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Posts posted by RTW2012

  1. The reason the packers atrium thing is a YEAR ROUND success is because it is attractive to non-packer fans...largely the same reason that Wrigley and Fenway have such an attraction even to non-cubs and non-sox fans. It's about the history of THE GAME, not one franchise.


    Nobody but bills fans is going to give a crap about Ralph Wilson Stadium. Take off your fan goggles, guys. Let's be honest, even amongst Bills fans who's going to drive out to Orchard Park in the off-season to buy Tchotchkes from the team store and look at a fancy atrium and an empty stadium more than once? Maybe people who already live out there? I know I sure wouldn't.



    And for the record, every team has the right to celebrate their history, but its a joke to think that every team or most teams should spend hundreds of millions of dollars to build a temple to their mediocrity next to their stadium. Most teams are historically mediocre, by definition. The Bills are one of them.


    Exactly. Maybe if the stadium was downtown it would have some ability to attract some visitors in the offseason. In Orchard Park, no one outside of Bills fans would go there, and even then you'd get very few.

  2. Has anyone heard of a team being relocated that had a solid fan base?? The supersonics maybe? I dont really know why that happened though ill have to do some research but I dont see a team that sells out its stadium moving.. wouldnt they raise prices first?


    All NFL team moves in the last 30 years have been due to aging inadequate facilities.


    Regarding other sports, the Atlanta Thrashers moving to Winnipeg was a result of lack of fan support. If the NHL lets the Phoenix Coyotes move it will be due to lack of support also. Even though the Sonics played in a facility that had been renovated recently (1995), by 2008 it was considered inadequate for the NBA and the Sonics moved to OKC.

  3. I don't see how merging two lesser conferences makes the "super conference" any more worthy of consideration as being elite.


    Regarding UB, the new president does not share the same commitment to athletics that the previous one did. Given the fact they would have to double their current athletic budget (at the very least), there is zero chance of UB upgrading to a better conference anytime soon.

  4. We'll see how the Jets handle this adversity over the next few weeks - they don't seem to be doing too well so far.


    That said, i don't blame Mason. He has been running on fumes for a couple years. I can't believe he's still playing after Balt coaxed him out of retirement seasons ago.


    Had over 1000 yds each season from 2007-09. Last year had 61 catches for 802 yds and 7 tds. Not bad for a guy who's gonna be 38 in January.

  5. Look, if you are out there contemplating dropping $500+ on a season ticket at RWS, or even buying a single game seat, you should really ask around and do a bit of research beforehand if you are going to get bent out of shape about people standing in front of you.




    Do research to find out if you're in a "standing zone"? Hilarious.

  6. Stand after they score, stand after a big play, stand at halftime. When the ball is in play, have a seat. You can be just as loud sitting down as standing.


    Having said that, I was at the comeback game, and I stood (as did pretty much everyone else) for the majority of the second half.

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