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Robert Paulson

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Everything posted by Robert Paulson

  1. we will be lucky to get a low 3rd or 4th for Henry. we are tremendously over valuing him here on this board. he did nothing in the Jets game when he spelled Willis. he has no, lost his, vision. can't get outside, gets hurt etc. he does play hurt and can run through an inside hole. that's about it. maybe we find a dummy GM that doesn't understand that we need to trade him and will take what we can get. maybe then we get a 2nd but the stars have to align for that to happen. let's be realsitic 3rd or more likely 4th.
  2. Herm Edwards does a show with national FOX radio at that time. he is so pompous. this week he was saying all the right things about te Bills but in a sarcastic way like he knew the Jets were going to destroy us. i can't wait to hear his take on this game.
  3. rummy, wolfy and cheney run things. they are not going anywhere. bush is just the face. these 3 are pulling the strings.
  4. don't miss him a bit. it is not as if DB was throwing for 300 yds a game with Shaw in. so Drew throws it over Sam's head instead of Bobby's- same result.
  5. i voted in wisconsin for kerry. the 1st pres. election where my vote will mean something. my previous elections were in NY and illinois so i was one of just many dems.
  6. i think we see JP after the next Pats game unless Drew stinks it up and the Bills lose against BAL and the AZ game. myself- i want to see JP ASAP. maybe we can make a run for the playoffs but fall short. let's get the growing pains out of the way this year. it just delays the long term plan if JP holds the clip board all year.
  7. you beat me to it. maybe it is in their contracts that they need to be pregnant so people trust their forecasts more. either that or Jim must have fast swimmers.
  8. i guess the bookies don't put much stock in gamblers believing our beloved beating the phins was a turning point and that we can win 2 games in a row or any game on the road for that matter. time to prove them wrong-we'll win outright.
  9. someone will buy it and reopen. it is in a decent location although it is not Chippewa and not Allen. whatever happened to the cobblestone district by HSBC? did anything ever open there?
  10. i agree. he is owed nothing except his salary( which the Bills redid because he blew his 1st bonus and was broke) the only thing i feel bad about is that Travis will be most likely broke and working on the docks for UPS in about 2 years. i hear he has a lot a 'friends' helping him manage his money.
  11. i don't think he is as highly rated around the league as this baord thinks he is. i never hear his virtues extolled on the national shows or the local wisconsin and chicago stations i listen to. they never talk about him like they do L.Tomlinson , P.Holmes or even C.Portis in washington. he has no 2nd gear, is injury prone (missed games every year) and is not very bright. if he had a few 100 yard games this season i could see an early 2 from a desparate team but he has done nothing to show he is even better than Sammy Morris. i'm not trying to pick a fight but i am trying to be realistic about his value.
  12. next you'll all get your turn, form a single file line- and no pushing boys
  13. hopefully he is gone by tuesday. i'd take a 3rd rounder for him just to get him off the team. he has malcontent written all over him if willis starts after travis is healthly.
  14. i agree. tasker is so anti bills to avoid appearing to be a homer it made me sick. even my wife noticed it. if they were even neutral i would not mind it. the remedy for this is for the Bills to win more games so we don't get the z-team of anouncers every week.
  15. me too. i love the standing buffalo helmet with the striped socks. i like the rinmgs around the shoulders also. i detest our white jerseys with the blue shoulder pads. we stole that from greggo's old team.
  16. the only thing that bugs me was why he was not cut during camp. we are liable for his full year salary because he was on the opening day roster. he should have never made it past 8/15.
  17. the sundowner has been my club of choice on my visits back to Buffalo. mints and pure platinum are pretty close. the best looking girls and lots of them at those 3 clubs i have heard seductions has more to offer but you are taking your chances if you ask me. if your being serviced the guy at the next table may have been serviced by the same girl 10 minutes ago. yecchh maxines/gtr have gone downhill. they are the minor leagues for the girls too fat, ugly or b1tchy to make it at the sundowner, mints or pure platinum. p.s. exchange your money beforehand or go to a Canadian ATM to get the best rates. don't use US dollars or try to get Candian at the clubs. they advance your cc which costs you extra fees.
  18. i have been getting the same way. you just wait for the shoe to drop because you know it is coming. my wife is threatening to ban me from watching the games because of the depression that sets in after you watch the Bills let a team hang around a little too long before someone makes that game losing mistake. in the marv era we always used to say- don't worry, we are a second half team, as long as we are close we will win it in the end. the current team is the exact opposite- you just wait for the self destruction.
  19. my point was not what 'Parcells' would do and i want him to coach the Bills but that the same players are losing games for us. why does MM keep putting them on the field? when is enough enough? we can not afford top coddle Drew,'s Mike's Travis' Coy's ego: tell them it's not their fault and let thwem keep making the same game losing mistakes. my reference to BP was meant to note that he is a succesful coach that does not put up with these mistakes and removes the players from the field and/or team when they continue to make them. :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: read my whole post before you start talikng about farts and bullfrogs and whatever other f'ing hypotheticals you are trying to be cute with.
  20. would Henry, Bledsoe, Williams or Wire even sniff the field next game. these little mistakes commited by the same players have killed us for four games. the only reason i can asssume they are still playing Henry is to increase his trade value. guess what? we would be lucky to get a 4th rounder for him. that 3rd and 1 play had touchdown written all over it. he had a hole and no one in the d backfield to stop him. what does he do? falls down!!!!! :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: why did we draft McGahee if he does not see the field? to punish his agent for being a stevestojan head? we lost 3 winnable games due to these assclowns' mistakes MM- do the right thing bench all of them- the worst thing that couls happen is that we lose with their replacements. the one o-line man we need to go down doesn't get hurt. what was Williams doing on that 4th down play? ARRRRGGGGHHHHH
  21. awhile back somone posted a link to a web site that listed celebs. that were either gay or rumoured to be along with comments. does anyone have that link still. i need to confirm for a bet that Topher Grace from the 70's show plays for the other team. thanks,
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