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Everything posted by ACor58

  1. If only the Fox Ropbot could somehow set Joe Buck's hair on fire. For what it is worth, I also refuse to rent cars from National becasue he is their spokesperson. "Choosing your own car, now that's a good call!" Eat s**t Joe Buck, eat s**t.
  2. He is the worst announcer ever
  3. He is the worst announcer ever
  4. Not anymore. Now you have to send away for them.
  5. - "This guy here is dead!" - "Cross him off then"
  6. It was just a joke. Sheesh. Like his hair has anything to do with his mediocre play at linebacker.....it's his tatoos.
  7. acor58: Kawika Mitchell: Cut your hair jerk.
  8. And Ralph has put the team in a trust ensuring that whomever purchases the franchise is required to keep them in Western, NY.
  9. I love Brad Butler. I think he and Wood are similar in that they are both fiery guys that aren't afraid to mix it up.
  10. Some of the other posters have shared some classic stories of the prank calls that people used to make to the Coach during his radio show.
  11. It's not that so much as it is just a set-up for failure.
  12. I am not sure why this is so shocking to some people: - The Bills have a very bitter, meddling owner. - Not a single decent QB on the roster - An offenseive line that is a complete mess The chance of failure in Buffalo is far too great.
  13. I am just going to say it. The Billboard is the dumbest freaking idea I have ever heard.
  14. He is a heck of a player. Not sure why more teams don't adopt the spread. Take a guy like Graham Harrell or Chase Daniel and let themgo to town. I don't think Brady would be as effective if he was taking snaps from under center.
  15. If the majority of stadiums are swithcing to synthetic fields the NFL has to make everyone where helmets proven to reduce concussions. Did anyone just see Sam Aiken's head bounce off of the turf?
  16. Looks like all the passionate Patriot "fans" are starting to pack it in.
  17. What about the part where Marty said that he is absolutely not returing to coaching.
  18. He seems like the type of guy that we need in Buffalo. As long as he knows how to pick an offensive coordinator.
  19. They didn't mention Soprano but they mentioned all of the rumnors coming from fan sites. It was actually funny to listen to them say "this just came from the stadium wall" and then trash it like it was an actual news story. It must be great to suck at their jobs as bad as they do and still managed to stay employed.
  20. Congrats Soprano. Those douchebag butt pirates Paul Hamilton and Jeremy White were talking about and dispelling your rumor this morning on WGR.
  21. Can't talk to him until the playoffs are over.
  22. They kind of dodged the question but at the end Greeny asked if he would invite them up to Buffalo for lunch over the summer and he just laughed and said yes but in December.
  23. http://galleries.buffalonews.com/photo.php....txt&item=2
  24. http://www.boston.com/sports/football/patr..._texans/?page=1 I wonder if he will even make it back for next years opener.
  25. Why did the Bengals even bother flying to NY. They should have just taken a forfeit.
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