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Posts posted by DeeRay

  1. The Bills are there now.


    Dude... we don't know that yet. Sunday's game is a "benchmark" game to see if this team is ready for primetime yet.


    If the bills win Sun., , that, coupled with the defensive changes (Vincent at FS) and the emergence of Willis, Evans, and the OL., this team may be able to win despite bledsoe. And, it appears that our special teams may be able to steal a game or two. You never know what is going to happen... injuries play a big part in things. If Pennington goes down, the Jets season is over. If Ty Law is out for a while, it changes the whole complexion of the Pats D. With Leftwitch out for a few weeks in Jax, that may put them in a big hole... and if Priest Holmes gets injured... or Marvin Harrison... you just never know how the race will turn out.


    That's why Sunday's game is pivotal... it's a division game, a revenge game, a "stand up and be counted" game, and a benchmark game. So, they win Sunday... 3-5 at the halfway point? It's significantly better than I would have envisioned 3 weeks ago. Now the Bills magic # becomes 7... they need to win 7 of 8... It all comes back to this Sunday... If the Bills lose.... no question about it... GAME OVER... piss on the fire and call in the dogs, the hunt is over. Start playing as if the slate were wiped clean and next season is just beginning.

  2. this is absolutely fabulous news.


    and wow... there has been no shortage of good news this week...


    1) Bills win

    2) Kerry loses,

    3) Dems lose more seats in congress

    4) arafat's impending death

    5) hammer is down in Fallujah (hallelujah)

    6) and now Spurrier to the Fins... guarantees the Bills a sweep each season he's there.


    All we need now is for Osama to be diagnosed with Brain cancer and then the Bills kick the stevestojan out of the jets...

  3. Tucker hasn't played bad... but Teague is the starter at C and cleared to play after being injured for few weeks.


    I just don't know if it's such a good idea to plug him back in as the starter yet cuz we're beginning to get Willis untracked and the O line seems like it's just beginning to get it's stevestojan together a little bit. So, do we want to toy with that or work Teague back in slowly?

  4. just saying its a shame we only get two choices... that's all.


    well steve, it sounds good, but I'm old enough to remember back in the 92 election when it was a 3 way race between the elder Bush, Ross Perot, and William Jefferson Clinton. Ross Perot got damn near 20% of the vote. The elder Bush took 33% of the vote and Clinton got 36%. Can you imagine that a president got elected with only 36% of the vote??? that means 64% of the voters didn't think he was worthy of their vote. Now, the votes that Perot got were about 80% Republican voters that voted for him instead of Bush... so if Perot doesn't run, the elder Bush would have gotten another 16% of the vote and he beats Clinton 49 to perhaps 39... a pretty huge victory.... If this happens, Monica Lewinsky never becomes an ashtray for a president and, thus, a household name.


    4 years ago, a similar situation occured when Ralph Nader took around 7 percent of the vote as the third candidate. most all of those votes were Democrats that did not vote for Al Gore. Had Nader not run, Al Gore would have been president instead of GW. That didn't happen, so we'll never know what Al Gore would have invented or taken credit for that he didn't do in his 4 years in office.


    The moral of the story, Steve, the 3 candidates sounds like a great idea because we're used to having many options or choices in everything we do... but when it comes to voting for the presidency we all seem to line up just like the politicians... some to the left and some to the right. If a few of us voters try to be Mavericks and go neither Democrat or Republican... the Democrat or Republican that we don't like is going to win.


    So, Steve, instead of a third party or candidate, we just need 1 damn candidate that is worth a stevestojan and that 55-60% of the voters really like and have confidence in. I don't know if there's a single person out there that is embraced by that many voters.... although I have heard rumors that Donald Trump might bank roll Jesse Ventura in 2008.

  5. Why don't they have one that goes from Buffalo-Cleveland-Detroit.....this would be great for football/baseball/hockey games.....unlike Toronto which is a world class city.....this offers these"rustbelt" cities a chance to help each other!


    Would you really want to jump on that ferry in December, January, Feb.... and March...??? Man, I've got to send you a copy of Gordon Lighfoot's "Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald"... I know it ain't lake Superior we're talking here... but it's pretty damn close. Definitely not for this kid... even with case under my belt.

  6. Drew gives his linemen each 500$ if he has a game with no sacks. This was verified by AVP. It was mentioned because they gave up 0 sacks this past weekend.


    Duly noted. Thanks, I wasn't aware of that. It is good that Drew is doing that. I don't tip my hat much, if any, to Drew... but if this is the case, I'll make an exception and applaud himfor doing the right thing.


    One question... what if the Drew gets sacked, say twice in one game and both sacks are his fault. Do the O linemen still get rewarded?

  7. No sense in looking back on this. Shaw was sometimes good and sometimes bad. Shaw wouldn't have made an appreciable difference in the Bills W/L record. They still have Haddad and Fast Freddie to fall back on... and now it appears that Euhus may be emerging. As far as Evans goes, he's been open, Drew has either under/over thrown him, thrown the ball too late, or not gotten the pass off because of the 8-9 man fronts. It's just a matter of time before JP gets in at QB and makes defenses pay for that... and Evans is going to scorch some DBs. Soon defenses will have to choose their poison... if they cheat up to stop Willis, JP is going to toast them. If they put only 7 in the box, Willis is going to gouge them. Good times are just around the corner.

  8. yeah, it was classy... and although I'm going to go off topic slightly... I remember a time when QBs and RBs used to lavish their Offensive linemen with gifts or meals or just something in recognition for what they do week in and week out. Too bad I don't see that from Drew. The O line is not one of the team's strengths, but damnit, they repeatedly face 8 and 9 man fronts and "cheating up" defenders because of Drew's inability to make quick decisions, correct decisions, and accurate throws. You would think that Drew would at least throw them a bone once and a while... I mean last week, there were no sacks. Now, I don't know if Drew did or said something to recognize the O line publicly or behind the scenes, but I would hope that he propped them up a little bit and recognized/rewarded them cuz those guys have taken a lot of heat over the past two seasons. The recognition stuff goes a long way to building unity and confidence in a team.


    So, while you're tipping your hat to Willis... which is deserved, I'm gonna tip my hat to the offensive line... they've got one hell of a cross to bear as long as Drew is at QB.

  9. Um, nice try. This generation is far more sophisticated and intelligent than you give them credit for - they realize that both parties nominated total buffoons and that there's no real choice. Oh, and by the way, voter turnout among this generation is HIGHER than in previous elections - so there goes your theory.


    I'll respectfully disagree with your assessment of this generation. While I certainly agree that there is perhaps 20% of this generation that falls into your assessment, more than half of them are totally clueless... other than presidential candidates, they couldn't tell you who Tom Daschle, Ted Kennedy, Rick Santorum, or John McCain is. Ask them to show you where Iowa is on a US map, or ask them to show you whre Iraq is on a globe... no way. This generation is more interested in getting the correct tatoo, piercings, MTV, what designer clothes to get, what car or things makes me look better than everyone else... or at least as good, and taping the next episode of road rules than anything else. And the thing that toasts me even more is that it's my generation of people that produced and parented most of them.

  10. "I don't care who wins, they both suck."


    Yo Fez... she ain't alone re: her sentiments. I think that probably the majority of voters feel much the same... we were reduced to voting for the one that would least likely screw things up more than they already are. It's sad when there's not a presidential candidate that you actually like.

  11. I ain't gonna say it's not possible for the Bills to pull this one out, but it will be a tough one.


    I'm looking at this week's game as a pivotal game. Pivotal in many ways...


    1) It's a benchmark game to see if last week was a fluke or maybe a trend... especially red zone efficiency.


    2) It's a game to see how this game responds after the whipping they took in Jersey and are the fired up enough to diah out a tall glass of whoop ass.


    3) The Jets are traveling after a Monday night game that was physical and energized. Will there legs be there this week and will the Bills play physical football in all 3 phases of the game, which is the key to beating the Jets.


    If the Bills lose... same ole, same ole. However, if they pull this one out, that's definitely going to get my attention and I may have to alter some of my recent perceptions. Anything is possible.

  12. now that Tim Bowens and Larry Chester are on IR for the season, the Fins are really soft in the middle... and it's only a matter of time before this takes it's toll on Zack Thomas because the 2 guys in the middle of their defense can't protect him like Bowens and Chester.

  13. You had your say, and now I'm gonna have mine!


    This is a gross exaggeration. yeah, Bills fans are pissed... but I don't see anyone jumping of the wagon and joining forces with any other NFL team. Hell, just the opposite... you can see the "PASSION"... and "PASSION" swings both ways. You've got to take the bad with the good. I just see it as many of us are fed up... especially when most of us drank the Teflon Tom Koolaid. After 4 years you would think we'd see marked improvement in this team, but we're not... and I, for one, don't think this team is deserving of a "free pass" any longer... So, I'll keep bitchin til they reach expectations or at least I see a reason not to B word.


    If you want nice things said all of the time, this ain't the board for it.

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