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Robert Paulson

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Everything posted by Robert Paulson

  1. you made a good point. just because Drew is the veteran dooes not mean he is the best guy. if he continues to lose or even not win games for us i would have no problem going to JP or even the Florida kid. at least he can hit a 7 yard pass.
  2. the chicken wants to get away from the yankees and bo sox
  3. i've been thinking/hoping the same thing. while i don't believe they purposefully tanked the 1st 2 games i do belive the O has been a work in progress to see what would formations etc. we work out of. this wasn't completed in the pre season do to injuries. unfortunately Drew has also looked bad for most of ther preseason and the 2st 2 games. either that or we really suck and it will be a long year until JP starts playing.
  4. i feel like i've been spammed. i thought i was getting onto a jp post and i end up reading this flutopian brainwash stevestojan. flutie=rj they both $ucked. that was many years ago. he is not coming back. take the flutie poster down from the ceiling above your bed and move on. jp wearing #7 is nothing more than a coincidence. he is not taking medicine to help shrink his body to 5'8" so he can be more like your 'hero' jp does not play in a stevestojanny band with his brother and homo lovers he does not love Wegmans' subs and most importantly- flutie was and is not a winner
  5. me 2. my company just got us pcs with internet access. i think i was on here the 2nd day after that.
  6. that's what confused me. did mm call for the fake if the gunner was not covered or did they do it on their own? is it standard st practice to get the green light if the gunner is not covered? from the way the up man was gesturing i think they did it on their own.
  7. i do not think that was a called fake. the upman noticed the gunner thomas was not being covered and kept gesturing to moorman to go that way. i couldn't figure out what he was doing at 1st. it must have been 3-4 seconds of gestures. i'm surprised no one from OAK caught on and went to cover him. any one remember who that was? that was my bright spot of the day.
  8. i 79th the motion. i am even more angry at vincent now. at least we could have been putting JP in around the 5th game and get some purpose out of this season. i hope he is a fast healer.
  9. remind me what that is code for? thanks,
  10. we have had the wagon for 3 years now and love it. there has not been any significant with it. you also don't get any of the bull stevestojan you get with the other guys when you try to buy from Saturn. just like buying a quart of milk. we will be repeat buyers.
  11. i agree. i thought they looked the worst in a 2 te set.
  12. i thought the best running formation was when they had the full back in along with McGahee. i don't know if it was because it was the 4th qtr and the jags d-line was tired but the holes looked bigger and we ran for positive yardage. i didn't think we ran well out of the 2 tight end sets. their d shot the gaps quickly and disrupted the play with penetration. having the full back there to block the 1st man penetrating helped. if anyone has reviewed the tape let me know if that was what happened or if i am off base. thanks,
  13. then you need to get TIVO and season pass the bills.
  14. breaking it down into 4 game segments, we have to go: 2-2 3-1 2-2 3-1 that gives 10-6. now if we have critical turn overs, brian cramps etc. and only score 3 pts from 1st & goal from the 3 etc. we will go 6-10 if we are lucky. we should have won this game 24-6.
  15. that is how it was last year. what's the big deal?
  16. i thought the same thing. he seemed to go against the Bills alot so as not to appear as a homer.
  17. my daughter started her 2nd year of pre-K last week. she is very into it. a quick hug and a kiss and she is in the door. she has stated she never wants to go to big kindergarten and wants to stay with Mrs. Tate and Mrs. Patterson forever. i'm for it as Mrs. Patterson is a hot MILF. Mrs. Tate is more of the cats eye glasses librarian type-pass. my 2 year old son had trouble the day he went along for the 1st day drop off as he wanted to go to school also and had a fit when he could not go in the room with his sister. we'll see if he is singing the same tune at 12 vs. 2.
  18. we also went to fantasy Isalnd. i forgeot how much fun that place was for little kids. a little run down compared to six flags but just right for the tykes.
  19. nothing important, just the thoughts that stuck with me -went to the kids game with my wife, 2 and 4 year olds and about 16 friends and family. Rich is still the best stadium in the world although the Jumbotron is on the small side ( i remember when it was the biggest in the league) -gained 5 lbs from a steady diet of pizza, subs, wings, fingers and beer -no one works downtown. on more than one occasion the 290 was gridlocked and the 33 was empty in both directions. everyone lives and works in the suburbs. -for a city that is broke there sure are a lot of fun things to do for free. went to the biker rally/peter frampton concert on Sunday with a great fireworks display in front of city hall and Thursday at the Square. -saw alot of much needed road construction. the 290 was being redone at night, the 33 was just completed and Walden/Transit & Walden/Union intersections were getting much needed rebuilds. - went to my cousins wedding the last Saturday. the reception was at club Italia in the Falls. baby Joe Mesi was there. he is a huge celebrity in Buffalo. no one else in the world has ever heard of him. i told people in Chicago and Wisconsin that he was there and they said 'who??' he is also not that big. looks like more of a light heavy weight to me. half the people i talked to said he was done, the other half said he was fighting Tyson at Rich next spring. -Beaver Island Beach is a lot cleaner than i remember. the kids had a riot there. all in all a great trip and a great place to visit. too bad there are no jobs except if you work for the city/county/state and mismanaged government or it would be a great place to live also.
  20. La Nova wings and pizza are fantastic. you must have been there on an off night. the west side La Nova burned down last weekend. Massiello was there on Sat a.m. stating the city will use all resources available to rebuild it. this coming from as guy that does not have 2 Buffalo nickels to rub togther. i thought it was funny.
  21. manning, how could you even have marcia on your team?
  22. this is a non-issue. it happens to every team every year. read your local paper or even the USA today on Tuesday for examples. a 3rd string cfl qb complains about stealing a years salary. i highly doubt players and agents will bring up the mistreatment ofTravis Brown during future negotiations.
  23. it's tough to showcase evans' speed with no o-line to protect the qb. if the o-line plays like they did against Detroit we will see some bombs to Evans in week one. Gildon showed me nothing in the preseason. why hold him back? to fool Jax for the 1st time he rushes the passer? i think he is cut. hopefully i am wrong and he gets 15 sacks .
  24. i had enough of him and his mullet wearing legion of fans. :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: this season will be tough enough with out that distraction around. plus who would keep #7?
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