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Everything posted by Beerstm

  1. to continue to support the Bills tells alot about the type of person you are. Born Loser!
  2. When is enough, enough? Last Saturday I paid my Directv Bill. My balance due was a couple of hundred dollars. They were going to turn off my service on Sunday. My bill was that high because I had not paid for the NFL Sunday ticket yet. For me shelling out the two and a half Benjamin's plus to watch football is not easy. This honestly is money I could have used for Christmas. While watching the game against the Jets, I started to realize that it is just not worth it. I didn’t get my money’s worth. Worst yet, looks like nothing will happen in the near future to make the expense justifiable. Adding a couple of free agents, drafting some hopeful college prospects and getting a couple of new position coaches isn’t going to do it for me. I have been a life long Bills fan. I have a signed picture of Ko Simpson framed in my office. He autographed it: To “A Real Bills Fm” because that is what I’m known as. But honestly, I’ve just about had it. When Dick J was hired by the Bills, I was so angry that I threw several of my Buffalo Bills items out of my bedroom window into the pond next to my house. I told my wife I would never follow the Bills again. But of course, stupid me, I came back and have paid just under $1,000.00 to watch the Bills have three consecutive losing seasons. At this point, I think my biggest mistake was expecting the Bills to be consistently competitive in the NFL. My second mistake was to think that anyone at One Bills drive actually cares about the fans outside of the revenue we bring. When is enough, enough? Why should I continue to be a loyal fan? I don’t know if I’m just so disappointed or actually starting to emotionally divorce myself from the organization I have cherished for over 35 years. Is anyone else feeling this way? Or does being true Bills fan mean to: Shut up, Pay up, complain not, and expect nothing?
  3. The Bills are a mess. The glory days of the Bills ended when Butler bolted for the Chargers. Hindsight is 20/20. I honestly believe Ralph got lucky hiring Polian, Butler and Marv. They developed into football knowledgeable people and gave the Bills their greatest success. They are gone. Once again the Bills are bottom feeders of the NFL. We’ve gone through GM’s, coaches and many, many players. Nothing has changed. Only two things have remained consistent in Buffalo: First, Great fans who bleed Buffalo red, white and blue and Second, a me first, bottom dollar owner who has never even lived in Western New York. Face the facts. It has become clear that Wilson will never again go after a big name GM. Probably due to the fact he was so burnt by Tommy D. It is also very clear that Wilson will not hire a proven, winning coach (History has proven that evident).. Therefore, it is reasonable to believe that the Bills will never be a serious contender in the NFL until Wilson is gone and out of the picture. We can debate coaches, GM’s and who to draft next year. But the result will be the same. Sad, but true. What bothers me the most is that by the time Wilson is gone the Bills most likely will be finished as well. Thanks for the memories Buffalo. They were great while they lasted.
  4. It seems like I read a this post every three years. I just don't think Ralph cares...
  5. Dear silvernblacknblu... Alright Catch This. Your non stop insults towards the Buffalo Bills and Bills fans do not bother me. They make me laugh. Your Oakland...er Los Angles….er Oakland ...or wherever your team has played has had a rich winning tradition. “Just win Baby” used to mean something. Silver and Black used to demand respect. Not anymore. Fact is: Your Owner/GM Big man Al is nothing more than a prideful, insane, me first type of owner who puts himself above his team’s best interest.. Bottom Line: That is unfortunate for the Raider nation. Fact is: The Raiders will compete this year for the worse team in the NFL. You know that they have little chance to make the playoff’s. They are a train wreck waiting to happen. Bottom Line: The Bills have a legitimate shot to make the playoffs. Enjoy watching the Bills in January. Fact is: Your coach Lane is a decent man who will probably make a decent NFL coach when given a real opportunity to coach a NFL caliber team. His biggest mistake since being interview by Big AL: Signing a contract. Fact is: You need to make your rounds on the opposing teams message board’s to keep the NFL season interesting . Bottom Line: Bills fans could care less about mocking the other teams fans. We got a team to root for! Just some random thoughts as I close: -For as many long term, high priced salaries on the Raider roster: Your team really, really sucks. Sorry. I should probably say rather unimpressive. -Thank you for cutting James Lofton. We appreciate that! -Oh yea 51-3. I bet that one still hurts. What a great day. I take it the Bills ruined your afternoon that day! Thank you for visiting TBD. Come by often. You can even get all decked out in a crazy outfit or whatever you wear to games. As for me. I will be busy watching my Buffalo Bills. Win or lose They are my team. And if the Bills never make the playoff’s again I’ll take some comfort knowing at least I was never a Rader fan.
  6. If I have read correctly, he has had little contact with the bills since January 1, 2008.. so far all year
  7. To my surprise this actually angers me. So he hods out all year to come back for what? NOTHING. All he has done is hurt is team and hurt their chances at a post season appearance. Most likely.. I could be wrong ( I hope I am). He will struggle to get into shape (I'll be shocked if he is in playing shape), struggle to learn the new system, just to get hurt (like most late holdouts). I love that the front office stood their ground. Screw Peters. I hope the Bills work out a trade after the season instead of granting him a new contract. Of course I say this now, if the Bills end up playing great this year and Peters performs like All Pro.. I hold the right to retract my comments.
  8. Um...Yeah.. that is why I come to TBD to get a report about a good game not involving the Bills... Man I must have blown it. I should have taken a plane from South Carolina to Buffalo.. rented a car to drive to Amherst to see a great game. No thank you. But on the other hand, I'm glad you enjooyed the game!
  9. When ever I see the uni's from the superbowl years... all I remember is how bad 84-86 Teams were!!! Please... the current uni's are great. They look awesome. Some people can't take change. The only thing that I agree with from your post is that Peters needs to hurry up and come to camp.
  10. It looks great. I also want to say thank you for all the work you and others do to keep this site up. I have been a member on and off since 96' and have enjoyed getting by Bills news and discussion from this site. It is the best one I have seen! Keep up the good work. You represent the Bills well. I really appreciate it!
  11. I'm always amazed how the spelling police sit and wait to give out a "spelling ticket" on TBD. It is worse then route 90 in here. I pretty much suck at spelling. However, I do not struggle with the "a lot" or "alot" mix up. However since you brought it to my attention I will throw it into my bag of misspelled words. Thanks I appreciate that... alot! Please get over it. life is too short to spell check everything. I'm sorry I am not as anal on my spelling as you are. I figure you don't have the luxury of having a secretary fix your spelling errors for you. Sucks for you.. sucks alot!
  12. OK.. that was so wrong... but that was also so funny. Here I am sitting at my desk at work going through TBD and I click on the link to check out the story on Hardy... and WHAM! As soon as the link poped up, I burst out laughing!!! I must have clicked it three or four times. Thanks for the laugh.. so funny.. so wrong, awesome post!
  13. Why is Hockey on the decline? I just don't get it. I love the sport. I love watching it on TV and I love going to any games. Minor AHL, ECHL, NHL... I love the action. I hate that ESPN does not give Hockey hardly any attention. I just don't get why Hockey is in the decline. BTW... Soccer sucks.. the only reason why I think it is on the rise is all those soccer mom's signing up thier kids to play the stupid game.
  14. Why would you ever want Hart??? He's from Michigan. Why would you want a cancer like that on your team???
  15. Why did you even post.. seriously why? If I had my guess it was just to be a prick. You must be a miserable, selfish, mean spirited person. Forget all the football talk. You are a sad, sad person. To attempt to totally crush someone for being excited or looking forward to something. I just do not get it. I can’t even imagine how sad your life is. I have a wonderful family, two great little girls. I love following the Bills and I really enjoy reading TBD. To read your mean spirited comments disturbs me. I hope I give my wife and girls the kind of love and attention you never got as a child. I hope to raise them to respect people and their opinions, even if they don’t agree. You are the High School insecure bully who likes to ridicule and make others feel inadequate. The fact that you signed up today only means that you probably signed up to just be mean. My friend, who ever you are, that is something I can’t even imagine. I really feel sorry for you. I hope you read this and really get a reality check for the type of person you are. I hope that you just posted this crap to stir up trouble. If so, your still sick, twisted and in need of some help. You are on track to grow old and alone and die a miserable lonely death. Something I wouldn’t wish on anyone.
  16. Wow, your from Rock Hill. Just moved here in July!! Where is good place to watch games??? BTW, the sports coverage does suck down here.
  17. He's from Rock Hill, SC.. that's good enough for me! Oh yeah, having got his autograph last week helps too! Seriously, he played solid his rookie year. He didn't get a chance to break a sweat last year. This year is key. Everyone who knows him here in Rock Hill says his ankle is 100 %, Most importantly his mama says it is 100 %, so he'll have to prove it on the field. Important year for Ko! Go Bills! GO Ko!
  18. Must not have NFL Channel. Come on! There is this great invention called Direct TV... Get it!
  19. The best hit I ever saw Clements make was in College @ Ohio State. OSU was playing Fresno State. The Wide Receiver for FS was Rodney Wright. He was later picked up by the Bills in the NFL. Clements hit him so hard that when Wright got up he vomited all over the field. About on quater later, Wright caught a slant in and Clements nailed him again. Wright vomited right through his face mask. I was at the game that day and when I came home, I watched the tape to see if it actually happened that way. It sure did. I'm not sure if Wright had the flu that day or what, but Clements massive hits caused him to lose his cookies twice in one half.
  20. I love it! Looks great.. ~Jealous~
  21. what a jerk.. It was probably the best thing to ever happen to him.. He got his 10 minuets of fame on TV.. cheers from the crowd.. I think he got a game ball from Evans didn't he? Anyway, just another VICTIM looking for a pay day
  22. Yes it is.. rememer the game well, I still have it on tape... I do recall reading that he needed to have his back worked on the next day!
  23. quote=The Avenger,Apr 29 2006, 11:59 AM] Our franchise LT was actually Mike Williams - too bad he moved to guard and then sucked so bad he got cut... 674308[/snapback]
  24. Oh yeah baby!! that would be sweet
  25. oh why oh why did we beat cincy?
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