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Robert Paulson

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Everything posted by Robert Paulson

  1. agreed, no ones wins every play but he has definitely had fewer WTF plays the last 2 games where he is blocked 10 yards downfield or chooses the blocked gap instead of where the hole is. I will sign my Predator apology form now. agree on thanks for putting in the work. this is an awesome review and i look forward to it every week!
  2. agree on all the ups! Jerry still is a very good player. He will never get a holding call again in his career due to the incident in the tunnel 3 years ago. He still gets pressure and the occasional pile on sack but o-linemen know they can hold him without worrying. This is probably his last year but he is valuable for his pressure and leadership.
  3. This would be useless. They would never overturn anything. The league tried this with pass interference a few years ago and it was a waste of time,.
  4. Jerry is getting tackled as well every play but he hasn't gotten a call in 3 years.
  5. funny how the talking heads downgraded our shutout because it was Houston.
  6. he is on my fantasy team so i started to watch him closely after he wasn't getting targets. Looks like houston was taking him away- he was bracketed by 2 guys a lot.
  7. I love that nickname, that is classic. When he drops one he can be norty.
  8. Late to the board today: The announcer is fine, not sure what the big deal is Tremaine sighting, he finally holds onto the ball The passing game looks stuck in the mud but was praised during the half time show, we are getting spoiled as a 'good' game by Josh is now disappointing. Defense is dominating
  9. Keep this up because all i see/notice is the bad. It is nice to read an objective review.
  10. Bill 41 WTF 13 Josh returns to form and takes what is given
  11. p.s. order an Old Fashion Press or have a Spotted Cow- you won't regret either
  12. Try the stadium view or any other bar around lambeau. The packers game is on at 3:25 so there will be tvs to play the Bills game at noon.
  13. i like the thought of pulling starters because our receivers were beat up at the end of the year- too much wear and tear. the stats may go down but everyone will be fresher in january.
  14. if you have a kid in college it is 1/3 the price under their name.
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