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Everything posted by DeeRay

  1. yes. kerry was a packer fan before he wasn't a packer fan. he also picked the patriots in the sb before they lost to the packers. and then he picked the packers to win after he picked against them.
  2. Bingo!! Belichick's key to the game is "make Drew beat us". I can't argue with that.
  3. I'll cede 1 and 2 to you. However, I've got the result being different due to Belichick's ability to get into a QB's head... and that isn't such a challenge for Belichick when that QB is Drew. He knows DB inside and out and even if the Bills are fortunate to get into the "red zone", Drew is going to do exactly what Belichick wants him to do... and for Bills fans, that ain't good!
  4. disco beaver from outer space.
  5. Of course... Drew's lack of mobility is one of the elements that he lacks... but simply being a "statue" is not the sole reason for his woes. Consider his lack of mobility a "handicap". Most people with a handicap compensate for that by sharpening their other assets.... ie, a blind person has sharper hearing, smell, touch, etc. and thus, compesating or making up for their inability to see. Well, if a QB has limited mobility, he must compenste for that in other ways. We know Drew has a "gun" and is "accurate". Mobility, arm strength, and accuracy are physical qualities in a QB. Drew has 2 of the 3. Since he lacks one of those physical qualities, he must sharpen his other assets...and I don't mean get a stronger arm or be more accurate. He has to become more competetive. This would make him study the game harder, he must work extra with his receivers, etc, he must be both a good decision maker and a quick decision maker. He must "feel" the rush and know when to throw and who to throw to. He must become a better ball handler... ie, fakes. He must know how to bait a defense or defender... not the other way around. And the biggest thing a QB can bring to the table is leadership. He MUST make those around him perform up to or above their abilities. That leadership can be manifested in many different ways, but, if, and ,when it is there, o linemen take exception to it when he gets sacked or hit. Receivers take more pride in catching the ball and take it personal when they drop one. Running backs find a way to get that extra yard. I don't see a dime's difference in the physical abilities of Drew, Peyton Manning, Kerry Collins, and Vinnie Testeverde. The difference is their competeiveness and leadership. Only one of them are "all world" and only because he's extremely competetive, a leader, and a student of the game. The others, except for Drew, are more than serviceable. I don't know what's happened to Drew... whether he "never was" and we were led to believe so by the media or because he played for Parcells or what. If he ever did have "something", it's gone and it ain't coming back. The questions I have is... how damaging is it for the Mularkey to continue to prop this guy up? How long before the guys around him get the feeling of "hopelessness" and expect to lose? Why would playing Matthews yield worse results than playing Bledsoe? At the very least, it might give us insight as to whether most of the problem is at QB (which I firmly believe) or other areas of the offense.
  6. So now you're jumping over to my "Dump Drew" club? You're finally agreeing that stevestojan and I were right all along?
  7. What do expect from this group? There probably isn't 3 other teams that Cambell would be a starter on... he's basically a quality backup. The other two would probably not make the roster on a .500 or better team.
  8. It matters not!!! This is a poor excuse for losing. You gotta play whoever is in front of you. If you're a good team, you beat them. If you're not a good team you lose. If you can't win close games, then you're not a good team and don't deserve to go to the post season party. I've never been one to complain or compare the "difficulty" of a team's schedule. "w's" are worth more than"l's" and you don't get extra "Ws" for beating a team with winning record nor do you extra "Ls" for losing to a team with a losing record. A w is a w an an l is an l and I don't feel any better knowing that the bills go beat by a better team.
  9. teflon tom is not accountable to us. he is the ultimate perveyor of talent. he will tell you who the best players are for this team... and apparently kendall wasn't on his list.
  10. Wow, yesterday's Bledsoe rant in front of the press is the most he's probably ever been fired up in his entire life. Too bad he can't get that fired up during a game. Perhaps if he did, he'd complete a meaningful pass, avoid a sack, and even possibly be dangerous in the red zone. Alas, though... he is Drew Bledsoe... the same ole, same ole. There is always some mechanical excuse fro his piss poor play.... feet not set, weight not distributed properly, not gripping the ball correctly, taking too many hits, eating his cornflakes with a fork instead of a spoon, his shoelaces didn't match, the 4 second clock wasn't running, yada, yada, yada. Are we all really this stupid? or does Drew just think we're all this stupid? My God, are we all supposed to sup of this koolaid? Does anyone believe Drew is going to magically perform up to the level of a barely adequate QB? Does anyone feel any better after his rant to the press?
  11. Come on T80, you're above that... at least I hope you are. Henry has busted his nads for this team. Dedicated players don't play as hurt as he was last year. This crap about henry missing a blitz pickup or two against the Raiders is BS... How do we know what henry's assignment was? For all we know, Henry maybe was supposed fake the blitz pickup and receive a dump off from Bledsoe. And as far as what you saw on empire... did it ever occur to you that he might be a little sore from sunday and nursing a few bumps and bruises and didn't want to use his "bullets" up, with the next game 10 days down the road. I'm sure if the coach saw what you think you saw, Henry will be riding the pine the next game. Right now, the only player anyone should be fed up with is Bledsoe. If I were an NFL lineman, he's the last QB I'd want to be blocking for. These offensive lineman have no margin for error with Bledsoe behind center.
  12. yo kelso... this just in... that war has already begun.
  13. OK. splain me this... when you have 8 and 9 defenders in the box, how do you run the football? Answer, you don't! What you do is make the defense pay for doing that by gouging them with huge pass plays because if a defense puts 8 and 9 guys in the box, that means the outside receivers are one on one with a corner. Any QB worth their salt has to beat that 80-90% of the time. If they can't, they don't belong in the NFL.
  14. That's because the Bills haven't had a QB that has a passion for winning. There is a difference between passion for the game and passion for winning. JP appears to have that passion for winning.
  15. wouldn't that be like trading moldy bread for moldy potato chips? Why trade something of no value for something of no value?
  16. Labatt: How dare you question Teflon Tom? According to more than one source at ESPN, Teflon Tom is the supreme purveyor of football talent. Teflon Tom once coached a high school team and then stocked the Steelers so well they went to a SB once in the 90's, despite having Cowher as a coach. His acquistion of Bledsoe was pure genious... he really stuck it to Bob Kraft and Bill Belichick.
  17. NC... 1) what team or offensive line coud Drew function for right now? 2) are you suggesting that a Steve McNair, Donavan McNabb, Matt Hasselback, Tom Brady, or Brett Favre would fare no better than Drew as the Bills QB?
  18. Basically, opposing defenses are "cheating" up at the line of scrimmage to enable themselves to have a distinct advantage in defensing the run. If Bledsoe notices the extra numbers of defenders in the "box"and "checks" out of the run, the opposing defense is only too happy to oblige that... for two reasons... 1) they don't have to defend the run, even though they're in position to stuff it (so they are covered) 2) the odds that Bledsoe can run backwards (drop back) 7 or 8 yards faster than a young linebacker or DB can run forward, say, 12 yards is overwhelmingly in the opposing defense's favor. Also, since Bledsoe has almost no ability to slide left ot right, he's rarely outside the tackle perimeter to allow him to throw the ball away. So the defense has such a distinct advantage when Bledseo is at QB that it is as if they were playing with 13 defensers on the field each and every play. Sure, every now and then they may get dinged for a meaningless gain, but in playing this type of defense against Bledsoe and company, they've prevented the Bills from any offensive continuity and ability to sustain their offense. What pisses me off as a Bills fan is that all of us Bills fans must suffer through this disastrous Bledsoe experiment while the current front office regime and coaching staff continue to try to figure out a way to enable Drew to function rather than focus on what it takes to win games. Yes, my Bills brethren, what we have here is the tail wagging the dog... and if this coaching staff and front office can't recognize this then they have no business have a job in footbal on any level. The bottom line is this... the sooner Bledsoe is benched, the sooner the bills will get back to winning. Bledsoe may be a very nice lad, but he stinks as a QB and he won't and can't get better than he is.
  19. Byte me!!!
  20. Me... and they use a garden hose and a Brownie Instamatic camera. good luck.
  21. Yes you are mistaken Greg... there is Albion for the women... but that might be the correct correctional facility.
  22. the difference in a good coach and a bad coach is not what he says, but what he does. Mularkey needs to stop making excuses and giving us reasons why the offense sucks and deliver results. I'm sick of hearing that the O-line is the problem. BS!! defenses are stacking the line of scrimmage to stop the run and daring Bledsoe to beat the blitz. He can't and until there is a change at QB, the results are going to be the same.
  23. That, my friend, is akin to the "kiss". Sort of like the owner giving his coach a vote of confidence and then firing his ass two weeks later.
  24. Mularkey barred the press from the players yesterday. In doing so, at least to the local press, it might appear to be retribution for all of the negative (albeit accurate and true) press the team has been receiving. This can't make the press happy and will only serve to piss off these local press guys. So, unless the Bills make a dramatic turnaround, Mularkey can expect the press to turn up the heat even more on this team. I don't think Mularkey has a clue as to what he's gotten himself into as HC under Donahoe and I think he's clueless as to what he's gotten himself into with the Bills press as well. Mularkey needs to pick his battles wisely, and shutting out the press this early in his first HC job and after two horrible offensive performances, is not a good call on his part. What he needs to do is to stop talking about all of the mistakes and start benching the players that are responsible for the miscues. Until he does that, he's not going to get the attention and respect of the players that a winning HC must have. And he certainly isn't going to make friends with the press or fans if this continues.
  25. ok, let's give the Bills 2 points. They still lose. Does it make you feel any better that the loss was by 2 points? Does it still change the fact that Bledsoe alone is killing this team?
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