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Everything posted by DeeRay

  1. Dude... this defense is seriously flawed, and we as bills fans, need to admit this. We beat a very poor and demoralized Dolphins team at home. Then we beat two teams, one in the same boat as us and one that was ripe for the picking. Both of those games were in the wind swept ralph... and the defense had a huge advantage because of that... they didn't really have to defend or honor the pass. The Bills are above average in the middle, but are going to need serious help after this year... Sam Adams will not cut it without a near dominant tackle playing beside him. The linebacking corps, except for Posey is solid... we need a LB that can run and hit... Posey is only in there because we don't have bonafide DEs. The DEs are below average... I don't care what schobels sack numbers are... there are 32 left tackles in the NFL including Jonas Jennings, and I guarantee you none of them fear Schobel... and probably schobel doesn't command even minimal attention on an opponents scouting/game planning for the bills... unless their plan is to abuse him (like last night). Denney and Kelsay are career journeymen. The secondary is ashambles... Milloy is the only player above average. The only consistency Vincent has shown is that he is consistenly injured. Even when he played he wasn't a factor. Clements is an average corner with return skills... he is not allpro or "lock down" material. Reese just flat out sucks... career backup material, and McGee... I don't know just yet because he's young and kind of just been thrown in there... and ain't doing the job. So, we've got serious issues on the defensive side of the ball... and I don't even want to get into the offensive side... the thing that pisses me off is that Teflon Tom has had 4 years to turn this around and we're still rebuilding... it must be a phase one of a twelve year plan.
  2. say what? why shouldn't nixon sound like a saint next to this bastard? what did nixon do that compares to this bastard?
  3. the dude may be guilty...I don't have a clue. I didn't the call for jury duty. All I know is what I've read and heard through the media. Based on that, I don't see any evidence beyond a reasonable doubt that he did it. We know the guy is a liar, an adulterer, we know he was fishing in his new boat about a mile from where the bodies of his wife/child floated ashore, we know he didn't behave like an innocent person is supposed to behave after his wife came up missing, and we know he was in a disguise with a lot of cash in his pocket and heading south toward LA... or San Diego, or Mexico. So, is this enough to convict him of murder 1? I don't know... the prosecution has to connect those dots. we'll see.
  4. even money says he walks.
  5. Up for grabs is The Cortica Jug tomorrow. Will the jug stay in Cortland or will the Bombers take it back from the Red Dragons... who have held it for two years now? IC has to be the favorite... but lately, that hasn't seemed to matter... and the game is in Cortland this year.
  6. couldn't you say the same about your right hand? or are you left handed?
  7. i think the bills ought to do what they've been doing to win 3 out of the last 4... and that is... 1) BE PHYSICAL IN ALL 3 PHASES OF THE GAME 2) GIVE THE PATS A HEALTHY DOSE OF WILLIS MCGAHEE... so much that they will be pleading for a deep pass from Bledsoe.
  8. good point... accidental pregancy? well, that happens in and out of wedlock... and actually happened to me (inside wedlock). I think the irresponsiblity comes when two irresponsible people make a baby and have no clue as how to bring the child up or provide for it. The child suffers as a result... that's what get's my shorts in a knot.
  9. If I'm the GM, I tear up his existing contract and let him take his act some place else.
  10. Why is that for any of us to say? Isn't this the parents' business and as long as the parents take good care of the kids, why should we care? The parents seem happy... and this is a miracle. My congrats to them.
  11. Which, to me, shows that some things never change. Same ole, same ole for the palastinians... there was chaos with arafat and there is/wil be chaos without him... he is/was irrelevant. There certainly is an opportunity here, but the palastinians just don't get it... nor will they ever.
  12. Come on now, Ice... Al Gore had not yet invented TBD in 86 (SDS actually got the idea from him, though). Anyway... I know you bleed R,W, & B. But, this team seems to be getting on track, despite Bledsoe... the emergence of McGahee has changed the whole complexion of this team... If this offense can now control the clock and put points on the board without Bledsoe having to "make plays" and instead just not "hurt" the team, this puts a whole different spin on things... because, now you've got a special teams unit that can back up what happens on either side of the football in addition to having a defense that can suffocate teams if the offense continues to play ball control and low risk, high effeiciency. So, the team I'm describing is a playoff team. They have won 3 of the last 4 and if they win Sun. night... I guarantee that you're going to look at this thing totally different on Mon. Morning. Now as far as for playing for the future... the future is now. However, that doesn't mean that when JP is physically ready that they continue to sit him if the bills make a run and continue to win. I definitely would encourage the Bills coaching staff to find a way to get him 6-10 snaps per game. Also, if the Bills are fortunate enough to get in a situation where they are blowing a team out in the late 3rd, early 4th Q, it would make a lot of sense to get JP some extendo time in the offense.
  13. I don't think it's about "cute" here... Strippers?... if they have to choose between "cute" and "money".... "money always wins out... I don't think they give one rat's ass about whether or not he's cute... he's Derek Jeter... a very famous person with lots of money.
  14. dude... we did the math. we know 7-1 is the sweet spot. we know it's a tough road to hoe. will we? not if the offense doesn't get better and the defense has to stop giving up yards/points in "money" time. I said last week was a pivotal game and if the Bills won, they took a huge step forward. We win this week, and "game on" we are back. The drive for the playoffs has begun. Injuries... Pennington? Ty Law, Priest Holmes, Steve McNair. Dude... who's next? Alan Faneca, Marvel Smith, Plaxico Burress, Tom Brady, Teddy Bruschi, Edgerrin James, Marvin Harrison, Shaun Alexander, Ray Lewis, Jamaal Lewis, Curtis Martin? You never know. So, are you with us on this? or are you going to climb on the wagon after the bills win 7 straight and host the steelers? Reality is reality... The Bills dug them self a hole... but it seems to me that this team is beginning to define itself and starting to smell a little blood.... for them, now is the time to fish or cut bait. We'll see if they're ready for prime time... they're either contenders or pretenders. the answer comes Sun. night.
  15. I think you're missing a message in all of this, KD... arafat is irrelevent and whoever comes after him will be also. the jews and pals and the arabs have been going at it for centuries... and will continue rto do so... it will not matter who leads who. there will never be peace in the middle east or the world. CSI, the super bowl, the world series... it wouldn't matter what they interupt. A scum like arafat and his fake nobel peace prize is not worthy of prime time minutes on US national TV in my humble opinion.
  16. has he been playing well at CB? nope! will he ever? jury still out... however, he has been in on numerous tackles, pass breakups, has a pick, and a fumble recovery... I like his upside... he just ain't there yet, but I believe he will be. Either the defense is ranked number 3 with him or despite him. which is it?
  17. Yes - we're dreaming if we think we live in a "free" country.
  18. tom... lighten up dude. too many years on the beltway? you're taking this arafat thingy way too personal and way too serious... Oh... and if only cbs used a "crawl" istead of pre-empting.... I mean, was arafat's death unexepected? it aint like arafat was one of the most beloved fellows in our lifetime. In fact, I don't think there are too many heads of state that are scrambling to get to his wake... they're thinking what I'm thinking... "YES"!!! Lastly, tom.... I'm truly sorry for watching a show that you depise... I feel so silly and inadequate for having done so... it was very childish and sophmoric on my part... oh, and also my sincere apology for boring you.
  19. nevermind this drivel.... what did fletcher have to say about arafat?
  20. I will cede to you that it does.... so I guess my name is safe?
  21. melodrama... so, my pain is entertaining you??? I thought fellow boarders would show me just a tad more love than they're showing arafat. Damn... I must be a bigger villain than I realized. Does this mean that there is going to be referendum to have the term stevestojan replaced with deeray?
  22. WTF is a hot pocket... Is that simalr to a hot foot? Arafat dead??? Who would of known? Has he been ill? .... The pain of not finishing an episode of CSI cannot be underestimated. What should have played out is this... the palestinians decide not to unplug his life support gizmo until about 11:40 pm this coming Sunday night... Bills are down 4 with 31 seconds, one timeout left, and driving.... pass complete and run out of bounds at the 6 yd. line... 1st and goal with 26 seconds on the clock.... SORRY!! we interupt this scheduled program for this special News Bulletin..... If that happened I can't imagine that anyone would be pissed... but CSI????
  23. jeezuz god.... rent the damn movie if you're that pissed off.
  24. I cannot figure out why everyone is so excited about this guy. He hasn't done stevestojan for the Bills... and I can't remember, if ever, the last time he played a full season. Is he the answer at FS??? Well, obviously he aint the answer at CB and the last I knew, "hurt" don't play. So whooptey do dah day... we might get a handful of games out of him at FS... Hell, we could have saved the $$$ and plugged McGee in at CB from the get go (he's there anyway) and brought a FS in who knows how to play the position and not pay CB money.
  25. who the hell cares about this wothless piece of stevestojan!!!! he's been dead for over a godamn week....WTF? All I know is I'm watching CSI last night and 5 minutes before the mystery is solved CBS breaks in to tell us that this muderous !@#$ is dead... No fugging stevestojan!!! and they couldn't wait 5 godamn minutes for the 11pm news to let that out??? No.... they've got to say fugg you to 6 million people who were watching CSI... Well CBS can kiss my big hairy ass. I'll never watch another CSI show as long as I live you sonsabitches.... I wasted a whole damn hour.
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