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Posts posted by DeeRay

  1. One for you...do you move Williams to guard? If you do, that leaves two new tackles next year.


    Good one... I hadn't thought of that possibility? Could Williams play LG... because Villarial, it would seem to me, owns the RG spot...at least for now. Plus... if I drink the teflon Tom Koolaid, his comments from yesterday would be favorable for Mike to come back at RT. And... would we consider re-signing Jonas at a reasonable salary and moving him back to RT?

  2. I think most of us will agree the OL is still a concern after 4 years of Teflon Tom's reign.


    So here are some questions. What are the answers?


    Is Jonas Jennings gone?


    Will Teague take over at LT?


    Will/can Jason Bannan make the swith to the OL during the off season?


    Is Tucker the answer at center?


    Who might be the likely FA O lineman the Bills might pickup?


    Do Sobieski, Pucillo, McFarland figure in the mix?

  3. From what I have read (Thanks to our resident cap expert) we will have a good amount of cap room This offseason. I might franchise him. Yeah I know blah blah blah, but what if we get two 2nds for him? WE NEED the draft picks for this offseason.


    Let's look at this realistically, OK. Jennings becomes a FA. If he gets franchised, that means the Bills must automatically commit about $8M toward the salary cap (avg. of the top 5 LTs). Is Jennings worth that kind of money??? Well, when you consider he's never played a full season and he's not proven to be in the same league as Jon Ogden, Willie Roaf, Orlando Pace, Walter Jones, Trezell Jenkins, he just doesn't cut it. Is he even in the top 10? Well, I'd rather have Mike Pearson, Jason Fabini, Todd Steussie, Barrett Robbins, and Todd Light... So, I don't think Jennings mesures up to those guys well either.


    Even if he were in the top 10, and you hope to get some sort of compensation for losing him to FA, the only option would be to name him your transition player and hope some team is stupid enough to give up a late 1st rounder for him... maybe Atlanta... I don't know.


    I do know that Jennings has demonstrated not to be the long term answer at LT for the Bills. My idea of a solid LT is one that plays at least 2 full back to back seasons and makes a noticeable difference in the team's offense. I don't see either with Jennings.... Marcus Price comes in for him and I don't notice a difference in the offense... it's still bad.


    My bottom line is... I think the Bills should onlt re-sign Jennings only at a reasonable salary... and I would say a reasonable salary would be the average wage for a top 20 starting LT... definitely not any more.

  4. Paco, no matter what side of this arguement you are on, I NEVER said anyone wasn't a Bills fan. We just look at the team differently.


    Careful here.... you're dealing with Paco. Things have to be "positive" in his world or don't bother stating it.... all else is negative and untrue. And don't say anything true either... or if you do, only say it once and let it whither on the vine.

  5. Being a generally optomistic (  ) person, I choose to look at the positive signs of the game and gauge where this team is headed, and whether I will enjoy the next week's game, as yesterday's is gone with the wind.


    That's fine that you're an optimist. My question is this.... (and don't take this personal, because this could be said of at least 2/3 of the board's posters)


    why does every thing discussed about the Bills have to be "graded" as "positve" or "negative"??? Why do many of the posters think that, if the message ain't positive, it's automatically negative? and if the message is negative, so what, as long as it's true?


    Is there a reason why we can't just take things for what they really are, postive or negative? Of course there's a reason... it's called "myopic homieism".


    So good... we got the "W" yesterday... how does that stack up in the grand scheme of things and what does yesterday's "W" mean... and how will the team perform on Sunday against the Jets? We don't know. we know that the "W" came against a 2-5 team that played on the road under weather consitions they've rarely seen... and we also know there's a reason less than 66,000 fans moved the turnstiles... at least a few of us won't tolerate bad fish.


    Bill Cowher made a profund statement after the Steelers victory yesterday... and it good teams have to think this way. He said... after his team thoroughly trounced the Pats..."we haven't accomplished anything. All we've done is put ourselves in a pretty good situation". That's the difference in 6-1 and 2-5.

  6. "What you do is you try to breed an environment of positives," said Bills quarterback Drew Bledsoe. "You try to go forward with a very positive attitude: "OK, this is what we have to do to win.' We're not focused on the negative is what I'm saying. We're focused on the positive going forward."



    Don't know about you all, but my stomach is churning, I'm getting that bad bile taste in my mouth... I'm about to blow lunch and I haven't even digested my breakfast yet.

  7. nothing like indicting the offensive line. That must really make them want to block all that much harder for him.


    But more important... he indicted himself. "I don't know what more I can do". Bingo!!! That says it all. He's given the Bills everything he's got...alas, it aint enough to add up to a win. So, he doesn't know what else he can do? Well, a QB has to WIN... and you can't do that if you don't have the will to WIN.

  8. I'd go for a 2nd opinion... for one thing, mechanics prey on women because they think they're not that knowledgeable when it comes to mechanical issues so they feel they can say and do anything they want and you'll believe it.


    But... a longer term issue... and i hate to say it, but, American cars are junk. Every Jap car I've bought... Nissan, Honda, Toyota... just runs and runs and runs... 2 years a go I sold a Nissan Sentra that I bought brand new in 91... I sold it with 172K miles on it and I still see the thing running around town. I still have my 93 Mazda 626 ES (produced just as Ford took it over) that my daughter drives and that has 175K on it... unbelieveable. I've got a 2000 Altima with 68K on it... I've done nothing but put tires on it.


    If it were me, after I get this Focus thing resolved, I'd go looking for a different vehicle and steer clear of an American made one.

  9. To a lemming, you just quoted Gospel. Sorry, I'm more of an X's and O's type of guy, it's that old boring "11 guys, strategy, and execution" thing...


    This is true re: the 11 guys executing... the problem here is that at least one of the 11 has no "grit" or "will to win"... the proverbial "fire in the belly"... to make an analogy to basketball... Drew Bledsoe is to the Bills what Allan Houston is to the Knicks... meaning that... these guys are content to lose and basically play the game for a paycheck and, to some degree they like competition... but they just don't want to be bothered or, at least have what it takes to win. They play the game at a particular level and rarely make a play that takes their team over the top. They never reach down and get that little extra that we all have inside.

  10. Let not your heart be troubled. This kid is the real deal... and yes, DeeRay has a knack for identifying QB busts. I exposed "Golden Child" Collins, Rojo, and Bledsoe as cowshit long before most fans acknowledged it.


    JP has "it". What is "it"? Damned if I know, but he has "it". The swagger, the bounce, the passion, the will to win... all the stuff that simply can't be measured, like arm strength, speed, size, testing scores. If I were to describe JP or compare him to another NFL QB, the closest description would be Brett Favre or Flutie with size and arm strength.


    Now, hypothetically, what happens if he's a bust? Well, what would you do if you were the owner. Your GM just gave up a number 1 and a number 4 for the pleasure of paying out a huge bonus of which not only can't be recovered, it handcuffs the team salary cap wise. So, the logical thing would be to look at what your GM has done overall... and what type of players has he drafted and how to these players stack up now. If I look at that, my GM has failed miserably, and then to add to a bust QB... this GM is soooooooo fired!!! JP, Evans, and McGahee may be the only players that save "Old Whitey's " ass from Ralph's wrath in the end, cuz I don't see any player that he's drafted that's worth a damn... except for, perhaps Schobel. "Old Whitey" would be wise to tell his scouts to simply look for mean and nasty, not warm and fuzzy.

  11. will it be sold or is he giving it to someone?


    well... none of his heirs want the team... so it has been said.


    that leaves one option... the team will be sold. Once the team is sold, it is going to move out of Buffalo. There's not too many businessmen that would be happy in a venue that has no potential for generating revenue.


    Right now, the NFL is prepared to bank roll a new stadium in LA. They desparately want a team back in that market... where Jack Nicholson and the rest of the hollywooders can piss away $1M on a luxury box which is non shared revenue for an owner. Just imagine a cutting edge stadium in LA... 30, 000 seats for the owner to share revenue and 5,000 luxury suites non shared revenue....

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