I listen to Dan Patrick but couldn't resist sending this email to the herd address on ESPNs website:
How do you have a job, I just don't understand. There are plenty of people on radio and or television that I don't agree with but can understand why they have a job. Keith Olberman is a great example- I disagree with him 100% of the time but I can at least admit that he has talent. You, however, have none whatsoever. You have a voice that sounds like a cat being raped and your opinions stink. You are like that jerk-off uncle that everyone has and that no one likes - he disagrees with everyone just for the sake of disagreeing with them. The fact that you even has a job is a testament to the power of ESPN. (I am convinced that you have naked pictures of Chris Berman and the Phillie Fanatic or else you would have never even gotten a job there in the first place). They could put a steaming pile of dog crap next to Michelle Beadle and
anyone would still watch or play static interference after Mike and Mike and people would still listen. Please stop telling yourself that you have talent. You are like a really crappy little league player on a really good team bats 9th and hides in right field doesn't get a hit all season but actually thinks that you deserve credit for their success. You are probably the only ESPN personality that could call in sick and actually increase ratings. In fact - I bet that I could fill
in for you for one whole week and ESPN would never invite you back.