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Harold Jackson

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Everything posted by Harold Jackson

  1. I've been incredibly humble. I'm just saying Bills dont win this week and that's where everyone is raising their pitchforks lol. I haven't insulted a single soul or put anyone down in any way. Nor am I coming in like some pro Chiefs fan, mocking and trolling. I'll say it again for the 3rd time. I actually would like to see Buffalo win. I just don't think it's SB 59 season. That is all
  2. Lol nope, no where am I putting anyone down. Not a single thing I said can be defined that way. I'm talking about a team in the television. Not one single personal comment has been made
  3. Absolutely no where am I acting like anything. That's entirely you thinking with emotions and your perception. I haven't claimed a single thing as a absolute. I have simply said I don't think now is the time. I've been redundant. That's enough. We shall see.
  4. Lol, dude. You're saying get a girlfriend while getting all emotional about watching a game on your television. Talk about gymnastics. Nostradamus? Again, where did I claim I would be absolutely right? I said this is what expect to see. There's no language gymnastics. Just an opinion you seem to be taking personal. We'll see on the 26th
  5. What's with the emotional involvement? We are just talking about jocks running around on our tvs? Why would I need to agree with your emotions to be part of a group? We are all sports fans with different opinions. I've never been right 100%. Or claimed I would be. And again, ...I said I'd actually like Buffalo to win.
  6. Where am I acting like what? Words on a screen convey nothing but what they say. You're putting emotions behind them that don't exist. Where did I say I was right and you were wrong? I said this is what I think. I said nothing about "your window. I talked about a NFL team on tv. There is no "our. You can decide to root for anyone anytime you feel like it. I'll call a team "us, when they start paying me lol
  7. Perceive how you want. We disagree on the outcome.
  8. I said I've paid specific attention to buffalo for 4 years. Ive been watching football since the 70s. I never said I have any power you don't have.
  9. Why? I was right about Rams over Minn. And Washington over Detroit. It's just another game. Like I said, next year is the year. I was right last year and the year before that when Buffalo didn't get in. It's just sports. Trivial Fun time. And again, I've already said I'd like Buffalo to win. I have for years. I wanted them to vs Dallas. But I'll evaluate as I see fit. Are we adults with the ability to disagree? Or cattle who need to feel part of the group?
  10. Ill take Notre Dame
  11. Where's the doom and gloom part? This assumes a emotional connection to the outcome. I'm entirely indifferent. And as an adult, you should realize by now that there's no effing way in hell a human could predict a point spread unless there's foreknowledge of the outcome. There's no way to predict fumbles and 4th down conversions and funky bounces and injury. So one of two things is happening. The league sees the spread and manipulated the game in that direction. Or the legal gambling world is notified somewhere, somehow by someone,what the outcome will be. ((PS your pessimism is meaningless)) I'm not the one being pessimistic. I'm quite happy with my observations. Hope has nothing to do with truth or reality. I doubt I'm the only Bills fan here that thinks they lose.
  12. Sigh.... The point being that sports history shows that your hope is meaningless and it will happen when it happens. Spreads have nothing to do with truth. The whole point of the gambling industry is to F you over. Idiot fans bet with their hearts. Unrealistic - you've been unrealistic for 4 years. Hoping for something that did not happen. I think it will. Just not this year
  13. It means I didn't claim it was absolute. Nothing more, nothing less. Don't start with the childishness. It's not like I don't want them to win. I've been observing the last 3 or 4 years but the window simply isn't open yet.
  14. Um, no. I infact said- that if Bills did win vs Baltimore, that they lose this week. If there's one thing I hate, it's liars
  15. I am. I have empathy and a great sense of humor. I just don't hope for unrealistic things or lie to myself in most circumstances. I've watched enough football that I don't see Bills doing it. I'll say it again - the Raiders went to like 5 conference championships in a row before reaching SB. The NFL spreads it's magic fairy dust where and when it wants to
  16. It's only Monday. But I don't see Bills winning here. But they won't be done. You'll just have to go on with life till next year. That should definitely be a more eventful season
  17. I'll take Washington next week. The new Kaepernick
  18. Goff has always been a front runner. 2 ints and he's back to who he really is
  19. That Kelce run was ***** pathetic. Texans slowing down and reaching out and falling down
  20. I like the NFL in general. Just don't pay much attention to Jaguars and Carolina.
  21. The new helmets and head pillows are useless and pointless and do nothing. You get hit and your brain still moves. It's pseudo science. What you should be asking is why are these players falling down when it wasn't happening that much in the 70s through 90s when it was supposedly not as safe. All they did was create a new financial industry for helmet makers.
  22. Well, has nothing to do with pessimism. It's because I'm positive about my ability to predict.
  23. For me? How? Well, you're lying. Disagreeing is fine. Taking it personal is off base.
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