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Everything posted by Beerstm

  1. and i guess GW and MM was as good as any other pick... what the frig?
  2. very, very pi$$ed off! I'd rather have Meathead! Heck, right now TD doesn't seem so evil! Thanks marv. I hope you enjoyed playing GM!
  3. It's too bad My fond memories of Levy have to include this horrible coaching hire way to go marv.........."Who would I rather have coaching right here right now?" Sherman, marv that's who. DJ may prove to be an excellent coach. but I'm not going to get all excited about another no nothing coach.. who has a chance to be the next great one. It is not a good day to be a Bills fan!!!!!
  4. Nope... He is going to have to prove it to the fans.. until then.. I don't ecpect the Bills to win
  5. i did that with GW and MM.. not going to be sold how great this team will be..
  6. well, I guess winning doesn't matter.. especially in Bufflalo.. Totally upset
  7. stupid post.....senseless. I don't even know how to respond..just ignorant
  8. wow, and I really don't care for your opinion HIRE MIKE SHERMAN
  9. A coach has to be a good motivator and a good administrator. The fact is, for anyone to be a great coach and succeed in the NFL, You have to have good assistants. Right now there are good assistants out there in the NFL who are being interviewed by other teams. My fear is that it will take a year or two for the new coach to assemble their coaching staff. That probably means more losing seasons in Buffalo no matter who the coach is. The fact that the Bills expect to make an announcement by Tuesday disappoints me greatly. Yes, I’m curious , and I’m a know it all fan. But fact is. The new coach needs time to assemble his team… I just can’t imagine that Levy and Wilson thought that highly of Sherman just to interview another handful of candidates. Any optimism I had is quickly dissipating
  10. I love the new Uni's.. My wife, who I am trying so hard to turn into a Bills fan loves thier uniforms and wants the new home 21 jersey. Keep the new Uni's... I do like the throw back uni's also
  11. please, please keep Tice out of Buffalo.. PUH LEASE!!!! that thought makes me sick
  12. double cover the FB in the Red Zone!!!
  13. Ok, I knew he was doing news still, but I didn't know he had hair... wow, the things you miss when you move away from wny
  14. Dont you mean the next GW or MM? how soon we forget!
  15. wow.. nice math... nice point... would u coach the Bills?
  16. They seem to have won a lot of hardware in their careers!
  17. Wasn't Mike Williams thrown aside by McKinnie? It wasn't until after the combine I kept hearing his name
  18. um. no.. I'll be right behind you... of course I'll have to retrieve them from when I jumped when MM was hired
  19. He coached with Sherman.. give him a contract...!! I guess I really want Sherman as HC
  20. Sherman.. enough said.. give him a contract!
  21. Yes and lets have Haslett as assistant coach!!! he wouldn't mind that.. he wants to be in Buffalo!!!
  22. I just want to get excited about a playoff game again....
  23. Isn't there always a OL compared to the Pace or Odgen??? Oh yeah, wasn't mike williams going to be one of the best ever???
  24. you get what you pay for.. unless you shop at Radio Shack
  25. My thougts exactly.. I was wondering if i was the only one who thought this!!!
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