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Robert Paulson

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Everything posted by Robert Paulson

  1. come on- he must be tea bagging you and covering your eyes because you obvoiously haven;t watched him lay for his last dozen games or so
  2. i never saw what the ball washers saw in this guy except 'not being jp' another 2 seasons wasted watching this checkdown crap
  3. i was thinking that sunday- then i saw them try to run a screen with this revamped o line and fitz got crushed oh yea i said that's we we gave up running screens after week 2
  4. post of the day!!! excellant summary of my feelings exactly
  5. Dude, here's the thing- Fitz in NOT better than the memory you have of Edwards in your head Edwards has been crap since AZ last year he had a nice run in the 5 games before that but he has been doo doo since. Fitz 2009 is better than Edwards 2009
  6. my bro in law keeps his on year round in Buffalo in an 80 year old house doesn't do much in the winter and the house is friggen unbearable in the summer- no ac so u just roast there idiot i don't see why they would be needed in a new house unless the windows are single paned
  7. absolutely we are a 2-4 team we do have a chance to make a short run now that glove boy is out but in reality we are not a good football and will be hard pressed to go 7-9 again
  8. Trent Edwards free fall to suckitude
  9. dude, you seriously have to watch t.e. play objectively- you just listed 3 excuses that every QB deals with at some time- t.e. magnifies these issues with his own shortcomings- good/great QBs overcome these issues it's time to admit the obvious that we have no long term QB solution on this team right now. T.E.- bad and ruined - he will not be resigned as a starter (never say never with the knuckle heads we have running the show but any objective observer would see whatever 'it' he had has been gone since mid last year) Fitz- bad but at least he has the stones to try to win and not just try not to lose Chroise- luckiest man alive- he has no business being in the nfl and somehow is raking in $400K+/year as the 3rd stringer on the Bills
  10. Trent does not have it in him to throw that TD pass to Evans
  11. most of the defending Trent posts since yesterday were: Trent is more accurate than Fitz and therefore is better. what?!?!?! he has been terribly inaccurate since mid last year. take off the blinders ball washers- he is a timid , inaccurate noodle armed QB with his 2nd concussion Fitz is not the long term solution but i prefer him in there instead of Trent at least the game is interesting in a postive way with Fitz in there. i can not remember Trent ever throwing that slant TD in the face of the blitz EVER we are still not a good team but at least we have more of a chance to win with FITZ! i hope he gets a shot with the convenient excuse of T.E. is out with post concusion syndrome
  12. HEY- THIS WAS TRENT'S VICTORY- how dare you try to take this away from him just kidding- probably the worst stat ever- QB victories
  13. or he he gets his sense back and retires
  14. the team looked energized with Fitz in there: all 3 parts not this we are gonna lose cause our QB stinks look when glove boy is in there
  15. NT is getting bigger and tonawanda is getting smaller NT has dominated the series lately
  16. my 9 year old daughter just asked why they don't get 5 out of there? 'we have other quarterbacks don't we?'
  17. yes- he was never good and now he has gotten worse
  18. it's been more entertaining than the last two Bills games
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