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Everything posted by RTW2012

  1. Funny you should mention Einstein, because I heard a quote once from Einstein. Now, how did that go again...?
  2. I would rate Schobel average to above average- certainly no superstar but the best DE on the team. As far as Ellis- did he even play this year? The FO has to get better find talent in the third and fourth rounds (as well as first and second).
  3. Think about it for a second. When Ralph interviewed Buddy for the GM job, don't you think the first question he asked him was, "Who do you have in mind for HC?" Given Buddy's history with Marty, if Buddy really wanted him, he would have said so then. My conclusion is that Buddy agreed with Ralph that Marty was not the right call.
  4. So you would rather not have the Bills sign free agents?
  5. As stated numerous times throughout, oh, the last forty years or so, if Ralph wanted to either move the team, or sell the team to someone who would move it, he would've done it by now, without having to rely on any excuses for doing so. Have these conspiracy theorists been living under a rock or in a bomb shelter for the last four decades?
  6. Umm, the special teams didn't allow 2 TDs in the last 5 minutes, the defense did.
  7. Too bad Perry's defense couldn't play like a real football team in the last quarter of the season opener against New England.
  8. And in tonight's show the role of drama queen will be performed by...
  9. I was unaware the Bills had offered the job to assistants or anyone else, outside of Cowher (maybe). No assistants have turned down the Bills yet. Some have declined to be interviewed right now while they are still doing their jobs preparing for playoff games. But no one has turned down the job, because it hasn't been offered to them.
  10. The Bills had quite a string of db coaches in the 80s: 1983- Jerry Glanville 1984- Pete Carroll 1985- Dick Jauron
  11. Benson played in 12 games in 2008, starting 10. That's hardly missing most of the season.
  12. Let's see... First the angry bald guy has a "B" on his T-shirt, then later he's wearing an "I". The mustache guy starts out with an "S" (or is it a "5"?), then at the end he's wearing an "L". Besides the fact it's not even funny, it's pretty lame the "artist" couldn't even keep track of what he drew at the top of the page. Major league fail.
  13. 2 problems with those examples. Raheem Morris just finished his first year as the Bucs' head coach, so they're giving him at least another year to see what he can do. Lovie Smith has actually had some success with the Bears, winning 2 division titles and a conference championship, with 3 winning seasons in 6 years. It was apparent to everyone after the 08 season what kind of coach the Bills had in Jauron. All those millions Ralph is now willing to spend could have been spent starting last January.
  14. Sorry, getting Cowher's name wrong 5 times removes all credibility from this. It looks like young Mr. Logan wrote this before the bus picked him up to go to school yesterday morning.
  15. No snowstorm that day. You may be thinking of the previous week's playoff game vs. the Dolphins. 44-34, with Reed, Lofton, and Thomas running wild.
  16. Would you care to back that up with any, you know, evidence?
  17. Perhaps you forgot that the Bills were actively looking for WRs in the free agency period, due to the likelihood of Hardy being sidelined for the first part of the season. TO was signed a month into free agency, after all the best options for WR had gone elsewhere. Since the Bills were under the cap, and were in the market for a starting WR, the signing made sense. Regarding the OL, the Bills vastly overestimated the talent they had. Edwards was done in by the total dysfunction of the offense, an ill-fated attempt to run the no-huddle, a pathetic line, and possibly the lingering effects from last year's concussion.
  18. TO was signed because the Bills were looking for another starting WR. Not sure why that's so hard to understand.
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