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Everything posted by ACor58

  1. I won't judge you - we have all been there. This season is especially dissapointing because the expectations were so high. With the luck that this team doesn't have, they will probably play well for the rest of the year, miss the playoffs by one game (or a tiebreak), and get stuck with mid-round draft picks next year.
  2. Not knock him out of the game. Just hit him.
  3. See plenzmd1's post above. As it was explained to me, the younger brother has had some serious health problems in the last year and he was very dependent on the brother who died. He was was not known as a big drinker or a trouble maker - not someone "who deserved this" as some of the other posters have indicated.
  4. Let's stop piling in the deceased and his family. One of my family members actually knows the family and they have been through hell the last 12 months leading up to this point. For something like this to happen to this young man and his poor brother is tragic beyond beyond belief.
  5. Looks like there is a lot more to this story and it is not as simple as drunk stumbles out of stadium and drowns. Foul play? http://www.buffalonews.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20121117/CITYANDREGION/121119251/1002
  6. True story.
  7. They should have signed him last offseason - would have been way cheaper for them. The other cool thing was how he ran down the field after the INT and saluted the troops in attendance.
  8. Jeremy White said something pretty good this morning. Someone called the whiner line and said "Why is our best player not on the field when we are in the Red Zone?" and he correctly pointed out "Because Jairus Byrd plays defense".
  9. I literally just hung up the phone with my brother (who was at the game with me) and we were saying the same thing. Just a horrible situation.
  10. Here is the update that you missed...from the Buffalo News Authorities said the man’s brother reported to law enforcement that the brother had been ejected from the game, apparently for being intoxicated, and that he couldn’t find him after the game.
  11. What about em' eh? Our Canadian fans are great.
  12. Then you obviosuly weren't waiting in the piles of people that were pushing and shoving to try and get through the gates (which were packed) because security was using metal detecing wands. You obviously didn't hear someone yell "I don't care f**k him" when we were trying to clear a path for a guy in a wheelchair. You definitely didn't see the guy trying to pick a fight with everyone around him who later had to be restrained by 4 cops or the poor girl waiting in the crowd that was crying because of the mob. This was all before I even entered the stadium last night.
  13. It's a balance - many of the new NFL stadiums that have been built recently are much smaller than RWS (aside for Jerryworld). If they every do build a news stadium, I suggest it be in Lancaster - closer to Rochester and Hamilton - where they can increase ticket sales to corporations. Raise the ticket prices to keep the rif-raff out but make the place smaller.
  14. I am not saying that it is everyone - in fact, I would say 75% of the people there are great. It's just that the other 25% are such huge pieces of crap, the lowest form of life, that it ruins the gameday experience for most. I can't even imagine how old my son will have to be before I even consider taking him to a game.
  15. Especially at night. Every year I go to a couple of home games and every time I ask myself why I keep coming back. I have been to many other sporting events in many other places and hands down, you will find some of the drunkest, most vile human beings at Ralph Wilson Stadium. Those of you that say other places are just as bad are delusional. I went to the game in Cleveland this year and Borwns fans are 10 classes above the majority of Bills "fans" that show up to these games.Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life, but it is OK to go to a Bills game.
  16. I think that the meltdown against the Titans, the comeback blowout against Pats hurt player confidence - but last week against Houston was a killer - the defense played a good game, but still couldn't stop the Texans when it mattered, while the offense was able to move the ball, but couldn't score - very deflating - like the team finally realized that there is a huge separation between them and the best teams in the league.
  17. Maybe a few years ago - but the game has changed so much that a guy like Flutie might get picked before a stand in the pocket statue type passer (depending on the team of course) these days.
  18. An I the only one that thinks he looks like Flutie? (and that's not a knock)
  19. By the end of the season he will be a late 1st Rd or a 2nd Rd pick. 3 year starter in a pro style offense, accurate, smart, and can move in the pocket. Reminds me of Matt Schaub coming out of UVA. Nassib will be a very good pro.
  20. Many of the posters that have contributed to this thread will say that you are a jerk, probably whine and cry and say things like "Whaaa - that's not how the game is played - whaaaa." I will say this...I like your style and your attitude. If the Bills had someone like you working for them the rest of the league would stop calling them pussies.
  21. I vote that you read the posts - no one said anything about intentionally injuring him. Just put some damn pads on him - if that means the hit is a little later, it's a little late. This team has been a doormat to the Patriots and will probably get beat agian (and again, and again) - but at least put some fear into the guy. The only one that deserves to get a cheap shot / injured is that piece of s**t Spikes - who intentionally went after Chandler's head. So there, now you can vote to shut the thread down.
  22. That's what I'm trying to say. There is a difference between a cheap shot (intent to injure) and going hard until after the whistle and putting a hit on someone. Way to many pussies on this team that sit back and let Tom Brady make them his B word. Show some pride.
  23. They were absolutely trying to lose. They thought that Manning was done for his career and realized that they had a second chance at a once in a lifetime QB. They only won two of the last three games when they new that their draft positon was safe.
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