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Everything posted by DeeRay

  1. message to Sam STFU, take the shot, and play ball!!!
  2. At least we have been properly lubricated.
  3. Teflon Tom's contract got extended.
  4. but if we win, won't there be those that say "where the hell have we been since the opening game? Why can't we play like this all of the time"? The answer of course, we aint good enough to.
  5. I would imagine Tbone would have some kind words for all of us about 11pm Sunday night.
  6. true... Eli sucked, but... #1... not only was this his first year in the league, it was also a totally new coaching staff. #2... Coughlin is an experienced NFL coach that's been around the block. He knows how to utilize his personnel to the max (Malarkey does not). How else do you explain Rob Johnson and the 3rd stringer behind RJ having career days when they subbed for the injured Brunell when Coughlin was in Jax. Coughlin may never be able to get his team deep in the playoffs, but they will figure into the playoffs wherever he goes. #3... Eli comes from some serious QB stock. JP does not even come close to having the mentorship that Archie and Peyton provide Eli. The Manning boys are students of the game... tape hounds. It's one thing to have the tools, it's another thing to use what you have... and the most important is football sense. The Mannings have it... #4... The natural thought, when it comes to the young QB that plays for your favorite team, is that one tends to compare them with young QBs that are in the upper echelon and have succeeded quickly. ie, Rothlisberger, Manning, Palmer. No one wants to look at the other end of the spectrum like Boller, Carr, Harrington, Ramsey. We tend to think that "our guy" is on par with the former. But, be totally honest with yourself here... If JP Losman were wearing a Dolphin uniform the 1st 4 weeks he started this season and he got yanked for Frerotte, you and a lot of others would have labeled this kid a bust and the Dolphins were doomed. Therefore you'd have lumped JP with Boller, Carr, Ramsey etc., rather than Rothlisberger, Manning, Palmer. No one can say how JP is going to turn out. But if we take anything from history, it's going to take him at least 3 years.
  7. Donahoe's plan exactly
  8. your logic is sound... I won't quibble about your plan for this year, because this team is going nowhere. 2005, then, is supposed to be a setup for next year, right? Big problem!! Because 2006 is going ot be bad too. JP ain't going to transform simply by starting 9-12 NFL games. He's going to take 2 to 3 more seasons to develop. So, going into 2006, Let's look at the defensive side of the football. Vincent, Milloy, Adams, & Fletcher will all be a year older and 3 of those guys have visably shown that they've regressed. They are going to continue to regress next season. Wire, Baker, Bannon, Crowell are the backups at that position. 3 of those guys are career backup/journeymen at best and really aren't good ones anyway. Wire provides nothing but a warm body. Posey is, well, nothing. We could lose him tomorrow and this bad defense would continue to be bad. He has zero impact one way or the other. I believe Denney and Clements are free agents after the season... Denney, perhaps may be RFA. He's a backup, but he is a solid backup to have because he's shown durability as well as being solid against the run, always a threat to bat down a pass, and he's getting better as a pass rusher... plus he's not going to command $$$ to re-sign. Clements is going to break the bank. The Bills don't have a lot of options unless he's signed to creative, cap friendly deal over 10 years, back loaded and with a ton up front. Otherwise, either the Bills have to let him outright walk, or franchise him, which will automatically tie up mucho dinero of cap $$$ that will severely limit the FA aquisitions that they will be sorely needed. My take is that if he wasn't signed before the season, he won't be re-signed after... and he's done nothing to demonstrate that he's a lock down corner. McGee has shown to be the best player on defense besides TKO this year. TKO... will he really be the TKO we know? The odds are against that. Please name me any defender that had a torn achilles and then come back the same as they were. Sam Cowart is an excellent example of what TKO will look like. Average... so this needs to be accounted for and compensted for. So, basically the defense is going to regress further next year. The only thing that might plug that hole immediately is to bring in 2 DT studs in, 1 via free agency and 1 via the draft. But, doing that comes at the expense of sorely needed upgrades on the offensive line. Mike Williams is a bust that they can't cut or trade. The absolute best value they can get out of him at this point is to line him up at RG (or LG). He'll have an easier time in pass protection, it will be easier to get him help, and easier to plug someone in when (not if) he gets injured. New Left and Right tackles are a must. One via free agency and one via the draft that will be plugged in immediately. A new center is a must, but it appears Preston will upgrade that position. Get rid of Ben Anderson and plug Giesinger or Villarial in at LG. All this retooling is still gonna keep this team out of the playoffs in the 2006 season, and if Donahoe is not stripped of most of his player aquisition powers or fired, the Bills will never see another playoff game. This guy is a total fraud... period.
  9. Don't you mean amphibious?
  10. That's possible, but did you ever consider the front four, in particular the guys inside (Adams, Anderson, Sape, Bannon), just plain and simple flat out suck? Adams plays 2 downs and takes 7 off. He never was worth a schitt whereverver he's played without having a top guy like Jonn Randle, Tony Siragusa, or Pat Williams take the heat and focus off him. When he lives at the top of the opposition's scouting report, they know how to neutralize him. He's a fat, lazy, out of shape slob. Donahoe calls the shots on who's drafted, and what players are brought in here. The coaches have input... but that's about it.
  11. Sure... send TD and his regime packing.
  12. Tom is just getting his list in place for next year when Willis and Rosenblo tell him they need more money... and that Willis is the greatest of all time.
  13. Dude... I've been constipated, but when I read this, it scared me so much that I soiled myself. The thought of Teflon Tom holding high draft pick cards in his hand really scares the bejeezuz out of me... Tom's had 5 drafts. Aside from McGee and Clements, his draft picks have been average or below average at their positions. That includes, Kelsay, Schobel, Lee Evans, and especially Mike Williams. None of those guys are even on a list for pro bowl alternate consideration. And, the last time I looked, Willis McGahee hasn't achieved anything that Terry Miller, Joe Cribbs, or Travis Henry hasn't already. In fact, when pro bowl consideration is doled out, Edgerrin James, LaDanian Tomlinson, and Priest Holmes would get a vote before McGahee. Even as a top 10 leader in rushing yardage he has the lowest yards per carry avg. among those 10. Bottom line... It's great to get a shot at a high pick, as long as Teflon Tom doesn't make the pick.
  14. depends what you mean by a "wash". If you mean no playoffs, yes. But if you mean this season is just a "throw away" season and start giving significant time to the youngsters and clearing the path to the doorway for the high priced under producing vets like Teague, Williams, Villarial, Adams, etc., well, that's a little different because we were all sold that we were on the cusp of being a playoff team. We're not, and at this point I agree that we now should let the younger guys play and get ready to cut the vets loose after the season. I wouldn't have said this two weeks ago. But it's clear where this team is headed. If we go this route of playing the youngens and tossing the vets though, we are into another rebuild. I don't have a problem with another rebuild, but not with Donahoe still in this organization, even as ball boy. Because... if Donahoe is still here to begin his 3rd rebuild in 6 seasons, well, then if you continue to do what you did, you will continue to get what you got... and that is 29-42 and counting.
  15. In this order... 1) GM 2) experienced head coach 3) scouting staff 4) strength/conditioning coach
  16. when i hear things like this, i find it hard to fathom how donohoe continues to get a free pass from some of the better posters here.
  17. ... smash mouth offense? Isn't/wasn't this offense supposed to be exactly that? how many times this season have we run on 3 consecutive downs. i'm not sure it was more than once, if that many. at least if we had a smash mouth offense, we'd consume some clock and keep our pussycat defense on the sidelines.
  18. if it takes a team 8 games to find out who's worth a damn and who's not, then what does that say? It says we must have one of the most incompetent front offices and coaching staff in the game.
  19. dude... that would be truly scary if this team lined up and went mano y mano. defensively the only way we can get a sack is to manufacture it via all sorts of blitzing. No way could our front four line up and just stop the run or rush the passer. what would posess you to believe that we could? offensively, asking the o line to block a high school team would be a challenge.
  20. Well.... we must fire someone. So, who do we fire?
  21. nope... crockett scored that last td. I thought the raiders would run out the clock, but didn't. I'm glad it happened the way it did because the bills defense had one last chance to salvage what little dignity they had left after spending most of the afternoon on their asses and getting a thorough whipping. They laid a huge egg on that last play. I'd have thought they'd have felt humiliated, but they didn't even show they cared on that last one. if they think they got whipped good against the raiders, it's gonna be even worse when brady carves them up like a thanksgiving turkey this week.
  22. Just a question... if you call 29-42 over the past 5 seasons excellent football, what would you call .500 ball, outstanding? Or are you not just concerned with the scoreboard... you just go to see the hitting or whatever?
  23. Simple... you bring someone in that has a passion for winning and someone that knows the value of an experienced head caoch. To suggest that Donahoe shouldn't be fired is ridiculous. Under his watch this team has gone 29-42... soon to be 29-43. In today's NFL with every team working under the same salary cap rules and the parity that has been established as well, there is absolutely no reason for any team to not make the playoffs that has undergone a total rebuild over a 5 year period. This team is no closer to contending for the super bowl than it was in year 2 and 3 of the rebuild. We could go 5 more years with Donahoe and you still will not have a SB contender.
  24. Listen here. Stop clouding the issues with facts. As far as buying tix... well you know the phrase PT Barnum coined. Tix will continue to be bought in droves because Mr. Donahoe is the master of shuck and jive. You watch... next year it will be new unis or some new section like the rockpile this year. A throw back uni with the silver helmets... A new merry go round in the fieldhouse... something to attract the masses besides a team that can contend for a SB. Donahoe is here to stay as long as us fans keep the cash register ringing. When people finally come to their senses in 2010 and revenue starts to fall and Mr. Willson's wallet begins to shrink, then you will see changes.... only to hop on the same treadmill once again.
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