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Posts posted by Beerstm

  1. Bruschi Activated: As expected the Patriots have activated Tedy Bruschi. That makes him eligible to play tomorrow. He missed the first six games after having a stroke in the off season. He will give the Pats a huge emotional lift tomorrow night.


    How about a helmet on helmet to schumski and knock his ass out for the game!


    Get er done Willis!  <_<




    Would be a nice way to start the game

  2. Another cornerstone to the rebuilding process is in place.  Seriously.




    Totally off topic.. but I love your avaitor (spelling?)


    I just rented and watched the 1st season of LOST... wow what a show.


    Football related.... Glad the Bills locked up TM. It does give us something to build on.. plus he is so much fun to watch!

  3. Considering that the Bills are seemingly on an unstoppable slide to the basement, it's time to look forward to the 2006 NFL Draft. Here are my top 12 as of right now.




    I'll admit the Bills are having a poor season up to this point.. But your post for "realists" is just plain stupid.... There is over half a season to play yet. How do you consider yourself a Bills fan??? Stick out the season..


    Good night..

  4. Running in a TD with 30 seconds left. Norv, you're a sh ..y coach and you just happened to go against one of the worst defenses in the league. That was just freaking weak





    If the Bills had done that we would be calling it an ! point to the game

  5. Wow... i'd love for the Bills to win in the last minuets with Losman...


    However, that would mean that the Bills struggled again...


    I would rather see the Bills win easily. Put an entire game together that means:


    consistant run game


    Good mix between pass and run


    Holcomb spreads the ball around to different receivers, a couple of deep balls


    Bills score in red zone and the offense produces in 2nd half



    well I guess I expect a lot


    OK.. let Losman win in the minute

  6. 10 yards isn't worth the risk of losing the ball running back into your endzone and perhaps giving up a touchdown.  Plus, 6 points is a much better margin than 4.  If they scored the touchdown, there is always a chance they miss the extra point.


    Bottom line, if MM takes an intentional saftey, and we lose, he gets fired.  If he did what he did, and we lose, he doesn't.




    fickle fans! MM can't win either way eh?

  7. actually he was at the goal line on the Bills side about 5 rows behind me. He certainly was trying to be noticed as he sat in the first row of the suite directly in the middle of the open window. I was a little disappointed that approx 90% of the fan reaction was positive. Not trying to start a debate, but if he is going to attend, then he should go out of his way to stay in the background. Of course, asking someone who made a pez dispenser out of the mother of his children to use a little common sense might be asking too much.




    It surprises me that TV didn't pick up on that

  8. Used it against DBs trying to arm tackle him after he turned the corner. 

    We can't get him there this year.




    It doesn't seem like they are calling that play that much this year.. i loved that play

  9. Is anybody else upset we let a solid Veteran QB who we gave up a 1st rd pick for in 2002 walk for free?  Considering the #'s he's putting up, we should have gotten at least SOMETHING.  I know TD and MM were being respectful by letting DB walk, but it's a business world.  How about Dallas gives up a 5th rd pick conditional to a 2nd rd pick based on his performance.  Dallas needed Bledsoe more than we thought. Knowing the NFC Bledsoe may make the pro-bowl, and take the boys into the playoffs.  Just wish we would have gotten some collateral for Bledsoe instead of letting him walk free.




    The fans wanted Bledsoe cut.. so that is what TD did.. The fans and media wanted Holcomb to start.. guess what Holcomb is starting.. see a trend?

  10. Some examples:

    1. Hired Greg Williams.

    2. Released Doug Flutie.

    3. Kept Rob Johnson.

    4. Said he (Donahoe)was embarrassed to be part of the Buffalo community.

    5. Poor drafting.

    6. Failure to address the weaknesses of the offensive line.

    7. Talent at tight-end is non-existent.

    7. Hired Mike Mularkey.

    8. Traded for Drew Bledsoe.

    9. Missed the playoffs every year.

    10.  Did not allow an open competition for the starting quarterback position this year.

    11.  Even if the Bills win every remaining game this year, they would still be 2 games under .500 during Donahoe's tenure. :P  :doh:  :doh:  :D  :doh:




    Posts like this make me embarassed to be a part of this message board.



    Just lame...

  11. I disagree


    My family is a part of who I am.  My family from the itme each one of us is born is the same person.  Same SS#.  Same DNA.  They stay that way until they die.


    The Bills are nothing more than a set of numbered jerseys.  Rotate Flutie in one year, and a couple years later bring Bledsoe in.  Put him in a Bills jersey and now Bledsoe's a Bill?  Hardy.  He's a Patriot in a Bills jersey and what did he do for us?


    The Bills used to be tied to my heart.  Just like all of us.  But then quite a few of us figured out the game.  The owner and staff do what they have to do to sell tickets.  Period.  After that the W/L column can go to hell.


    Being sentimental is sweet and it will get posters to say ooo and ah.  But is won't win football games.  It does however keep the owner in money while he counts it in Detroit.


    I'm looking forward to the day when the Bills have a new owner who is dedicated to putting a winner on the field and not solely interested in only putting a mediocre product on the field and money in his pockets.




    Forgive me in advance.. but fans like you make me sick! PLEASE go follow another team to root for like the NY Jets.. I love hating fans like you. You are a disgrace to true loyal fans of every football team in the NFL.


    I love my family and they are number one in my life. Being a bills fan has been something I have grown up with and I inherited from my family. My relatives are all Bills fans! Sure I don't agree with everything Ralph Wilson or TD or MM does.. and I get frustrated with the players! But I love to follow and support the Bills. And why, Because I love the game, and I love WNY.


    And I know full well that when I go to a Bills game or purchase NFL Sunday Ticket that I am making Wilson and the NFL rich, but I don't care because I enjoy the product. I enjoy being a fan. I enjoy looking forward to watching the Bills!


    So take your high and mighty attitude and follow the CFL. I'm looking forward to the day when all the Band wagon IGNORANT fans like yourself fall off the Bills wagon for good!

  12. I always see people on this board clamoring for all McGahee ALL the time.  Well i thought the staff today was way too predictable with the runs.  It was like watching the Sabres nurse a 1 goal lead the whole 2nd half.  We should have lost.  You can't put Holcomb (or Losman) in  that many obvious passing situations.  It's painfully obvious the O-line is putrid.  Anytime Miami knew it was a pass play (almost every 3rd down)...they had no problem blowing by the O-line and getting to Holcomb.  Really, you have to call more 1st down passing or 2nd and short play action stuff.




    One week it is not enough WM, the next week it is not enough passing... There has to be a healthy mix.. The coaching staff came close this week

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