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Everything posted by Beerstm

  1. I've had NFL Sunday Ticket since 1996. The past two years I have made the decision not to renew..only to renew in August. I once again have made the decision not to renew for this next year. Nothing the Bills have done this year is worth the money I would have to pay to watch the Bills lose every other Sunday. However, I have already talked to my wife about putting the NFL ticket into our Budget. It ticks me off. I don't want to support this team. I want to hate the Bills. But I can't. I love western New York. I guess I will always love the Bills. I will probably pay for the NFL Sunday ticket and I already can not wait to go to the Tavern in Fort Mill, SC to watch the Bills with my fellow Bills backers! There is something about this team that once your a part of it.. you are for life. It means something to be a Bills fan. I just wish our owner new that. Go Bills. I love ya!
  2. Oh I don't even know where to begin. Being a huge Ohio STate fan I followed Ted Ginn's career. He has talent, because he is fast. The yards he racked up in College were due to the fact he out ran the coverage and Troy Smith could get him the ball. He was never able to get yards after contct and only saw success stretching the field. CJ can run, catch and has speed. What a great player to team up with Freddie! I love this pick!
  3. That's right. We is just as smart is y'all up north there are.
  4. I have never done this.. but I have some insider information. I know professionally Ma'ake's cousin who lives in Rock Hill, SC They are very close to him. Long story short... he has not healed like he had expected. As of a couple months ago Ma'ake was uncertain he would even be able to play this next year. Time will only tell. However, it is unlkely any team will count on him to make an impact this year.
  5. Now that was well worth the read!
  6. Get well soon. Praying for you and your family.
  7. OK.. Read this carefully. People don't hate Chan Galey. Nice guy, decent coach. The problem is that once again the Bill's choose not to hire the best available coach. There are several more qualified coaches who would have come to Buffalo if interviewed and asked. Marty S., Brian B., Leslie F., I'm positive that there are several other qualified coaches available. But once again. We are forced to settle.
  8. Ok.. right. Get a grip! Quit looking in the past. Ralph did a good getting Kemp. Levy is so much like Chan. He have the same misguided logic that got Obams elected. I bet you even voted for Obama. You still waiting for him to give you a job? Buy you a house? How is that working for you. Wake up! It's ok to expect greatness. It's ok to expect to win and succeed. The Bills have not been a successful team for years. And it starts at the top!
  9. Oh that makes since, It was Buddy who wanted Chan Faley. Ralph is just the owner.. it it's not his call or anything. whatever!
  10. Ever visit the Tavern in Fort Mill? Great Bills backers club there!
  11. Wow, two born losers! It doesn't matter if you win or lose right.... It just matters how drunk you get eh? Try expecting greatness.... It's quite rewarding.
  12. I moved from Buffalo years ago! I'm glad I did. And yes crap does stink everywhere, but in most places outside of Buffalo, you clean it up and get rid of it. You don't just put up with people dumping it in your home and eventually get used to the smell!
  13. Yes they did! I was there. Great game! I met a lot of great Bills fans who deserve a lot better than the Crap One Bills drive has given them the past 10 years!
  14. Are you serious? Wait.. are you related to Buddy or are you just drunk!
  15. I hope your right. Even if you are. It takes coaching to win. You can't honestly believe that Chan can outwit the Pats, the Dolphins or the Jets.
  16. Cablelady, I'm beign totally serious. I always respect your Bills opinions. Your posts/insights are great! I consider you an awesome Bills fan. If you are not seriously outraged and embarassed at what is going on. I'm seriously shocked. Why, because I know you care and bleed Bills' red white and blue. I admire your loyality. I love the Bills. But I can not be proud of this team.
  17. ESPN- Seattle and Buffalo choose two former College coaches to lead their teams. However, the names Pete Carroll and Chan Galey just don't sound the same (add laughter). Headline News- A bill board doesn't buy what it used to. The Bills fans pulled thier resources to try to get Cowher, but landed Chan Galey. But have been a clearence advertisement. NFL network- laughing at Nix for saying there were 15 calls from coaches who wanted to be in Buffalo, but somehow they actually answered when Chan called LOL. Charlotte, NC radio- fans calling in just mocking this decision blaming it on the cold weather and the snow. Charlotte Sports TV news- In other news, the Bills lost out on Cowher and had to settle for Chan. What else do you expect from a team that has to leave the country to find fans. *laughing "Maybe Canadians will think Galey is Cowher." These are just a few reports I have seen. Other TV clips have been of Nix just sounding foolish. When Nix made his little comment about Buffalo not being Oakland, the newscaster said, "Your right Buddy. People actually want to live and work in Oakland, even if it is for Al." I'm known as a Bills fan. My office is full of Buffalo Bills stuff. I'm embarassed to evern be associated with this mess. What a slap in the face. What I don't understand is that some of you foolish fans will be more upset at this post, than what happend today @ One Bills Drive. For those Spelling and Grammer Nazi's on TBD, I have made several spelling and gramatical mistkes in this post. Can you find them? My point: True Bills fans shouls be embarased and insulted by what has taken place this year @ One Bills Drive.
  18. Tougher.. not tougher.. Just plain foolish! The blind looyality among Bills fans is FOOLISH! Batterd fan syndrome. Hope you enjoy getting abused for the next three years! LOL.
  19. John- I always respect and look forward to reading your posts.. until today. If you don't learn from your mistakes.. your bound to repeat them. That is a fact: Lets see folks.... Chapter One: Gregg Williams might just turn things around. He impressed Tommy D in his interview. Chapter Two: Good Ol' Mike is an offensive guy who comes from a winning background. He will get this team on the right track. Chapter Three: Dicky is a great man who has what it takes to finally circle the wagons. Lets give him a shot. Chapter Four: Chan is the MAN! Very creative man who wants to be in Buffalo. When will the fans put this horrible book down and realize that it isn't going to happen???
  20. That can't shock anyone. Come on NOW. If they hired Marty that would go against everything Ralph has done for the past 10 yrs.
  21. When will you and other stupid Bills fans understand that your blind loyality and "giving them the benefit of the doubt" is why they choose Chan in the first place. Brandon and the boys know that you stupid fans will shell out the money and fill the stadium to watch an 8-8 team. I can't believe to what extent some of you enable this FO suck to badly.
  22. RALPH can't live forever!!! That is a positive spin!
  23. Did anyone really think that the Bills would hire a big name coach? I'm sure we all hoped, but realistically any true Bills fan knows it wasn't going to happen. The truth and we all know it (even those who profess blind loyality. The Bills will never be a winning organization until RALPH dies. Once he dies, if the Bills somehow stay in Buffalo, the real changes can be made. Until that happens. The Bills will be the team nobody wants to coach, play for, and eventually support. After being a Bills fan for over 30 years... I just really don't care! I can't seem to get excited or upset. This is exactly what I expect from One Bills Drive.
  24. I'll have to disagree with you there. I lived in Western New York for almost 20 years. I moved South of Charlotte two years ago. There is no comparison betwen Western New York and the Charlotte area. Besides the Falls and Pro Hockey there is nothing to do in WNY. Here you have the beach on one side of Charlotte and the Mountains the other side. Charlotte has a great night life and a lot of cultural venues. Oh yeah and the year round golf isn't bad either. The biggest difference is we hardly ever have those nasty cloudy gray skies. Usually you can count on bright sun filled days. Weather is great except for when it gets cold (below 70). People also seem to be happier here. Not as mean and harsh as back in WNY. I thought I'd miss WNY when I left. Buffalo will always be home but the two best thing about WNY is the food (wings and Garbage plates), and the fact that I get to leave and get back to the Charlotte area.
  25. For what's it's worth, I love the Bills but boy, do they suck!
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