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Posts posted by RTW2012


    Dalton and Newton were different scenarios. Neither team was expected to do any good this year, and there was no pressure to succeed, and they were able to just play the game. Neither was pegged to be day 1 starter. Both went out with something to prove with no expectations and no bar set.



    Newton and Dalton weren't pegged to be the day 1 starter? I disagree. Newton was number one on the depth chart the moment they handed his name to Goodell. Dalton was the clear number one once it was apparent Palmer wasn't going to report.


    Thank you friend. I am glad you look forward to learning. What's kind of ironic is maybe I am starting to feel like Jerry does sometimes, haha: taking heat from a decent number of uninformed idiots. The only difference is Jerry Sullivan deserves most of it. Although I'm sure a lot of you dumb people write him ridiculous things, or comment stupidly on his articles, I know at least some of you are intelligent football people. Unfortunately, because most are the former, he tunes fans out, understandably. Kind of like I am doing.


    Well, at least you used the word "ironic" correctly. Good for you! :thumbsup:

  3. The economic impact of sports teams has been well-documented. The overall conclusion is that sports teams do not provide significant impact to local economies in relation to the public monies spent on them.

    one study


    yet another

    one more


    As I said before, sports teams provide civic pride and enhance the quality of life in their communities. Improve, bolster, enhance the economy? Not really.

  4. Evidently the 2 games against teams that finished the spot in their division as you were weaker than the 2 we got. Cincinnati and Tennessee were both 9-7. Evidently better than the 2 teams the Fish played. Aside from those 2 games our schedules were identical.



  5. I wouldnt mind getting upshaw him and Dareus played great together. The one thing I'm really curious about is how the Dolphins get to pick first even though they have the same record and beat the Bills twice??


    1st tiebreaker in draft order is strength of schedule, not head-to-head.

  6. to add on to this:


    Has Rogers ever thought about the Blue Jays playing a series here against the Yankees? 20,000 more seats than the Skydome to sell out and an open air stadium. It would be of national interest and draw fans from Southern Ontario to Syracuse, Cleveland and Pittsburgh, and maybe even a national TV appearence. Throw the Bills a small amount, say the annual revenue fee from Erie County for remodeling the stadium (currently $2-3mil), give locals more $$$ for parking fees, hotels, etc. It's things like that the county needs to look into to utilize RWS more and increase its current revenue stream to help pay for remodeling fee.s. Shoot - look into hosting the MAC championship, more concerts (last one was 2001), etc.


    You do know the Ralph is a football stadium, right? No amount of "remodeling," save tearing it down and building up again, can reconfigure it to host a baseball game. The MAC championship game is not moving from the 10 yr old indoor Ford Field in Detroit to the going-on 40 yr old outdoor Ralph.



    Yes, I agree with your sentiment that the Ralph should be used more. This goes along with the logic that its eventual replacement should be a) located in downtown Buffalo (possibly Niagara Falls), and b) a covered stadium, to maximize its potential usage for more than just 7-8 Bills games a year.


    I love the Bills. I'm as big, or bigger, a diehard than most on this board. I honestly don't think they will leave assuming the State/County/Town shell out some $$$ to rehab the stadium (side note - has anyone with Poloncraz thought about hosting concerts there or doing something to raise more $$$ on an annual basis that can help fund the stadium refurbishment??).


    The stadium concert is pretty much dead, except for the biggest acts in the largest cities. Concert promoters prefer smaller venues, ala the FN Center or Darien Lake.

  8. http://network.yardbarker.com/nfl/article_external/oakland_raiders_also_thinking_about_moving_to_los_angeles/9262925


    This new guy in charge of the Raiders must be possessed by the evil spirit of Al Davis. He fires a coach that went 8-8 and now wants to move back to LA. Someone call a priest to go into Oakland to do an exorcism on this guy.


    Is it me, or does Al's son remind you of Lloyd Christmas from Dumb and Dumber with that haircut?


    Keep your heads down, Bills fans. Those bullets are still out there.

  9. Thanks. What I don't know, though is if there's any way that a 15-yard penalty could be assessed against the receiving team, thus leading to a game-starting kickoff from midfield. That might make the percentages favor an onside kick, since you'd be betting a near-certain win against 20 yards of field position with a second shot at tying/winning. Most of those penalties come from late hits and the like after the touchdown, which wouldn't apply here. I don't know if a fight after the whistle would carry over into OT (my guess is that it wouldn't) A cheap shot during the return would be applied to the return, not the kick.


    Short of suckerpunching the ref while the coin is in the air, I'm not sure the situation would arise.


    I don't think any penalty at the end of the 4th would carry over to OT. If the defense committed a penalty, the offense would get one more untimed play at the end of the 4th quarter. If the offense committed the penalty, quarter over and on to OT.

  10. Hard to imagine folks wouldn't buy playoff tickets, even if they were only going to resell them. The Giants are the toughest ticket in town, even though they are the most expensive in the NFL by a mile.



    No, I don't think he did that. It's a good question to ask. How much more would Bills fans be willing to pay? Maybe not in this current playoff drought, but say the Bills did make a few wild cards, Ralph passes, and a new owner come in and essentially doubles ticket prices. Would we, as a whole, pay?




    Good question. We won't know until it actually happens. Until then, saying Bills fans are cheap based on what you think they will or won't do in a hypothetical situation is ridiculous.

  11. Showing my age but I thought I remember reading when the Ralph was built they said the design could include a dome in the future?


    The idea of putting on a roof was kicked around about 20 years ago, and dismissed. Essentially the stadium would have to be enclosed by a giant wall that would support said roof. The original design for Rich/Ralph Stadium never had plans for a future dome.

  12. Well, I was one of the 157,000 fans at the game. Regarding the failure to sell the game out, you have to remember that the Bills played Houston on Sunday night of the last week of the regular season. If they had won, they would be the #1 seed with a bye during the WC weekend. Of course, Kelly got hurt, and the Bills lost. The comeback game was on the Saturday of the same week (if I recall correctly), and the Bills ticket office was closed part of the week due to New Year's. At that time, most of the sales were by paper tickets at counters, and it was virtually impossible for the team to sell the number of tickets that they had in the 2-3 days between the Sunday night game and the blackout deadline.

    I must admit that I am going off of memory here, and I may be off on some of the points (what can I say - I am old & it is late!). But, I am pretty sure that it was virtually impossible for the Bills to sell tickets fast enough to beat the blackout deadline.


    That's how I remember it, too. The problem was that there was uncertainty when the Bills would host a playoff game, depending on the outcome of their final regular season game vs. Houston. Add to that the Bills were drubbed by the Oilers, were set to face them the next week without Kelly, and there was no chance of the game selling out in less than a week.


    While blacked out playoff games are rare, every year there is always a scramble for wild card host teams to sell all their tickets in time. In 2009 the Vikings and Cardinals both struggled to sell out in time, and their stadiums seat around 64,000. If those teams had to fill an 80,000 seat stadium those games would have been blacked out.


    ny times Jan 09


    However, some people never miss an opportunity to bash Bills fans.


    I, too, was there on January 3, 1993.

  13. As great a game as that was, to me its a black eye on our fandom. Back-to-back SB appearances and we can't sell out a playoff game? I laugh when people say fans will show up when the Bills start winning. History says otherwise.




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