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Everything posted by DeeRay

  1. Listen here Mr. Smarty Pants. I am the resident TBD know-it-all. JP is not a bust until I say he's a bust. When, and if, I say it... you can take it to the bank.
  2. Dude... no need to scare the bejezzuz out of everyone. You mean we've waited 5 years for this franchise to be righted and now we've got to wait another 2 or 3 years for JP to catch up? Damn, I guess I'm cancelling the season tix until 2008. Thanks for ruining my weekend before it even got started.
  3. Do you think they'd give the honor of the opening coin toss to Tedy Bruschi (We're not worthy!)?
  4. I interpret this to mean that by switching to Koy Detmer, that, somehow, someway, Philly is now a better team. Am I missing something? or should I take it to mean that McNabb's injury hurts Philly's chances, but they'd be worse off going with Detmer? I believe the best thing that Philly can do is get a running back and a running game. Westbrook is one of the premier 3rd down backs and a huge assest in the passing game, but I think it's already been demonstrated that he can't hold up for even one full season as an every down back. Philly could put Jesus Christ in as a running back... or even Tedy Bruschi (We're not worthy!)... and it wouldn't change anything because Philly has no commitment to the running game. Until they have the comittment to run, they will not reach football's pinnacle.
  5. Chad Johnson would not even be doing any of this nonsense if Tedy Bruschi (We're not worthy!) were the coach.
  6. These awards have just been changed to the "Tedy" awards.
  7. I hereby submit a motion for less cowbell and more Tedy.
  8. Right... like so many of the posters around here, we hang around scouts and GMs all the time. Just last night I was partying with Bill Polian and Scot Pioli, right after Al Davis left my office. Be real, I'm not stupid and neither are a lot of posters that read what everyone else read. Just go back to the period of Malarkey's very first training camp when he demoted Williams from the first unit, then excused him from practice for a day, then Williams took an extra day or so of time... there were a few reports at that time (and I would not be surprised if even TBD provided links to these reports) that specifically stated some league source(s) felt the Bills shouldn't have drafted him at #4 and that Williams really did not have his heart into the game. A statement like this could be true or false, but it was made. So, I'm not blowing smoke... I know, you want very badly for me to be wrong on this one. Keep trying... you're bound to trip me up. Either way... Mike misses too much time for my liking and even the time he comes to work I'm not thrilled with his performance... especially his matador style of pass blocking. If he were making $500K, I might cut him a little more slack, but I'd still say the same thing.
  9. So... unless he was injured on his way into the locker room after a game (which is entirely possible), he may have played one single play in 48 of 56, but let's not forget times he was only in for parts of those 48 games... so it might be something like 42 of 56 games he saw significant playing time. I think the point that's being made with Mike Williams is, here you have a guy that was drafted #5 and sucking $9M cap space this year and not performing like a #5 pick is expected to play, nor performing anywhere near his salary would suggest. I don't know about you, but from a #5 pick I would expect a lot more return on the investment than we've received thus far. Showing up fat at training camp last year, missing a few days of camp, and temporarily losing his starting job was akin to slapping the face of both his employer and his customers (the fans). I mean, "how dare you take a bizillion dollars of your employers money and come to work and just totally sit on your ass? I'm a firm believer that his injuries are due to a lack of both conditioning and committment. And, there is a sentiment amongst a lot of scouts and GMs around the league that Mike does not really want to play the game. Fine... I say, give Ralph his money back and go home.
  10. Dudes... I got news for you. The entire 1st paragraph of Hamiliton's article was fed to him by me months ago. Look it up in my posts if you must.
  11. And Deeray told you so last week when one poster posed the question of who would be this week's AFC def. player. Moral of the story? Deeray may be the father of all pricks... (I'm a prick's prick) but, he is always right!!!
  12. I very much understand what McGahhe has overcome injury wise. I give the guy my utmost respect and accolades for making a very tough comeback. He deserves credit for that. Now that we've got that out of the way, I'm only going on what I've witnessed. At the end of the year he will have, essentially 2 years as a starter under his built. Trust me... at the end of the season I'll be back and I'll run a statistical comparison of Willis and the other 4 elite backs production in their 2nd season only. Except for Holmes, who played his first 4 seasons in Baltimore I think you are going a clear separation between Willis and the other three. And even Holmes caught 43 balls in his 2nd season (as a Raven). I'm not trying to be cruel in regards to Willis... just truthful... like most knowledgeable Bills fans would treat him if he were not a Buffalo Bill. And his style is more reminiscnet of a "battering ram" type running back("Bam" Morris, "Bam" Cunningham) than it is a "Ferrari" type back. There is a very clear reason why those 4 elite backs stay in the game on third down. And, there is a very clear reason why McGahee does not stay in the game on third down... unless we're taliking extreme short yardage. When his own coaching staff trusts him enough and gives him an endorsement as an elite back, then I will certainly then I'll, perhaps, change my tune.
  13. I think you summed up things quite nicely. By the tone of your message I can clearly tell that you have been off the koolaid for quite some time. Congrats.
  14. Let's assume JP takes over at QB for the rest of the season. What is a realistic time frame to say this kid has arrived or this kid is a bust? The reason I ask is because we really don't know much about JP... (except that he pretty much stunk out the joint in the short time he was in there... but, I'll be the first to give the kid a mulligan) Which club does JP belong to??? Eli, Carson, Ben club or the Boller, Carr, Ramsey club? We just don't know yet. So, let's fast forward to 2008. JP, we would hope, has 2.5 seasons of starting experience, correct? What, then, does this team look like in 2008? Well, Vincent, Milloy, Adams, Fletcher will all be 3 years older and likely be gone by then. TKO will be on the wrong side of 30, plus, I have no reason to expect that he will ever be as good as he's been over the past two seasons due to the nature of his injury. Add to this a defense that has significantly regressed... and you've got serious issues... whether you want to admit it or not. The offensive line has been piss poor for more than five seasons now. Who will be on this offensive line 3 years from now and how functional will it be? Three years from now, Moulds won't be here, Reed is probably gone. Evans and Parrish may or may not be your receivers. And, if history is any indication of the dependability of receivers Parrish's size (see, Santana Moss, Derrick Mason, David Patten, Peter Warrick, Jermaine Lewis, Az Hakim), then you better have the horses that can step up to the plate... because I will tell you right now, Parrish will miss significant time with injuries. Tight End??? That's another issue and simply saying Everett or Euhus is the answer won't even cut it because there is another element to this... your TE has to have a role in the offense and if he does he has to be a viable option either in the run game. passing game or both... and has to be utilized. Then you have the RB situation... I know, I know, everyone else thinks McGahee is the 2nd coming of Christ cuz Willis just told everyone so, but there are enough indicators there that show me that he is not in the class of the Alexanders, Holmes, James, and Tomlinsons. Let's be real... these guys stay on the field on 3rd down, protect there QB from being creamed by blitzers and consistently catch 50 balls/season in addition to their 1400 plus yards rushing. Willis does not give you that dimension. But... he is serviceable... in the mold of Bam Morris, Christian Okoye, and that Barry guy that played for the Steelers in the mid 90's. Which means, the supporting cast around Willis needs to be solid. So... 5 seasons have passed since Superman came in and rescued us from "Cap Jail". I don't know what your belief or expectations were, but I took him at his word when he said he didn't just want to get to the SB, he wanted to win the SB. Well, after 2 rookie head coaches, several draft busts, and several marketing schemes to jade the truth we are really no closer to realizing that SB dream than we were 5 years ago. Cap Jail? What's the cost of unloading the contracts of Moulds, Milloy, Adams, Vincent, & Mike Williams in order to get better? Not to mention what we all know is coming next July.... Jesus Christ (AKA Willis) is gonna want to tear up his contract and demand more cash. Right now...this dude is your marquis player in terms of marketing... so what do you do... overpay a RB that's productive but truly not deserving of elite RB type money? or do you insure yourself and draft another RB? or target a serviceable Vet FA (A.Thomas?) , or hope Shaud and Lionel are ready for primetime? In a nutshell... after 5 seasons, Superman has had enough time to figure out whether he's gonna fish or cut bait. 29-43 suggests to me he can't do anything but the latter. I'd be content with 43-29... that would have kept me on the edge of my seat. This GM just doesn't get it. He's so self absorbed that he totally dismisses the value of a good and experienced head coach. I'm a firm beleiver that a GM must give most control of personnel decisions to the coach. He thinks he can just plug players in regardless of team chemistry and coaching philosophy. He thinks it's all about the salary cap and marketing. So, as long as we do what we did, we'll get what we got. If Teflon Tom is the man in charge, JP, Willis, & whoever will not matter... "WE ARE HURTING THE FUTURE" and the misery will continue. He will not build a winner. Anyone care to give Tom 5 more years?
  15. Now here is a thought that is up for debate. Does this team really have talent? Sure, we've had what we think are good draft picks and free agent pick ups. But, again, does this team really have the talent? If this team does have the talent, then why does this team suck? Who gets the indictment? If this team doesn't have talent, why not? Who do we indict? Do we know for sure whether or not the coaches are putting the players in situations in which they can succeed or are the coaches intentionally putting the players in situations where it would be extremely difficult for them to succeed? And, do the coaches know the difference? I have always been under the impression that the offense was supposed to be this big, physical smashmouth monster that would punish a defense. Well, if I take inventory up in the trenches, I see only Ben Anderson that fits the mold as that type of player... not a lot of finesse, just straight forward and physical. I look at the other four and I just don't see that ability or mentality. So then, if the coaches are expecting a smashmouth, grind it out offense, aren't they trying to put 4 square pegs into 4 round holes? To run a little benchmark analysis to see where the Bills are... Do we have more talent than Chicago or less talent? Why is Kyle Orton performing better than JP Losman? Do we have better coaching than Chicago or worse? Why is Chicago 4-3 and the Bills 3-5. I don't see where the victories they've garnerned are against worse team than the Bills have won against. Either the Bills lack talent, coaching, or both. And the benching of one Sam Adams last night certainly could be interpreted as either or both.
  16. Trust me, it's not the formation/situation... it's the players. I'm so confident in that statement that I can honestly say you'd feel differently if the names were changed to protect the guilty. Decoding this garble... You mean you really like this formation if the names in that formation/situation are kelly, thermal, reed, wolford, ritcher, hull, ballard, Davis, Metzallars, Beebe and Lofton.
  17. More questions to add to yours. How can a team run 73 offensive plays and the other team run 43 offensive plays and win? At the end of the day, which defense looked tired, beaten, and helpless? The defense that had 73 offensive plays run against it or the defense that had only 43 offensive plays run against it? Which team has spine and which team is still looking for one?
  18. I'm glad us Bills fans aren't like that.
  19. Of course. You'd be surprised what happens when you don a set of rose colored glasses. Truth is no longer truth, facts are no longer facts, no more wars, no more crime, no more death, no more pain, no more reality. Everything is glitter, pomp, neon lights, tranquility... kinda sorta like how one feels after licking a mushroom stamp.
  20. I'll take a slightly higher rodd and ignor the fact that you disparaged my name... I never stoop to the childish level of calling other poster names... perhaps it's a southern california thing. Anyways... about the Bills. I'm all about the "W"... especially after 5 seasons of treading water. You're all about something less than that. I don't begrudge you for that. Don't begrudge me for chasing the ring. (It's a WNY thing that you wouldn't understand).
  21. If he breaks a "50" that would be a career long for the self annointed" Best back in the league". Let's be real... he barely averaged 4.4 yds. per carry last night. Dillon averaged 7 yards every time he touched it. The Pats defense is not very good, and when the Bills needed the "best back in football" to step up and seal the deal in the 4th quarter, he shot blanks and was not up to the task. "Best backs" are play makers in crunch time. You and a lot of Bills fans have been sold another batch of bad fish by Mr. Donahoe. Willis McGahee is nothing more than a poor man's Bam Morris. "Best Backs" are game breakers, bust long runs. 200 yard games happen at least once per season. I ain't seeing it.
  22. It was your imagination. As a Bills fan, your team never seems to get enough love. And, as a Bills fan, the Patriots are the hated. Therefore, any love or attention they get is believed to be unwarranted and excessive. There's only so much attention that goes around and the more attetion heaped on the Pats, the less doled out to the bottom feeders...AKA the Bills. The Pats have won 3 SBs in the past five years... THEY ARE THE STORY... until some other team steps up to the plate. If it had been the Bills that won 3 SBs, the publicity shoe would be on the other foot. You still wouldn't think they were getting enough pub. But, every other fan of every other team would be whining about the ad nauseum amount of love shone to the Bills. It's life in the big city. That's how it works. Tell Tom Donahoe that he must do something about the excessive amount of light being shined upon the woeful Pats.
  23. Please don't blame, espn or the media for the Brushi publicity or the lack of good Bills publicity. That's what they get paid to do... "Get the winner on the set". When the Bills, if ever, achieve elite team status, they will reap the media rewards. This team deserves to fly way below the radar in order to avoid detection. Until this team proves otherwise, it deserves honarable mention, at the very least, with the rest of the NFL botom feeders, ie. 49ers, Texans, Vikes. As fans, the first step we can take is to not be sucked in by the next Teflon Tom gimmick. Enough already. Don't get jacked for new unis, new logos, new and improved training camp schedule, etc. Instead, hold Teflon Tom's feet to the fire and tell him enough is enough.... show us the "W's", show us the playoffs. And, most of all Tom... show us your resignation.
  24. Big Mike to dress and be on the field. "Play"? Not up to NFL standards.
  25. let not your heart be troubled. too much donahoe koolaid has a tendency to render a good bills fan resentful and angry.
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