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Everything posted by ACor58

  1. You hit the nail on the head. They need to sell seats and he will be the one to do it.
  2. The Bills inquired earlier this year and he thinks that it is a great spot for him
  3. He is good for one or two big hits per game but this is the sequence I notice when watching Ravens game. 1.) Gang Tackle 2.)Whitsle 3.) As whistile blows Ray Lewis jumps on the pile 4.) Ray Lewis gets up and celebrates Did I mention that he killed two people?
  4. Ray Ray is one of the most overrated players of all time. He has built his career on jumping on top of piles. (And killing two people and getting away with it).
  5. I wonder how Miles Austin feels? I grabbed him off waivers in two of my fantasy leagues. I sure love him.
  6. I think they play "It's Raining Men" and if they don't they should.
  7. I am sorry but I have to side with crayonz on this one. All you have to do is read between the lines you dummys. I have hilighted an example above.
  8. I have played sports at both the high school and college level and have been on teams with both lots of talent and little talent. One thing that I took away with each experience is that if the coache was an a - hole to play for the team was much more successful, often times with less talent, than the coach that was nice and everyone liked. It didn't mean that the a-hole coach was a jerk off the field, but when it was practice or game time it was all business. I am sure that the players love Jauron as a person but he does not get the most out of the talent that he has, and that is apparent.
  9. That is what got him fired as the Mets GM - couldn't keep his pants on.
  10. All jokes aside I wonder if he will wise up and get a new helmet.
  11. I thought he would at east where a Schutt DNA / Ion or a Revolution (like Manning) after the first time he got his bell rung. If he doesn't after this concussion he is a moron. http://www.riddell1.com/newsite/product_in...roducts_id=1605 http://www.riddell1.com/newsite/product_in...roducts_id=1458 http://www.riddell1.com/newsite/product_in...products_id=368 http://www.schuttsports.com/aspx/Sport/Pro...log.aspx?id=787
  12. I am a huge fan of IPAs some of my favorites are Southern Tier IPA and I recently got hooked on the Sierra Nevada Anniversary Ale.
  13. It is practically the same: - Senile owner that the game passed by years ago but still continues to meddle - check - Rumors of impending move to Los Angeles - check - Lack of identity on both offense and defense - check - Best player is the punter - check I could keep going....
  14. That is because Ralph Wilson is nothing but a less obnoxious version of Dan Snyder or Al Davis. Always meddling and running off anyone that disagreed with him.
  15. See post #2 baby.
  16. Don't take this the wrong way - but !@#$ off. Seriously, no offense though.
  17. I wonder if she is a Trent supporter and E Moulds had finally had enough?
  18. Ralph is garbage - there I said it. The only reason he never moved the team was because he couldn't find a better deal. If Ralph really cared about the team he would be making plans now to keep the team here after he passes - like Lamar Hunt did in KC. He is no better than Al Davis running every successful coach and GM out of town.
  19. Levy can f himself - seriously. Anyone could have coached the talent that he had. The fact that he had four chances to win the Super Bowl and lost all four is all you need to know about Marv Levy. He is the one that hired Ja-Moron and he is responsible for taking Whitner over Ngata, etc., etc. After doing all this let us not forget that HE FREAKING QUIT as the GM.
  20. I can't wait to hear Greenie start bashing LeBron and his crew now that Braylon is a Jet. Greenie sucks.
  21. We obviously disagree on Chuck Lester
  22. I would love to see Ralph make the move, especially since Chris spent a good portion of his life in Buffalo. I would shitcan Modrak and Guy because they suck. I would shitcan Russ Brandon for not shitcanning Modrak and Guy last year. And I would shitcan Chuck Lester because he looks like Paul Hamilton. Let the younger Polian one up his old man.
  23. The Broncos and the Rams are awesome http://sports.espn.go.com/espn/page2/story...mp;sportCat=nfl
  24. I know that I would have been calling for his head after two bad games.
  25. As if my Monday morning didn't suck as it is.
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