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Everything posted by ACor58

  1. Did you see Phillip Rivers outrun him yesterday? Carrington has less closing speed is worse than Keslays.
  2. Don't forget about the D http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yVZ-S1gxhBo
  3. Give him credit - he has been on parole since March 2010 and managed to stay out of jail until December 2011.
  4. Two areas on DirecTV that will not be blacked out. The Red Zone Channel and NFL Game Mix, so you can still catch the game.
  5. Wow- he is killing the Eagles tonight.
  6. Update! He shot AT someone. Check out the pic of him getting arrested, it's hilarious. http://deadspin.com/5864346/rolando-mcclain-is-accused-of-putting-a-gun-to-a-mans-head-pointing-it-in-another-direction-and-firing
  7. http://deadspin.com/5864302/raiders-lb-rolando-mcclain-was-at-the-scene-of-a-shooting-in-alabama-last-night
  8. The The Andrew Jackson quote was just as true then as it is today “I have had men watching you for a long time and I am convinced that you have used the funds of the bank to speculate in the breadstuffs of the country. When you won, you divided the profits amongst you, and when you lost, you charged it to the Bank. … You are a den of vipers and thieves.” ~Andrew Jackson, 1834, on closing the Second Bank of the United States Except that when they lost they charged it to the tax pay AND split the remaining cash amongst them. There are so many things wrong with our financial system, but the largest is the conflict of inetrest facing most commercial and investment banks today. Reinstating Glass-Stegall would be a great place to start.
  9. This might not be good news. If the new ownership is committed to northern Florida they will not be headed to LA.
  10. "You're the one with the candy shell..."
  11. Why would anyone buy her music or anything that she endorses? She is garbage. Just proves that most Americans are dumb.
  12. They were struggling for a long time but North American Breweries pumped a lot of life into a Rochester institution. I can't wait! http://www.democratandchronicle.com/article/20111118/BUSINESS/111118015/Genesee-Brewing-plans-open-bar-restaurant-visitors-center-by-April?odyssey=tab|topnews|text|Home
  13. Von Miller is a special player.
  14. If Donald Jones could freaking catch this wouldn't have happened.
  15. Since Rex Ryan is such a huge jerk-off and the many in the media were writing the Patriots obituary last week I think it was a pretty awesome thing to say.
  16. The petition has now been signed by over 23,000 people.
  17. Blue Light gives me headaches, that's all. I think that Bud Light does the same to our northernly neighbors.
  18. I just spit diet pepsi on my damn keyboard. Thanks a lot.
  19. Wouldn't it be sweet if they formed a rooster-rock super group call "NickelCreed". I would definitely go to the concert AND buy a t-shirt.
  20. This is an anti-Nickelback rant and if for one second you think that Nickelback has nothing to do with our unemployment rate, the loopholes in our tax system, the Euro-Greece Crisis, or the repeal of the Glass-Stegall act of 1999, then you my friend, are the douche. Thanks??? I think.
  21. You hit the nail on the head. Nickelback is the Labatt Blue of bands - Crappy and Canadian.
  22. Maybe the Occupy Wall Street People can get behind something that is actually important and make the world a better place. http://deadspin.com/5856056/detroit-lions-fans-are-next-to-spearhead-an-anti+nickelback-campaign http://www.change.org/petitions/the-detroit-lions-replace-nickelback-as-the-halftime-show-for-the-thanksgiving-game
  23. It doesn't say anything about white pants either. Does this mean that they won't be wearing any pants?
  24. There has to be - hence the Madden screenshots. Just curious, where is that from? So it looks like the league has approved blue pants - and if the Bills actually have blue pants, what a sweet time to wear them - at the biggest game of the season. The people on this board that say "who cares what they are wearing" have probably not played a competive sport before. Slight changes to uniforms or something entirely new, while not guaranteed to lead to a victory, definitely help get the players fired up.
  25. Those numbers are ridiculous - we don't need a Jerry Jones stadium. The Cardinals Stadium cost around $450 Million, which is more our speed.
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