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Everything posted by ACor58

  1. The funny thing is that I could see the government rationing care to the elderly. Lowers the would be costs of Medicare AND takes care of Social Security in the process.
  2. I noticed that too. I started to read the bill but the reason that these dirtbags in congress make them 1000 pages long is so they can hide things in them. I am going to spend some more time looking for specific examples. I sent it into Snopes for a fact check.
  3. I just received this email recently. Take it for what it is worth, but if it is true it is down right scary. NOW LISTEN UP……. Is there actually a Tom Johnson that practices law for the law firm of Baird Holm in Omaha, NE……….yes Is his analysis of the plan accurate………………………….I don’t know Did I read the subject Congressional Bill……………..no, it is 1018 pages so reader beware. Should you read it………………………that’s up to you, but ignorance is not an acceptable excuse. Should you care about this legislation……………….I think so, otherwise I wouldn’t send this to you. AGAIN, please understand the link to the Congressional bill will take you to a 1018 page pdf document…………………if you don’t want to go there, don’t click on the link. Tom Johnson is a Heath Care litigator in Mary’s old firm, Baird Holm Attorneys, here in Omaha. This is his assessment. TEJ's review . . . For those of you who want to know what is in the House bill regarding "health care reform" (this is the only bill that has actually been drafted - there are several draft Senate versions but none are complete and there is no administration draft at all), the entire bill is available online at http://docs.house.gov/edlabor/AAHCA-BillText-071409.pdf. After scanning through the actual bill, the level of disinformation accompanying its marketing is stunning. Some highlights: 1. It sure doesn't appear to me that you can keep your current coverage and physician if you are satisfied. As I read it, anytime there is any change in your plan (change in coverage, change in premium, change in dependents, etc.) you are forced into the public plan. If CBO estimates are anywhere near accurate, about 80 million people will transition immediately to the public plan. That is going to have actuarial implications for the private insurers but they, in turn, can't respond with any changes because to change a plan is to kill the plan. I cannot see how the private health insurance industry can possibly survive for even a year. 2. An overall reading makes one thing patently clear - "senior citizens" are going to be asked to go quietly into the night. For starters, the government panel who is going to assess the cost vs. benefit of all medical interventions is going to be bound by a construct that systematically disfavors seniors in the rationing process. That is, they are required to determine the ratio of cost vs. "quality life years" purchased for that cost. Any intervention to be applied to a person with a relatively limited life expectancy is going to come up on the short end of that analysis. Thus, an expensive but life-saving surgery for a 60 year old may end up costing $1000 per quality life year and be covered whereas the same surgery for a 75 year old may cost $5000 per quality life year and therefore not be covered. It will, of course, make no difference that the 60 year old is an unemployed illegal alien with a criminal record as long as your arm and the 75 year old is still running a family business employing 50 people. Just to ease the pain, the bill requires that, starting at age 65, we all participate in "end of life planning" with a government employed counselor and that we do so at least every five years thereafter. Clearly, this is intended as the vehicle by which the government is going to sell us the idea of our duty to die cheaply. 3. There is no provision nor incentive to add physicians. We are apparently going to add 45 million regular patients to the system and the same number of primary care physicians are going to care for them. 4. All medicine will become an objective exercise. Much like Medicare, permissible treatments will be defined by objective criteria such as the age of the patient and the diagnostic code applied. So, if you are a 70 year old male with a documented diagnosis of stage II prostate cancer, the government will decide the appropriate intervention. The subjective criteria that traditionally have guided all medicine (is this patient a "young" 70 or an "old" 70; is he still sexually active; is quality of life or length of life most important to him; etc.) will no longer be relevant. 5. You will not be permitted to acquire non-covered medical services in a private market. Efforts to purchase non-covered services out-of-pocket are criminal and would subject you to prosecution. 6. The government will have real-time, direct access to your bank account and the power to make deposits and withdrawals to effectuate the financial aspects of the plan. 7. There will be a mandatory, national health card. I can't find it specifically, but I'm willing to bet a bundle that either the bill provides for real-time government access to your medical records or it will sooner rather than later. 8. Congress is still exempt from mandatory participation. All Republican sponsored amendments to require Congressional participation have been defeated. 9. Undocumented alien residents are entitled to the same medical care and coverage as are you. I sure hope everyone takes the time to let Congress and the President know their feelings on this one. As some of you are no doubt aware, our President, late last week, implored his supporters to report directly to the White House (flag@whitehouse.gov) any "fishy sounding" negative information they receive or hear about the legislation. If any of you are thinking of turning me in, you can save your time. I already sent an email to flag@whitehouse.gov turning myself in.
  4. I am speechless http://www.ufl-football.com/media/photos
  5. Please scroll down to post #9 http://www.stadiumwall.com/index.php?showtopic=93211
  6. He didn't seem to stand out much as the Tight ends didn't seem to get many lools. Nelson did get some frist team reps and was split out wide in a few formations.
  7. It has more to do with the way they throw the ball. The throws that Trent were making were tight, in the right place, and always seemed to bea the defender by a mili second. As for the other guys, the throws that were on target (which seemed to be about half the time) seemed to float a little more, the receivers had to reach for them, and the defenders always seemed to get their hands in there. Being that I was in the endzone really helped put this in perspective.
  8. It's not that he was lighting it up, he just looks very fluid when he runs and makes very sharp cuts.
  9. I was thinking about that last night and I have to say that it is a toss up. I would have rather seen the Bills bring in a guy like Graham Harrell or Chase Patten and give them a chance.
  10. I wonder if that is payment for giving up the 81.
  11. I will not go into the detail as a lot of other posters do but one thing is apparent. The good - Trent looked awesome last night. He was very accurate and threw a lot of really nice passes. I also noticed the "clock in his head". During 7 on 7 if it took longer then a few seconds for a receiver to come open he would move around in the pocket. The bad - Fitzpatrick, Hamdan, and Baker SUCK. It was painful to watch when they were in there. If Trent goes down we might as well switch to a wishbone offense because none of these guys have any business being on an NFL roster. The offense seemed to being having its way with the defense last night. All four backs, Lynch, Jackson, Omon and Rhodes seemed to have nice lanes to run through. They all looked explosive. Roscoe got a ton of looks last night and made one of the best catches I have ever seen on a deep ball. He was basically tackeled (pass interference) by Lankster on a 50 yd bomb and managed to haul it in. One thing I found interesting during the tight end drills. Of all the tight ends, Derrick Fine seems to run the best routes. He has really good feet, has a very quick plant and an explosive cut. Shawn Nelson also got some looks with the first team. Byrd and Youbooty did not play
  12. Just remember that it was a meaningless preseason game at that point being played by 3rd and 4th stringers.
  13. You will leave the show a fan. I am actually going to the show in Buffalo as well. I just have to get my tickets.
  14. The opening band was from Ireland called The Answer. They were ok - pretty typical - 3 chords and very loud.
  15. Brian Johnson is 61, and Cliff is 59. Angus, Malcom, and Phil are in their mid 50s. These guys went HARD for 2 hours straight.
  16. cannot believe that these guys can still get it done at their age.
  17. Darin - a good part of that has to do with the fact that 90% of the population are morons. The other part is the b.s. practice of redistricting. http://www.rocklandbusiness.org/newsletter...tingReform.html
  18. how about "catchpenny" then. 1. catchpenny (designed to sell quickly without concern for quality; "catchpenny ornaments")
  19. His mom also told him that he is the best player on his intermural soccer team and that everyone got a trophy but his was the only one that was real.
  20. That just made me laugh out loud. Not in a sarcastic way, but in a "Holy crap he is right, we can start complaining after the season opener".
  21. Being negative and complaining is every Buffalo Bills fans god given right. If it weren't for bitching and moaning TSW would not exist.
  22. What did HOPE get us last November? Check the PPP board to find out.
  23. why not? Like I said earlier, maybe you guys are right and I am overreacting. I'd still like to see a little fire out of the guy. It also does not change the fact that if his heart was in it he would have taken it upon himself to drop some pounds in the off season, knowing that he needs to be quicker to be an LT.
  24. Maybe we will get lucky and we will land Shannahan next year.
  25. dude he has farted on camera before. In fact, he did it at the battle at Big Horn against David Duval in 04 or 05. I remember hearing it and rewinding it on Tivo. I then called a couple of buddies who were watching it and they did the same thing. You could even hear him and Stevie Williams laughing after he let it rip.
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