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Robert Paulson

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Everything posted by Robert Paulson

  1. uumm why isn't JP #1 on this list? he seems to be the cause of most of our problems
  2. Best Case Obama 432 Senate 58 Dem/Caucus Surprise States NB 1 district, GA, AZ, GA, AR, SD, SC, ND Worst Case Obama 318 Senate 57 Dem/Caucus
  3. agreed i'm over the jp/t.e. thing and fully support whoever is under center that being said the edweirds really do see no wrong when it come to 5 let's check off some things couldn't feel the blind side hit and fumbled check thrown behind/over receivers check threw bad picks check lost games because of these turnovers check can't get a play off and has to call timeout check all things that 7 would be roasted over now these are 'team' issues when we lose and when we win it is because of the t.e. poise some of the Bills 'fans' on this board are hilarious
  4. Obama/Biden 338 McSame and caribou barbie 200
  5. like shooting fish in a barrell crayonz- this made my day!!!
  6. lighten up francis he's played better but there is a lot he needs to show moving forward to justify the knob jobbing he's given by shnooks like you he was totally brutal in the rain in Q1- thank god the D held their ground until he could get his act together terrible on short passes- if those throws were by jp he would be crucified- happy feet all over the place don't worry- i'm happy( actually estatic) the bills are winning and happy Trent turned it around but don't make the HOF bust yet
  7. wow glove boy is terrible indecisiveness leads to a sack throws way to hard on an outlet pass terrible pass on 3rd down get jp in there- edwards can not play in bad weather
  8. it looked like they were expecting JP to go deep every play. i don't remember one pass attempt over 15 yards and definately did not see them try a bomb. it was good to see JP read, choose, throw instead of holding it, holding it, holding it for the bomb- this makes protection easier also when the ball is out quickly i'll always wonder what kind of QB he would have been in a well planned offense like this appears to be- it definately suits Trent's strength and it appears JP can adapt into it that should mean good things for the team this year
  9. they will be fine once jp gets back in there 'ducks'
  10. i know i took a chance listing areas that are concerns and/or need improvement maybe after 35+ years of watching football starting at 6 years old i still don't know anything but i did not see in T.E. what a lot of people on this board claim to see. he might be good or even great but is not a lock to be anything more than kelly holcomb the rose colored glasses trent is god people will be on me quickly for that for the record: i think j.p. got screwed and can still be a good Q.B. in this league, but barring some disaster w/ T.E. it won't be for the Bills. Team management has moved on
  11. there is certainly a 'you are either with us or against us' mentality among t.e.'s strongest supporters in reality he has not done much (besides not being j.p.) and people should really take this year to see what he can do because team management is behind him and he is the starter PLUSSES he played well for a rookie at times he took few negatve plays he found his 2nd/3rd receiver quickly for many on this board- he is not j.p. DELTAS he found his 2nd/3rd receiver too quickly sometimes he got worse in Q4 than the early quarters he got worse as the season progressed not withstanding the 12 page message string his arm strength still needs to be proven he needs to show he can play in the cold rain & snow
  12. http://www.buffalonews.com/opinion/columns...ory/336249.html http://www.buffalonews.com/opinion/columns/jerrysullivan/story/336249.html i knew Sully didn't like JP but what brought this on? i apologize if link does not work. i never have used this feature before. article is on TBD main page
  13. me too looked like a good guy with his kid w/ him and not the punk that has been reported can't wait till we play tampa home in 2009 so he can torch aqib talib
  14. agreed- it amazes me how fans over value our players and under value the opposition
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