profit from a government run system. For those of you that are advocating for this type of reform please tell me how this will be any different than social security, medicaid or medicare? The federal governement is the most inefficiently run orgainzation in the country and they are going to improve efficiency and lower costs. When have they ever !@#$ing done that? I guess are getting what we deserve. Thank you to the idiots that voted for Obama because he is so "cool" without having the slightest idea what he truly stood for.
  11. to quote Ogre... "NERDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Sorry I couldn't resist.
  12. I think the Toronto deal is as much about regionalizing the franchise as it is keeping an expansion team / another team from relocating there. Ralph is like an old dog pissing on trees in the neigborhood.
  13. I meant TKO - not TO. TO hasn't played in a game yet. My fault.
  14. Has anyone noticed that we haven't made the playoffs since we have had: 1. A good coach 2. A great draft 3. An impact free agent (other than TKO and possibly Stroud) 4. A good QB Camp in Rochester is the only reason that season ticket sales are as high as they are.
  15. I'd be more than happy to send you a bottle. It is hard to explain. It is like a cross between bbq sauce and sweet and sour sauce - or heaven as many call it.
  16. you guys are missing out. Uncle Ralph's is now the king of Rochester sauce. Try it and I promise you will love it. I could drink it straight from the bottle. http://www.uncleralphsmagicsauce.com/
  17. Very overrated film maker in my opinion.
  18. I called it last year - Trent has the "Dick in a box" beard going Trent Timberlake
  19. What will Ed Werder talk about once TO retires?
  20. That is the great unknown. Was he serving hard time or min security. Did he have a chance to evaluate his actions - will he be better or worse for it. Someone will take a chance.
  21. This case just keeps getting stranger and stranger. As it turns out, Andrea McNulty appears to be....a man! TMZ has the pictures to prove it. http://photos.tmz.com/galleries/andrea_mcnulty#47437
  22. Glad you enjoyed it CM. If you read the detailed account I might not be too far off.
  23. I know that you at least chuckled when you read it.
  24. I actually got to read some of her complaint and the transcript was very interesting. Roethlisberger (on the phone): Excuse me Ms. McNulty, the antenna on my television seems to be broken, would you mind coming to my room to help get it up? McNulty(on the phone, whispers):I'll be right there Mr. BIG BEN Knock on door, Roethlisberger answers. McNulty proceeds to the television and begins lowering the antenna up and down in a rapid motion. Roethlisberger approaches McNulty, music begins playing: Bam-chik-a-wa wa- chik-a-wa wa...
  25. If the article stated that TE was better than Mike Vick nobody on this board would be pissed. (for the record he also said that Tony Romo, Aaron Rodgers, and Matt Cassell, all of whom are better than TE, are also comparable.) While Mike Vick might not be as good a passer as TE, he was / is exciting and teams have to game plan for him. He might not have won the Super Bowl in ATL but he did take them to the playoffs. Until Trent has a winning record AND can actually stay healthy I would rather take Mike Vick. Again, not saying that he would get us to the Super Bowl but he'd probably have a better record.
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