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Everything posted by ACor58

  1. I bet that he ends up back on the juice and in a Patriots or Jets uniform before the end of the season.
  2. While you are correct in pointing out the increase in the wealth gap, the government is not the answer to yours, or anyone else's is a problem. Example: Single woman, poor, on public assistance. Has several children born poor, on public assitance, who in turn create more children, etc.
  3. I can't wait to hear this...
  4. Say no to drugs.
  5. I would take a 3rd over a 4th and either a 5th or 6th any day
  6. Lynch is 24 with 3 years remaining on his contract. Moss is 33 and seeking a long-term deal. Had the Bills unloaded him during the draft (when the rumor was that Seattle offered a 3rd) or before the 2010 Fire Sale they could have gotten more for him. They could have waited for the deadline and got more for him. Jeff Littman should be set on fire.
  7. really puts the Lynch trade in persepctive - Nix and Co. really f'd it up.
  8. I have a Kindle so consider it done I am going to try this Matty - but I might try Uncle Ralph's (which I could drink out of a glass) instead of Sweet Baby Rays (which I also like).
  9. Good for him - I would have been pissed too, especially knowing that the Bills decided to keep three turds instead. We need more people like that - the ones that actually give a damn.
  10. Lot 1 by the fieldhouse, and we'll have plenty to go around. Thanks for all of the tips. That is why I love this place!!!
  11. I agree with you 100% but one of my fellow tailgaters requested that they be warm.
  12. I am making pulled pork for the game on Sunday. We are leaving Rochester at 8AM and will probably eat around 11Am. Any thoughts on keeping it warm and or heating it at the game that would not require me to bring a grill.
  13. "but don't look back in angerrrrrrr, don't look at the wide receivers eitherrrrrrrr"
  14. He looks like the 3rd brother from OASIS... "And after all, you can't thow a baaaaaaall"
  15. That's where you are wrong Coach. If hamtenp can consistently keep up this type of performance he is probably in line for an extension, somewhere in the neighborhood of 4 years $24MM.
  16. Name another team in the NFL that would have given him a contract anywhere near the size that he just signed. Unfreaking believable.
  17. My bad - in that case, I am sure Ralph was against thsi move. Ralph would rather he sell programs then pay him after he fired him.
  18. Sorry chief... Player contracts are not guaranteed; teams are only required to pay on the contract as long as the player remains a member of the team. If the player is cut, or quits, for any reason, the balance of the contract is voided and the player receives no further compensation. http://askthecommish.com/salarycap/faq.asp
  19. Doesn't matter either way - The Bills are done paying him.
  20. This move has Ralph's name written all over it. He definitely didn't want to pay Trent for the remainder of the season.
  21. ESPNs Chris Mortensen is reporting that Trent Edwards went #2 in the bathroom of the teams chartered flight home from New England, which is a no no.
  22. If only it came in a set of four, as I am really looking for some Bills themed coasters for my man cave.
  23. It seemed like they hired half the writing staff from "24" and half the staff from "Lost" and decided to make a turd sandwich.
  24. http://sports.espn.go.com/espn/page2/story?page=easterbrook/100921_tuesday_morning_quarterback The Bills really are the Raiders of the east
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