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Robert Paulson

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Everything posted by Robert Paulson

  1. It amazes me that some fans will give Holcomb more time to improve after 10 years but the won't even give JP 10 games. ding ding ding post of the day couldn't have said it better myself
  2. where is it? i want to stop by. i am going to L.A. for work in Feb. thanks in advance
  3. i really wanted to vote for JP but T McGee has really done the most for the team. Evans and Schobel close 2nds
  4. the team got progressively worse each year as more of 'his' players began to make up more of the team. Favre pulling games out of his A$$ skewed those records and he finally hit the wall this year they were terrible in the playoffs- if success is a winning season than getting spanked in the 1st round of the playoffs than yes they were very successful under sherman. (and please don't rebut that they made into the 2nd round round once or twice because my point is once in the playoffs they did little except get embarrassed) look, i really don't have avendetta against sherman but it appears the board is going overboard thnikng this guy is some great coach- he was an average coach at best and a bad G.M. at best maybe he will do better in buffalo but my hopes are not high.
  5. i lived in Chicago during the end of Wanny and the beginning of the DICK JAURON reigns of errors DICK JAURON is hated there. all my Chicago contacts are laughing that he has made it this far as the Bills choice. the still play a funny clip on AM 670 the good sports station in Chicago where Eddie Obramawiszc (sp) is asked something like: whats the Bears problem? and he screams: DICK JAURON!!!! when i left Chicago i moved to N.E. Wisconsin where i got to witness the last 5 years of the Mike Sherman experience. he did nothing except run that team into the ground. now all my Packer fan neighbors also get to laugh at me. this is truely pick your poison as neither is the 'must have' guy like Saban or Mora Jr were when they were hired. who knows maybe it will be better the 2nd time around for whoever we hire but i'm not counting on it.
  6. -allready fired minority interview to keep his name in the papers so some other loser team takes him off our hands -my guess is he is hired by Houston in some capacity. he was the only defensive coach interviewed by them
  7. it's not worth getting in a fight over but Favre played terribly this year and threw game losing interceptions numerous times- forcing the ball when he did not have to. he looked like a rookie out there. if stats were the only thing to go by than why was Rob Johnson run out of town?
  8. i agree. i've lived up here for 5 years and sherman has done nothing except make this team worse each year. he had the G.M. title taken away last year and was fired this year. the only thing he has done better than MM was he doesn't seem to call the 3 yard pass in the flat on 3rd and 7 or the goal line, rarely calls the bumbling trick play and he sticks with his QB through thick and thin (Favre barely played better than JP this year although Favre seems to get a pass based on history) i do not want to see him as coach of the Bills.
  9. the Cubs have been doing this for years. i thought it was pretty common for baseball teams to price weekday April games etc. lower due to the cold or other issues that impact attendance..
  10. i thought of that also: opening day Bills 1st drive 3rd and goal from the 4 MM calls the flat pass to shelton from holcomb- 3 yards loss Marv calmly gets on the elevator, walks onto the field, taps MM on the shoulder and asks MM for the headphones, gives him the 'you're out' sign with his thumb and takes over coaching the rest of the season experiment over
  11. besides fixing the lines and other personnel upgrades that is what Marv needs to do and i believe will do. MM really got screwed up over the course of this year and regressed- perhaps being micromanaged contributed to this. Marv needs to teach MM on how to be a head coach and then not get in the way. hopefully Marv brings some guidance as an ex coach that did pretty well during his time here and can help MM in these areas that he was lacking in this year: -setting a team strategy and sticking to it -smash mouth vs. west coast vs. etc. offense -bend don't break vs. attack vs. etc. defense -assembling a capable coaching staff of teachers and coordinators who can game plan and adjust -teaching/coordinating your assistants and then letting them coach -managing in game situations: challenges, time outs, go for it vs. punt etc. -player relations and commanding respect:buddy vs. hard ass- choose one-can't be both Marv turning MM into half the Head Coach Marv was takes us from 5-11 to 8-8. that + a fixed o line and d line & a learning and playing JP gives us 11-5 hopefully this can all happen next year but i think it goes like this: 2006: 8-8 2007: 11-5 playoffs 2008: 13-3 win super bowl JP is MVP that or the team goes 5-11 the next 3 years, Ralph passes away and the team is sold and moved to L.A.
  12. Negatives -the Pack have no offensive line left, no healthy running backs, few receivers and no QB (Favre is a goner) -they will be in cap hell due to Favre leaving. -the special teams are poor Positives -patient managemnt group -the defense is playing better under Bates -there is still a glow from last decades superbowl win= happy fans -most fans knew this day was coming once Favre retires that they would suck for a few years. think of Bills fans from 95-2000 vs Bills fans from 2001 to 2005 Bottom Line there will be a 3-5 year grace period in GB for a new coach. this would make the GB job a little more attractive than Buffalo IMO
  13. i hope KH started the last 2 games to prove to some one higher up in the org (Ralph) that he sucks. that is what i am left with to try to rationalize the decision. JP needs to develop. we have blown 2 years screwing around and we still do not know if he will be great, good or bad. how can you tell after 8 starts on a sh-- team? i don't think JP was truely hurt-if he was hurt that bad than disclose it and make him #3 or put him on IR- why the charade? if it was MM trying to save his job he failed and should be fired. if it was lil Erwic crying to Ralph that JP does not throw to him than both MM and TD should be fired (TD should be fired anyways) and Ralph should sell the team if anything this should clear the way for JP to start all games next year and not be pulled unless he has a horrible camp and preseason. i would like to know what London Fletcher and Chris V think of Mr. 4 int, 2 fumbles, dink and dunk today.
  14. i love it: 'holcombites' this team has far too many questions on the o line, d line and both aged safety positions to even fantasize that this is a deep playoff team if it was a potential deep playoff team this year or could be one next year than sure go with KH to put them over the top. he can manage a game and let a dominant special teams, D and running game be the focii. the kool aid drinking fans and some of the kool aid drinking players might think we are close but we are not. if the goal is to get into the playoffs next year so we can be destroyed by a real team- fine start KH and again limit the development of JP. but we can't get back the last 6 missed playoff years so forget about them - they should not enter into the thought process if the goal is to be a top team for many years and win the super bowl then JP must start even if it means another season of pain. that is what he was drafted for. we should have had the season of pain last year and we blew the season of pain again this year. starting KH gets us no closer to the super bowl in 2-4 years but maybe gets us slaughtered in the 1st round woopee
  15. TD wanted big ben pitt took him TD panicked, moved up and went for JP i still like JP and believe he will be good i also believe TDs drafts have not been fruitful but he has done above average in Free Agency Conclusion- fire TD
  16. i thought he missed a lot of holes this year. he tended to run into the back of the pile and be stopped instead of cutting into space. i screamed a half dozen times a game about this.
  17. the 4 things you mentioned are 4 things young QBs struggle with. How will all of these things be solved with him watching Mr 8-8 KH play? jesu christo!!! JP has not even started 16 games and people are calling him a bust if KH had started we would be roughly where we are now. we would not have been a playoff team. we do not have the D or O line for that.
  18. no who wants to see K H throw 3 yard outs on 3rd and 8 while JP watches from the sidelines what a wasted year
  19. that is how i felt the last 3 Tuesdays. it's better that we lost. Sunday night sucks, Monday sucks, but by Tuesday you realize it is for the best that we lose. this gives: no more Whitey, bye MM, better draft picks, and Ralph hopefully telling the new G.M. to fix the damn lines.
  20. just like christmas eve dinner with the relatives -spelling not accurate most are the equivalent of damn or !@#$ in english depending on volume/inflection madonna!- virgin mary ella madonna! - to hell with virgin mary porco dio!- pig god putanna!- whore figlio/figlia di putanna!- son/daughter of whore mingia!- dick meeschka!- darn jesu christo! va fungoo la cooloo! - go get effed in the a$$ -dio cane is a new one for me, (god dog i think) my relatives spanned the boot from Sicilia to Abruzzi to Friuli so i would think one of them would have used it- must be this guys obscure fave
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