Its like this Luisma. Lets say you meet this nice girl. She has a really pretty face and some nice cans but she is about 20lbs overweight. At the same time, she has been going to the gym, eating right and at times you think hmmm, I just might want to hit that, especially if she drops a few. I will give her some time.
There is this other girl. She isn't hot but she isn't ugly and you have hooked up with her before. It is 2:30 AM, you have been striking out all night and you call her on the way home, do you thing and that is it. You hope you can do better next time and you probably will.
The third chick is this skank you always see at the bar. She is pretty good looking, but she smokes, she swears a lot, none of your friends like her, and she probably has an STD. You get a really drunk and if you do take her home she can't leave in the morning fast enough. You ask yourself, why did I do that last night.
The first is JP and the second is Holcomb and the 3rd is Brooks.