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Everything posted by DeeRay

  1. geezuz god, that is god awful pathetic. her brain is just outright fried.
  2. I'd be real careful with pioli... but at this point, I'd have to say that a trunk monkey is better than Teflon Tom. Pioli's success in New England can only be attriuted to Belichik so there's not a real good read on pioli. Belichik is flying at 30,000 feet. The next best coach to him is flying at 5,000 feet. It doesn't seem to matter who he plugs in at any position... it just works. If Dallas had played the same two corners the Pats used against the bills on Sunday night, against the eagles, the Eagles would have probably scored 90 points... How many teams can get away with starting their 3rd string corners and still dominate? Answer... only one... whichever team Belichik coaches.
  3. Bills have managed 143 points against the opposition.... when you consider that the Bills have scored points off tds on 2 kickoff returns and 1 punt return plus 1 safety, that means our high octane offense has managed just 123 points... is this worse than last year with killdrive?
  4. that is truly god awful. i feel his pain. that david stern is a prick.
  5. aussie seems to think that maybe he is too small boned. she may be onto something.
  6. please... haven't we been tortured enough. The only arguments if they both were here now is who wears #11, and who garners the greater salary cap numbers.
  7. the way to beat the Pats is not rocket science. You simply have to be physical with them (see the steelers game)... KC has arguably the best O Line in the game. Trust me... they are going to abuse and punish the Pats defense (See KC vs. Ravens). The question is this... will the KC defense muster up enough to as physical as their offense? I don't think so. So it's a close one and KC has taken it's lumps lately at home.
  8. Let's not limit this to just Sully. This describes at least 10% of the posters on TSW.
  9. fezmid... let's not bring up water under the bridge. right now we're talking Bledsoe... don't cloud the issue. The issue is... Bledsoe... anything that preceded him has nothing to do with it. Look at his numbers. look at the team's record. what you see is what we got... and that aint good. Anyone that insists on playing Bledsoe isn't doing the guy any favors. He is physically and mentally a beaten man and playing him is gonna get him killed. Playing him at this point is just damn inhumane. Don't use the "dignity" card either... carting him off the field motionless ain't my definition of dignity.
  10. Coach... to use one of your favorites... "you're kidding, right"? Now, Bledsoe, HOF, mentioned in the same breath?? Well, if Bledsoe makes it into the HOF, then why shouldn't Jeff George???? George has a better career rating by at least 4 points. and if Jeff George makes it in there, then the HOF needs to be renamed the HOS.
  11. Dude, that time has passed.... if they keep playing him it's gonna look a lot like Anthony Quinn in the movie "Requiem for a Heavyweight". He is like a boxer that has taken a few too many punches... his instincts and reactions are shot and he's gonna get hurt... if the Bills coaching staff can't see that, then they're not qualified to coach on any level. If they keep playing him, the results are going to be tragic.
  12. many moons ago when I was riding my bike through neighborhoods pitching newspapers on the front porches, I frequently encountered this... back then there was no such thing as leash law... Dogs regularly chased cars and bikes. I found a place I could order cans of "Dog gone".... that's what they called it. It was dog mace. I squirted that a few times when the dogs came out to gave chase.... i never had to mace the same dog twice after that. So, do a web search to see if they still have it or damn... just use peeper spray... it's legal.
  13. Ah, yes... and you are the epitome of "class". You must have swallowed gallons of that Bledsoe koolaid...
  14. geezuz god... you mean all those things deeray's been saying for the past two seasons are true? Wow, who would have known? Is CNN, NBC, ABC, CBS, FOX, HBO,ESPN now projecting or confirming that Bledsoe is indeed a loser?
  15. that's why I say, even if you have the tix,burn em... dont' throw away good money after bad money. I also would love to see the fans forego purchasing their season tickets til two -four games into the season so they can see what type investment they're making. I know.... it aint gonna happen... but, as you can atest to, simply voicing one's displeasure is laughed at in the bills front office.... cut off the money and make them earn the fan support... well, that will get their damn attention.
  16. I'm sure you will continue to support them... even if ralph had sold the team years ago to Jim Jones and moved the team to Jonestown, Guyana.
  17. If what your saying is true, then what a golden opportunity the fans have to stand up and show some backbone by staying away from the Ralph this weekend....
  18. dude... do you pay to park? do you pay for hot dogs and beer, do you pay for souveneirs.... Have you forgotten your letter of dipleasure to Teflon Tom last year bitching about all the $$$ money you spent hauling your ass and family from the slag piles of Granville to the Ralph, onlt to see the Bills get the stevestojan kicked out of them? Did you forget that... and what you spent on gas/meals/hotel and Thruway tolls????? Not to mention about 14 hours in the car with the family?
  19. I was thinking of that myself. However, since Drew has looked so stupid at QB, he must be stupid. So if 70,000 fans start booing him, he's going to think they're yelling Drewwwwwwwwwwwwwwww, not Booooooooooooooooooooooooo.
  20. Dude... this just in.... The Bills carry 3 QBs on their roster. 2 of them are not Bledseo and two of them are not JP. I did the math, and theat leaves Shane Matthews... and he can't possibly do any worse than Bledsoe right now.
  21. Burn your tix to this weeks game and if you don't have them, don't buy them. The fans need to take this team back. Show Ralph and Teflon Tom that we're not afraid to stand up to them and hurt them where it counts... in their wallet.
  22. Drew has to be benched... period!!! Whether or not MM puts JP in there is another debate. I don't care if he starts Matthews... the results or impact of that is not going to be worse than we're getting right now.
  24. Uh, dude... that pick is actually J.P. Losman...who is about to be named the starter and when he actually helps the Bills win half of their remaining games, that pick will a number 12. If Bledsoe stays in at QB, it guarantees the pick will be a top 5 pick. The question is this.... what if we hadn't made the trade with Dallas for the pick to select J P Losman.... 1) who should the bills select? (I'm not sold on Ortman) 2) do you know anyone on this planet that trusts Teflon Tom with a number 5 pick???
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