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Robert Paulson

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Everything posted by Robert Paulson

  1. i had a lot of dreams about this last night i wonder is richard is really 'island dead' (killed but still somehow among us) like christian and daniel f. it seems like people stop aging when they are in that 'island dead' phase i also see him and the others being original black rock crew members the way the story seems to have gone out and come back in over the seasons i can see the show ending with them blowing up jug head and transporting themselves back onto the oceanic flight in 2004- this time it does not crash but lands safely in L.A. as if nothing happened for the folks on the island they reset also but to where/when i do not know then this repeats- kind of like the big bang expansion and then contraction to a singularity in the universe repeating over time still wondering how the little black kid and his dog are going to be loose end tied
  2. for the most part the land, vines, buildings are decades if not centuries old and paid for and sun and rain are free yes there are taxes and wages and other ongoing costs but it obviously can be done the real question is how can these winieries in California and France get away with ripping us off for $100 bottles- no matter how low their yields are
  3. totally agree on the spanish reds- great taste and great value this is the time of year to pick up some rose's from Spain - totally different than a white zin
  4. try a Malbec from Argentina for a really nice inexpensive red Alamos and Las Hornigas(sp) are 2 i like nero d'avolo and primitivo from sicilia/southern italy are interesting also adelsheim from Oregon makes a nice Pinot Noir but the price is above 10 you can still find some good pinot grigios like Kris or Zenato but that part of the shelf is getting flooded with pi$$ from movement away from oaky chardonnays- everyone made an oaky chardonnay and now everyone makes a crisp (but not always good) pinot grigio kim crawford sauvignon blanc is good from New Zealand but is getting expensive- there are probably other good ones from N.Z. or South Africa out there but i have not tried any lately My # 1 rule for buying wine: stay away from California and France (except for the Rhone valley Reds or a Macon Village type white or a Pepi) typically overpriced for the quality unless you want to spend in the 100s- and why spend in the hundreds when you can do good at 10-20
  5. i hope you are right because all i see is a noodle arm glove boy afraid to do anything but dump off- once he got figured out by decent teams he was exposed like a blind squirrel finding a nut and jp he had a good game once in while to give hope to fanatics but i don't see the 'special' in him i hope I'm wrong because we are done for 3 more years if i'm not
  6. good, we didn't need him- too old and too expensive
  7. 'the last of the unplucked gems' the hip 'hai schelto me' zucchero (you've chosen me) in Italian
  8. so when T C is looking at the sidelines during the hurry up it is his way of not getting the play from the sidelines but choosing his own play- riiight there is also clock stoppages via out of bounds or inc. passes to bring a play in as far as the no power game- they had the full clock to bring plays in via player to ensure communication of the play was correct he did not call his own plays- get that fallacy out of your head
  9. what proof do we have that he calls his own plays during the 2 minute drill? all but a few QBs have the plays sent in even in the 2 minute drill- sometmes 2 plays at once another myth about trent christ that needs to stop
  10. i said the same thing after that TD when was the last time we ran that play seen reed left?
  11. he has shown nothing in camp and preseason and the bills were afraid to put him. i met him in camp and helooked like he shpould be sweeping up the camp grounds- short, skinny, pencil arms he is a #3
  12. i would be pissed too- how many drops did we have on 3rd down when the game was still early miami made about 5 3rd and longs each time by half a football- i was pulling my hair out- we have 3rd and makeble and drop easy catches aaarrrggghh
  13. well, it doesn't mean he threw the ball 20 yards just that the play went 20+ a dump off for-3 and a 23 yard rac counts that being said plays for 20+ yards at a time are a good thing
  14. nice choices it's either not his fault or he sucks how about a choice or two in the mediocre range?
  15. the dart to peerless in the back of the endzone against houston doesn't count, right
  16. not after they put all their eggs in the edwards basket can they let JP onto the field- especially against KC where hopefully T.E. gets 'well' they were so sure he was the answer they did everything they could to let 'jp play himself out of the job'- lose and you are done now they have the bad jp parts- indecision, sacks, inaccuracy w/ none of the good parts - deep ball to get respect coverage and no fear of throwing downfield after a pick they have to ride out edwards because they have no other choice
  17. evrything exept the deep ball which allows the defense to cheat against the run and play shallow/medium zones wtf interceptions check throws above, below, behind receivers check indicisiveness leading to sacks check deep ball threat to 83 or 11 missing that being said- the team has made it's bed with Trent- he has to stay in there and play through this i wish jp luck on his next team but he is done here- actually i wonder if his stock rises a bit with every game trent struggles- maybe it is a little more of the team and a little less of the qb
  18. if we have good Trent we go 6-2 in that stretch if we have Trent of the last 2 weeks we go 3-5 tops
  19. gore would not have gotten us into IRAQ without that the last 8 tears would have been totally different and impossible to know where we would be right now except probabaly not in the clusterfluck we are now
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