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Everything posted by DeeRay

  1. A hard count? Ah, yes... that is when bledsoe gets sacked and the referee stands over him as he lays on the turf and begins the count. If bledsoe beats the count to 10 he gets another down... unless it's on 4th down. Also, the "3 knockdown" rule is waived in the NFL.
  2. It doesn't make me wonder. I know what type of team Donahoe has assembled. One that is margianlly competitive, salary cap manageable, easy to break up, and most important to Mr. Wilson, easy to sell (which would also make "Tags" happy).
  3. Please... let's just retire/burn #11 jerseys. The number 11 should be taken out of circulation... period.
  4. 1. Cool 2. There ain't a dime's difference between Tom and Tom 3. OK... and what is the return on this invenstment? 4. Cool 5. Maybe he just needs to be fattened up. (if he's better than Pucillo, why wouldn't you want him playing instead? 6. McGahee... lead blocker for Travis and vice versa? I'm sorry... No.
  5. Darin... first of all... I don't need the condescending BS from you reminding me how "stupid" my logic is. I know that every day when you look in the mirror, you can't waith til tomorrow because you get smarter and better looking everyday. Now... if you care to read my post... I began with... IF IT HAPPENS FINE!!!!!!!!!!!!! but, if you think there is not going to be a learning curve here, you are mistaken. Just because you have precedence doesn't mean a whole lot. Vincent wasn't durable on the corner and putting him in the middle where he has to step up against the run is going to expose him more... that's all I'm saying... I know... I can't run with boys like you... I'm stupid.
  6. I don't know how anyone can say this... let alone believe it. If it happens, fine. Vincent didn't make a difference when he started. Now, because he's going to switch to Free Safety, he's already an upgrade. He's going to play a position that he's never played before and instinctivly make plays. He goes from having his back to the QB most of the time in coverage to most always facing the QB in coverage. On run plays, his angles of attack change... It worked with Rod Woodson... OK, but Vincent will never be mistaken for Rod Woodson who is one of the alltime greats. Woodson also did not make the switch in midseason. Lastly, Wooson actually played most of the time... Vincent is an ornament in the trainers room and a lockerroom attorney (players association kissass). There's a reason Philly let him walk.
  7. I can't believe you said this. Quick, someone hide this from Fake Fat Sunny. He called out Bobby April for using Military terms for his special teams... and I don't think he's gonna like this any better. Run and hide BB27. (ps...your anaolgy makes sense to me though)
  8. Oh... nothing compares to 52-17 at Pasedena. I was there and I've never been the same.
  9. you learn by doing.. What a better way to turn up the screws on the oline and the rest of the team. So, Ralph pays a visit to the locker room tomorrow. "Boys, let me introduce you to #7. This is JP Franchise. Unlike Drew, he has the ability to move and make plays. However, boys, don't get me wrong here, that doesn't mean that you don't have to block for him. On the contrare. If one of you so much as allow the number 7 on his uni to get soiled, I will take it personally. So, today the page turns boys. Next year begins now."
  10. I think MM is just waiting for the memo from Ralph to be handed to him.
  11. and the result will be another piss poor performance.
  12. Is that a good thing or a bad thing?
  13. Ralph doesn't want to sell the team... true. However, the man is in his mid eighties and doesn't have the fire in his belly like he used to. So, since he's a heartbeat away from "a turn for the worse" health wise... and maybe even death, he knows his wife doesn't want to deal with ownership and neither do any of his children. So, he's basically ordered Teflon Tom to get it "ready for sale" when that "heartbeat" way time comes. So far, Tom has put this team in a good position salary cap wise. He's also managed to sell enough luxury suites, season tix, and the entire CNY/WNY area on a team that has one of the worst records in the entire NFL over the past 4 years. That definitely gets a prospective buyer's attention. On top of that, he now has probably the most visited training camp for fans... which, if I'm a prospective buyer of the team, see that as validation that I have a fan base. Also, a franchise that is "down" sells low and has no place to go but up... er, uh, should I say, no place to go but to another city? Lastly... Teflon Tom doesn't give a rat's stevestojan about his feet being held to the fire by the media and fans. Teflon Tom's worst nightmare is if Ralph is pissed off at him... and I don't think that's the case... In fact, Ralph is proably telling him... "Tom, you done good, boy. Keep up the good work"
  14. At least I'll give you credit for having the balls to come out and admit you're still a Bledsoe apologist. By the time JP got in last night... to a man, everyone of them were so humiliated and beaten down that the only fight left in them was to fight to be the first one on the bus to the airport. I'm sure the last thing on any of their minds was making sure that JP was cozy in the pocket... and for the patriots... well, I don't think they were thinking "run" at that stage of the game, so perhaps they were just pinning their ears back... or at least that would be my guess.
  15. Uh, this just in, Mickey... I think Donahoe was exposed about a year ago. I don't think Ralph's objective when he brought Teflon Tom to town was to re- build the team... Teflon Tom's job is to prepare this team for market. He's done a good job at that.
  16. Don't thse balls go for $150/copy with or without air? If that's the case... I'm going to suggest the "Nerf" replicas. As the once famous Mora Sr. would say..... "Game balls? Game balls? Are you kidding? We didn't do diddly poo!"
  17. Well, apparently the Bills coaching staff didn't get that memo... please re-fax.
  18. It's been said that after a team gets blown out, many coaches just toss out the game tape and bury it. Well, this is one case in which an exception should be made. I think Mr. Wilson ought to hand out their own personal DVD copy of last night's game to each coach and player... and then, each coach and player has to personally report into TSH and tell us, how they graded themselves, what they should have done, why it will never happen again, and why they believe 70,000 plus fans ought to cough up an avg. of $125 to attend the Bills game this week. Now, that's accountability!
  19. put down your hot pocket and tip your hat to moorman... this year's Bills MVP.
  20. Oh Come on... Moorman has a performance like last night and you're going to deny him a game ball? Where is your sense of decency? Have you no compassion?
  21. Ah, but Nick... let's not get drastic here... I remember when we had SS Leonard Smith. He would just "jack up" opponents all over the field and out of bounds... but we loved him... cuz the Bills were winning then. We missed him badly in SBXXVI....we all would have loved to see him lay out the Redskin receivers if the came over the middle... All is good with "London" Mr. England... as long as the bills are winning.
  22. Oh... there are few of them still out there... They sure ain't gonn show their faces after last night. I don't know if they really believe that Bledsoe is going emerge at some point or if they just don't want to admit they are wrong about him... or, they just can't bear the pain of admitting that after two years, DeeRay has been right all along on this loser.
  23. FLPUNTER... thank you thank you... I am now vindicated... And to fellow Bills fans DCTom, PACO, and Thailog, I say... you apologies are accepted. and Thailog... did you really believe I didn't know what a hot pocket was? For Christ's sake, I wait for the coupons to come before I buy em... although I don't eat them as much as I used to, these bad boys sustain me when Mrs. Deeray is away.
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