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Posts posted by DeeRay

  1. jordan scored the td.........i think it was a in direct response to mcgahee saying he was the best back after they had played and got torn up by LT the week before.......so they took it personal


    nope... crockett scored that last td. I thought the raiders would run out the clock, but didn't. I'm glad it happened the way it did because the bills defense had one last chance to salvage what little dignity they had left after spending most of the afternoon on their asses and getting a thorough whipping. They laid a huge egg on that last play. I'd have thought they'd have felt humiliated, but they didn't even show they cared on that last one.


    if they think they got whipped good against the raiders, it's gonna be even worse when brady carves them up like a thanksgiving turkey this week.

  2. And in 5 years weve been treated to some excellent football in one fo the hardest divisions....


    Just a question... if you call 29-42 over the past 5 seasons excellent football, what would you call .500 ball, outstanding? Or are you not just concerned with the scoreboard... you just go to see the hitting or whatever?

  3. Simple... you bring someone in that has a passion for winning and someone that knows the value of an experienced head caoch.


    To suggest that Donahoe shouldn't be fired is ridiculous. Under his watch this team has gone 29-42... soon to be 29-43. In today's NFL with every team working under the same salary cap rules and the parity that has been established as well, there is absolutely no reason for any team to not make the playoffs that has undergone a total rebuild over a 5 year period. This team is no closer to contending for the super bowl than it was in year 2 and 3 of the rebuild. We could go 5 more years with Donahoe and you still will not have a SB contender.

  4. Listen here. Stop clouding the issues with facts.


    As far as buying tix... well you know the phrase PT Barnum coined.


    Tix will continue to be bought in droves because Mr. Donahoe is the master of shuck and jive.


    You watch... next year it will be new unis or some new section like the rockpile this year. A throw back uni with the silver helmets... A new merry go round in the fieldhouse... something to attract the masses besides a team that can contend for a SB.


    Donahoe is here to stay as long as us fans keep the cash register ringing. When people finally come to their senses in 2010 and revenue starts to fall and Mr. Willson's wallet begins to shrink, then you will see changes.... only to hop on the same treadmill once again.

  5. Willis aint in the same league as thremal.


    When was the last tiem Willis leveled a blitzer like thermal did?


    when was the last time Willis took a pass to the house?


    When did Willis ever hava a 200 yard rushing game?


    When did Willis ever take a team and put it on his shoulders?


    Willis can't be mentioned in the same sentence as thermal... period


    Willis is all "blow" and no "show"!!!

  6. He put this mess together. Isn't that enough?




    Who makes the personel decisions on draft day? Who makes decisions on talent? Who decides which players come and which players go? Who decides who is worth fitting under the cap and who isn't? A GM is the one who puts the players on the field that will either make or brake a team each and every year. A GM is the number 1 individual responsible for building a team and he's had 5 years to get us at least 1 playoff game. Is he the only one? No, but right now if you had to name someone who is most responsible he's No 1. Does that answer your question?


    Should we never fire coaches and GM's?


    How many years do we give him?


    (Any reply that contains the expression 'salary cap hell' will be disregarded.)


    Thanks guys, I needed that. Finally, some of you have come to your senses, stopped drinking the koolaid, and are repeating exactly what I've been espousing quite frequently over the past two plus seasons. I love you guys.

  7. As I said last week, TD tries to build the team on the cheap. He trades down in the draft for mediocre players instead of combining choices to move up for IMPACT players.


    Dude... I hate to be the one to tell you this, but he traded up to get impact players Ryan Denney and JP Losman. He also brought Bledsoe in here for the bargain rate of a 1st round pick.

  8. Do you credit the terrible run defense to the loss of Pat Williams? I find it hard to believe that he is the singular reason that we can no longer stop the run, but I can't find any other glaring reasons.


    No, but I'm stupid, and even I knew that there were no players on the roster that could come close to taking Pat's spot... by not getting an adequate replacement for Pat, they rendered Sam Adams totally useless.


    Is there any particular reason that they don't allow Holcomb to try any throws over 10 yards?  It seems like they don't even want to get a TD.  On 3rd and 18, they run a planned screen.  Why don't they at least TRY to get the first down?


    1) because they can't protect him. 2) he has no arm and no long ball.


    At what point does Losman go back in?  I actually thought we'd see him later today after we were down by 14 for the second time.


    1) when Holcomb get's injured, 2) Malarkey realizes the season is over, 3) the Bills are mathematically elimated from playoff contention.



    Why aren't they utilizing Roscoe more?  I know he's probably not 100% yet, but they raved about him in camp, but I only think I saw him 2 or 3 times on offense.


    1) they raved about JP in preseason too. He's turned out to be a real find. Roscoe is basically punt return fodder and he's going to be a regular in the trainers room.

  9. McGee on offense might not be a bad idea... at least in principle. A player can only take being in on so many plays per game. If the defense would come to the party a little more often and ring up some three and outs, it might open up the door a little more for Mcgee to play some "O". Provided the Bills had a QB that could get the ball deep, a 4 wide set of Moulds, Parrish, Evans, McGee would be lethal.


    Right now, McGee is the only player on this team worthy of Team MVP consideration.

  10. Willis opened his mouth and proclaimed his greatness to the world this week. Willis is now a legend, at least in his own mind.


    Meanwhile the Raiduhs are sitting back saying "What you talking bout Willis?" Nothing like a little locker room bulletin board material to get a 1-4 team amped up. I'll bet the Bills offensive line is absolutely ecstatic over his remarks.


    Therefore, I decalare this week the "defining moment" in the very short career of Willis McGahee, in only his 1st full season as a starter. This boy opened his mouth.... He's talked the talk. Now he better walk that talk.


    If he goes into Oakland and lays an egg, there are going to be a lot of Bills fans that will never let him live it down. Come Monday, there may be one hell of a message board lynching... and a well deserved one at that.


    I don't think Bills fans, per se, have too much of a problem with their players talking smack (although I believe we'd just prefer that our Bills do their taliking on the field). However, if a player talks smack and doesn't deliver, then... well, there are severe consequences for that.


    This is his defining moment.

  11. Great to know Willis wants to be #1. But then again, don't most starting backs in the NFL want the same? I'm pretty sure that the majority have that on their mind.


    For Willis to be considered the best, well, he's got a hell of a lot of work to do to measure up to the really good backs. I'm not trying to disparage what he's done or what a lot of Bills fans think of him, but "personally" I think he's a one dimentional back that doesn't really have a lot of potential to get much better. He's certainly capable of having multiple 1500 yard rushing seasons, but I don't ever see him hitting the 2,000 yard mark or never having the yards from scrimage that the great ones have.


    A little comparison to shed a light on why I'm thinkin like this...


    I will make an assumption that the best 3 RBs in the game right now are Tomlinson, James, and Alexander... not necessarily in that order, and there may be a back or two that could be thrown in that mix for argument (Holmes and Lewis for example), but generally speaking, these three are what I'd use to benchmark Willis's progress and standing... certainly if he wants to be "the man"


    Running is only part of what a running back does. What about receiving and what about blitz pickups? When it comes to the receiving part of the game, Willis ain't even in the same ballpark with these guys. Look it up if you don't believe that. We're taliking 40-60 reception seasons consistently. Blitz pickups? I don't know much about Tomlison or Alexander in that regard, but I know damn well that McGahee is no where near as good as James at cutting a blitzer, because of observed enough of James to have seen that. And I can't count the times in which I've literally seen McGahee allow his QB to to given up because he didn't lay down the smack on a blitzer.


    Also, two very important measures or qualities that stand out inmy mind when you assign greatness to a RB is the number of long runs they've had (this ability alone strikes fear into a defense) and the number of 200 yard games they've had. Willis is zero for two when measured against these two criteria. OJ, Faulk, Brown, Emmitt, Payton, & Thurman. All of these guys had that ability. Even the "now 3" have ripped off 60-80 yard runs consistently in each season they've played. And all three have had multiple 200 yard rushing games. Even Holmes and Lewis have the long runs and 200 yard games on their resumes. Not McGahee thow... just 41 yards for a long run... and that didn't even register a sixer. Even his predecessor, Travis Henry had a longer run and a couple of 200 yard games.


    So, my suggestion to Willis and all of the superstar wanabees is to just shut up and play. Don't talk about you wanting to be "the man", just "be the man". Let your actions speak so loud that we can't hear you. You've got a lot of work to do to make us forget Juice and Thermal, not to mention the other greats.

  12. Let's keep it "REAL" folks. The Bills run defense has been a sieve the past 5 games. "Less", or "no" touches for Moss means more touches for Jordan. Bills haven't won on the road yet. Believe me, if the Raiders make a solid committment to the run, then the Bills defense is in serious trouble.


    Scared? Nah, but I'm rightfully concerned... and hopefully the Bills defense is on the same page.

  13. I still stands by me prognostification that it will be wk. 8 that Roscoe will be plugged in.


    If he's active at Oakland, I can't imagine him getting on the field other than a punt return.




    Well, I have a difficult time believeing "Mr Secret", aka Mularkey, would expose Roscoe to video tape a game prior to playing Mr. Belechick and allowing him to see Roscoe in any formation that could or would give Belechick a tip.


    We've won 2 in a row sans Roscoe and we're playing a pretty bad team, likely to be without it's best player. So, this Bills fan sees no rhyme, reason, or advantage in playing Roscoe this week... unless they want to expose Roscoe to the typical Raiduh thuggery and risk injury and/or retaliation penalties.

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